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verslon 3.

0 - May 2013
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 2 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
8y Cralg CarLmell

l sLlll remember wlLh greaL fondness Lhe orlglnal
0+12& 3*/4&* rules for 5/*%/((&* 678777. l
played endless games wlLh my frlends across
LableLops populaLed wlLh a wlde range of flgures
and Lerraln made from shoeboxes. Lven Lhough
Lhe rules were clunky and ofLen dldn'L work we
found LhaL we could have fun by operaLlng wlLh a
cheerful dlsregard for anyLhlng LhaL dld noL make

1he maln game of 5/*%/((&* 678777 remalns
one of Lhe mosL popular ln Lhe world, desplLe rules
LhaL run lnLo hundreds of pages and Lhe
conLlnuous churnlng ouL of army codlces. l belleve
LhaL lL ls Lhe 40k unlverse lLself LhaL keeps people
playlng raLher Lhan Lhe rules and flgures.

When 9)/:& ;*2-/4& and Lhen 9)/:& <2=> came
ouL l was over[oyed. Slmple rules made Lhe play
fun agaln. unforLunaLely when Lhe deal wlLh
MllLon 8radley ended so dld mosL supporL for
Lhese games.

1he nexL Lrue sklrmlsh game from Cames
Workshop was .&:*+(2"4/. 1he rules were qulLe
complex and resLrlcLed Lo playlng Lhe feaLured
gangs ln Lhe box. Llke 9)/:& ;*2-/4&, supporL
dwlndled, and lL wenL lnLo Lhe back caLalogue
(SpeclallsL Cames).

8y now l was readlng books publlshed by Lhe 8lack
Llbrary, wlshlng l could be Cregor Llsenhorn or
Cldeon 8avenor, so lmaglne my [oy when Lhe
!"?2@-@$+* game came ouL. l rushed down Lo my
local Cames Workshop and boughL Lhe rules.
1hank Lhe Lmperor l dldn'L buy Lhe flgures Loo,
because Lhe rules were probably Lhe worsL LhaL
Cames Workshop had ever creaLed. l couldn'L
belleve LhaL you needed a huge volume of rules Lo
descrlbe a game beLween Lwo groups of flve Lo Len

Slnce Lhen l have experlmenLed wlLh a number of
commerclal and home grown Sl sklrmlsh rules and
Lhls seL ls Lhe resulL of all LhaL work.

1he Second Ld|t|on

WlLh over 2,000 downloads of Lhe flrsL edlLlon and
plenLy of feedback from players around Lhe world,
we declded Lo re-edlL Lhe rules. 1he Second LdlLlon
had a number of small changes Lo LlghLen up Lhe
rules, and Lo lmprove Lhelr clarlLy and layouL. lL
also had brand new rules for lLems llke vehlcles.

1he mosL noLlceable change was Lhe spllLLlng of
Lhe game lnLo Lhree documenLs. 1he 8eLlnues of
Appendlx 2 had grown so large, especlally wlLh fan
made addlLlons, LhaL Lhey now formed a documenL
ln Lhelr own rlghL.

1he Campalgn SecLlon, wrlLLen by !ason MaesLros
and formerly appearlng ln Appendlx 1, was also
expanded lnLo a separaLe documenL.

1he 1h|rd Ld|t|on

1he 1hlrd LdlLlon was lnsplred by Lhe dlscusslon
and feedback on Lhe lorge of War forums. A
number of dedlcaLed !$'. players gave Lhelr
suggesLlons for lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe rules, based
on Lhelr experlence of playlng Lhe game.

lor Lhe 1hlrd LdlLlon, all of Lhe Core 8ules have
been revlewed and edlLed Lo lmprove Lhelr clarlLy
and conslsLency. 1he 1hlrd LdlLlon ls also Lhe flrsL
verslon of !$'. Lo be publlshed ln Lwo varlanLs: Lhe
Camer's LdlLlon, whlch reLalns Lhe exlsLlng plaln
and slmple" layouL and formaLLlng of prevlous
edlLlons, and Lhe deluxe Cold LdlLlon", whlch wlll
have full-colour layouL, lnllne graphlcs and a sLyle
ln keeplng wlLh Lhe grlm, dark unlverse of Lhe 41


