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Notebook 6

Brooke Prince
8b. Choose a section of text, or an image, or a piece of media, and write in response to it. you
can structure a dialogue with your selection, or write a counterpoint to it (contradict it! write
about what experiences it connects to, for you, or what other texts"images"media.
#$hy was the piece of media of %alue to your social &ustice issue'
(his %ideo captures the %alidity of pro%iding our law enforcement with portable cameras or
cameras on their dashboards. )t ensures legality whether they are doing traffic stops or going to
the extremes of arresting at gunpoint.
#*ow does this %ideo connect to what you+re working on'
(his %ideo is about traffic stops law enforcement do on well tra%eled roads to stop the flow of
drugs. (hey usually find a legal way to pull o%er people particularly with out of state licenses to
see and persuade a search to catch indi%iduals who potentially are drug traffickers. )n the %ideo
they display illegal traffic stops that were luckily caught on camera. (he pre%ention of illegal
substances is a good cause, howe%er if its not being done in a legal way this needs to be dealt
with. (his pertains hugely to my position argument that cameras become useful when
redirecting legality, because if officers knew they were being taped arrests would be done
ethically, searches would be done with warrants or permission, and traffic stops would re,uire
#$hat does this ha%e to do with racial profiling or the -ichael Brown case'
-y social &ustice issue binds into two topics, one racial profiling within law enforcement which
)+m stressing the most on, and two police brutality. (his %ideo does not necessarily tie into the
-ichael Brown case, howe%er traffic stops are occasionally done illegally and are based a lot on
suspicion. .fficers often times will profile %ehicles and dri%ers making assumptions. (his is why
pro%iding cameras to officers becomes imperati%e for both the officer and the indi%idual. )t
e,uips us with further insight so we can ensure that e%erything is being done correctly.
#)s this %ideo really a huge problem or do the ends &ustify the means'
) personally think that e%erything an officer does should be done legally. (hey are the protectors
of society and if we cannot trust their actions what reasons do we ha%e for keeping them' )n this
%ideo they truly are trying to benefit society, howe%er if there is one little slip up such as the one
caught on tape it de%elops conflict.

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