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Rainbow Flag Bearer Tribute

The bluest of skies, a flood of sunlight, a soft spring shower, then the Rainbow bright. Is
it not inspiring to behold our flag in all its splendor and majesty as it stands in its place in
our Assembly room? May it be that its beautiful presence and significance will ever
remind us of the debt of loving gratitude we owe to those who have culled from the
treasure house of all ages its inspiring lesson. When we behold this flag, your flag and
my flag, may we ever be reminded that this gratitude can only be expressed in pure
lives, brave hearts, charitable thoughts, and service -- the fulfillment of Love.

Our flag, with its many hues, symbolizing the beautiful lessons exemplified by the
heroines of our Assembly, we love each color true.

Love the Red of you,
The Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue,
Indigo and Violet too.
Into every heart each ray must fall;
Love, the fulfillment of every law.
A Religion of Love and Service,
Nature, the great amphitheater of God
Immortality and Fidelity, loyalty to kindred and friends,
Loyalty to our country and to our God
Patriotism and Service, the fulfillment of Love.

No matter where our journeys may take us, so long as we keep close to this flag and its
sacred teachings, we confidently believe that we will come safely to the end of the
Rainbow. Our Flag, a token between thee and me.

Rainbow Flag Bearer Tribute #2

Our Rainbow flag stretches oer the seas
And it forms a bow for you.
It has seven lovely colors
From bright red to violet hue.

Each color has a meaning and reveals a story of old.
When you live these lessons in your live
You find your Pot of Gold.

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