unllke prevlous edlLlons, Lhe 8eLlnues and
Campalgns books wlll noL be released aL Lhe same
Llme as Lhe Core 8ules. unLll Lhese are updaLed
and revlsed, players can conLlnue Lo use Lhe books
from Lhe Second LdlLlon, buL be warned: Lhe polnLs
cosL sysLem ln Lhe 1hlrd LdlLlon ls qulLe dlfferenL
from Lhe old sysLem. layers should use Lhe onllne
8eLlnue 8ullder (see SecLlon 1.4) Lo work ouL Lhe
correcL polnLs cosLs for Lhelr flgures.

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 3 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
!"#$ Cn||ne

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(& was born and llves on Lhe
lnLerneL. Pere are a few llnks Lo webslLes where
you can flnd our more lnformaLlon abouL !$'.,
dlscuss rules, posL baLLle reporLs and mlnlaLure
plcLures, and more.

http:]]| - Lhe offlclal !$'.

http:]]rb.| - Lhe onllne
8eLlnue 8ullder where you can creaLe and
share your reLlnues

http:]] - Lhe
lorge of War webslLe and dlscusslon forum

http:]] -
Cawd 'elp us Cames, Cralg's webslLe


lL ls Lhe pracLlce of Lhe lorge of War uevelopmenL
Croup Lo glve credlL Lo each person who
conLrlbuLes Lo one of our games Lhrough Lhelr
conLrlbuLlons and play LesLlng.

Cavln 8rown ConLrlbuLor and 3
Cralg CarLmell Crlglnal AuLhor and LdlLor
!oseph urban Cover ArL
Chrls knowles ConLrlbuLor and roof-
ascal 1ognon ConLrlbuLor
Mlke 8ybak ConLrlbuLor
Ldgar 1raverso ConLrlbuLor
!ason MasLros ConLrlbuLor and creaLor of
Lhe Campalgn secLlon
ScoLL 8. yle ConLrlbuLor
lranclsco !avler ConLrlbuLor

Copyr|ght Not|ce

1hls game ls compleLely unofflclal and ln no way
endorsed by Cames Workshop LlmlLed.

AdepLus AsLarLes, 8lood Angels, 8loodquesL,
Cadlan, CaLachan, Lhe Chaos devlces, ClLyflghL, Lhe
Chaos logo, ClLadel, ClLadel uevlce, Codex,
uaemonhunLers, uark Angels, uark Lldar, 'Lavy
MeLal, Lldar, Lldar symbol devlces, Lye of 1error,
llre Warrlor, lorge World, Cames Workshop,
Cames Workshop logo, CenesLealer, Colden
uemon, Corkamorka, CreaL unclean Cne,
lnqulslLor, Lhe lnqulslLor logo, Lhe lnqulslLor devlce,
lnqulslLor: Consplracles, keeper of SecreLs, khorne,
krooL, Lord of Change, necron, nurgle, Crk, Crk
skull devlces, SlsLers of 8aLLle, Slaanesh, Space
Pulk, Space Marlne, Space Marlne chapLers, Space
Marlne chapLer logos, 1au, Lhe 1au casLe
deslgnaLlons, 1yranld, 1yrannld, 1zeenLch,
ulLramarlnes, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k
uevlce, WhlLe uwarf, Lhe WhlLe uwarf logo, and all
assoclaLed marks, names, races, race lnslgnla,
characLers, vehlcles, locaLlons, unlLs, lllusLraLlons
and lmages from Lhe Warhammer 40,000 unlverse
are elLher , 1M and/or CopyrlghL Cames
Workshop LLd 2000-2011, varlably reglsLered ln Lhe
uk and oLher counLrles around Lhe world. used
wlLhouL permlsslon. no challenge Lo Lhelr sLaLus
lnLended. All 8lghLs 8eserved Lo Lhelr respecLlve

1hls game ls fan-creaLed and as such ls free Lo copy
and use.
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

1ab|e of Contents

1he Second Ld|t|on.......................................... 2
1he 1h|rd Ld|t|on............................................. 2
!"#$ Cn||ne ...................................................3
Cred|ts ..........................................................3
Copyr|ght Not|ce...........................................3
1ab|e of Contents..........................................4
1 Introduct|on............................................6
1.1 A note for Warhammer 40,000
Lnthus|asts...................................................... 6
1.2 A note on f|gure sca|es........................... 6
1.3 8u||d|ng a ket|nue.................................. 6
1.4 Cn||ne ket|nue 8u||der........................... 6
1.S I|gure rof||es........................................ 6
1.6 I|gure Costs ........................................... 6
1.6.1 1he CosL of CrlL.................................. 7
1.7 I|gures................................................... 7
1.8 A|||es...................................................... 7
2 ...................................................................7
2 Arms and Lqu|pment...............................7
2.1 Armour .................................................. 7
2.1.1 1he CosL of armour ............................ 7 Weapons Suspensors.........................7
2.2 Weapons ............................................... 7
2.2.1 1he CosL of weapons ......................... 8
2.2.2 Weapon ALLrlbuLes ............................ 8 Peavy Weapon...................................8 Crenade .............................................8 llameLhrower ....................................8
2.3 Lqu|pment ............................................. 8
3 1he I|e|d of 8att|e ...................................9
3.1 1erra|n................................................... 9
3.2 Dep|oyment........................................... 9
3.3 Scenar|os ............................................... 9
4 |ay|ng the Game ....................................9
4.1 1he Sequence of |ay............................. 9
4.1.1 lnlLlaLlve............................................. 9
4.1.2 1he MovemenL hase........................ 9 Cover..................................................9
6ABACAC Cllmblng..............................................9 uropplng or !umplng........................10 llgures ln conLacL.............................10 MovemenL and 1error .....................10 sykers .............................................10
4.1.3 1he ShooLlng hase ......................... 10 8unnlng............................................10 ShooLlng...........................................10 ShooLlng and MovemenL ................. 11 ueclarlng 1argeLs and Checklng 8ange
11 ShooLlng and Cover ......................... 11 11 8olllng Lo PlL .................................... 11 1orrenL of llre ................................. 11
4.1.4 1he Melee hase.............................. 12 MulLlple Melee Weapons ................ 12 CuLnumberlng ................................. 13 Lxplodlng Slxes ................................ 13 ulsengaglng from Melee.................. 13 MulLlple ALLacks .............................. 13 Canglng up ...................................... 13
4.1.3 1he CrlL 8oll ..................................... 14
4.1.6 knock uown ..................................... 14
4.1.7 Morale.............................................. 14
4.1.8 osL-Came Survlval 1esL .................. 14
4.2 syker owers......................................1S
4.2.1 syker owers 1able ........................ 16
4.3 Spec|a| Ab|||t|es ....................................17
4.3.1 Analyze............................................. 17
4.3.2 8lonlcs.............................................. 17
4.3.3 8ounLy PunLer ................................. 17
4.3.4 CombaL MasLer ................................ 17
4.3.3 uaemon Lore.................................... 17
4.3.6 uefenslve MasLer ............................. 17
4.3.7 uesperaLe ShoL ................................ 17
4.3.8 Cround llghLer................................. 17
4.3.9 Cun kaLa .......................................... 17
4.3.10 Pard Lo klll ..................................... 17
4.3.11 lnhuman Cllmber ........................... 17
4.3.12 lnvoke lalLh ................................... 18
4.3.13 lron ulsclpllne ................................ 18
4.3.14 Medlc ............................................. 18
4.3.13 nose for 1rouble............................ 18
4.3.16 1error............................................. 18
4.3.17 Snlper............................................. 18
4.3.18 SLalwarL.......................................... 18
4.3.19 SLrange Ally.................................... 18
4.3.20 SLealLh............................................ 18
4.3.21 unLouchable .................................. 18
4.4 Lqu|pment ...........................................19
4.4.1 !ump ack ........................................ 19
4.4.2 !eL ack ............................................ 19
4.4.3 1eleporL Pomer................................ 19
4.4.4 Camo-cloak ...................................... 19
4.4.3 ulsplacemenL lleld........................... 19
4.4.6 Auspex ............................................. 20
4.4.7 vox-casLer ........................................ 20
4.4.8 Medl-pack ........................................ 20
4.4.9 Crapnel ............................................ 20
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 3 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
4.4.10 Crav-chuLe..................................... 20
4.4.11 Smoke Crenade ............................. 20
4.4.12 1elescoplc SlghL ............................. 20
4.4.13 1argeLer ......................................... 21
4.4.14 LlmlLer ........................................... 21
4.4.13 Suspensor ...................................... 21
4.S Veh|c|es ............................................... 21
4.6 Crew.................................................... 21
4.7 Movement........................................... 21
4.8 Lmbark|ng and D|sembark|ng .............. 21
4.9 Attack|ng a Veh|c|e .............................. 21
4.10 Weapons and I|r|ng........................... 22
4.11 kamm|ng........................................... 22
4.12 o|nts Cost ........................................ 22
4.13 Lxamp|e Veh|c|es............................... 23
Append|x Cne - Aboard 1he nu|k ...............24
1 Introduct|on..........................................24
2 8oarders and Defenders........................24
3 ku|es .....................................................24
3.1 Movement........................................... 24
3.2 Weapon kanges................................... 24
3.3 1he I|amer........................................... 24
3.4 Grenades ............................................. 24
3.4.1 Cover................................................ 24
4 8u||d|ng a nu|k ......................................24
4.1 Compartments & assageways ............ 2S
4.2 8u|kheads and natches........................ 2S
4.3 Lxp|os|ve Decompress|on .................... 2S
4.4 1he 1h|rd D|mens|on............................ 2S
S |ay|ng the Game ..................................26
S.1 nu|k Layout & 8||ps.............................. 26
S.2 Iorces .................................................. 26
S.3 Cb[ect|ves & V|ctory ............................ 26
Append|x 1wo - A|||es Matr|x .....................27
Append|x 1hree - Scenar|os ........................28
1 ke||y's neroes........................................28
2 Iort Apache...........................................28
3 Assass|nat|on ........................................28
4 1he Gaunt|et .........................................28
S 1he k|tua|..............................................28
6 Cne of our kobots |s m|ss|ng .................28
7 L|fe |s Cheap..........................................29
8 I|re M|ss|on Cne-I|ve............................29
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

1 Introduct|on

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(& ls a sklrmlsh game wlLh
roughly four Lo Len flgures per slde. 1he key deslgn
phllosophy ls keep lL ShorL And Slmple (klSS), Lhe
ldea belng LhaL Lhe players can learn Lhe rules ln a
few mlnuLes and Lhen geL on wlLh Lhe fun of
slaughLerlng one anoLher. lor example, Lhe maln
rules for play Lake up [usL a few pages.

1he game ls based ln Lhe 5/*%/((&* 678777
unlverse. Lach player forms a 8eLlnue led by a
herolc lnqulslLor, a devlous Chaos agenL or one of a
selecLlon of oLher proLagonlsLs. 1hey plL Lhelr
forces agalnsL one or more oLher 8eLlnues for
possesslon of a chosen ob[ecLlve, or [usL for Lhe
rush of bloody combaL.

1.1 A note for Warhammer 40,000 Lnthus|asts

uesplLe some slmllarlLles Lhese rules, are noL a
subseL of 5/*%/((&* 678777. 1hey Lry Lo
represenL very small acLlons ln Lhe 40k unlverse.
lLLn ls ln no way compaLlble wlLh 40k.

1.2 A note on f|gure sca|es

Cur assumpLlon ls LhaL Lhese rules wlll be used
wlLh 28mm-scale 5/*%/((&* 678777 mlnlaLures.
lf you're uslng 13mm flgures, you may wlsh Lo
halve all dlsLances, or slmply converL from lnches
Lo cenLlmeLres. layers uslng 34mm scale flgures
from lnqulslLor mlghL wlsh Lo double all dlsLances.

1.3 8u||d|ng a ket|nue

Lach player ln Lhls game has a 8eLlnue, whlch ls a
group of flgures LhaL follow a Leader. 8eLlnues
should conLaln a mlnlmum of four flgures ln a
8eLlnue, and musL lnclude aL leasL one flgure
deslgnaLed as Lhe Leader.

A player has a seL number polnLs Lo spend on hls
8eLlnue. We recommend LhaL you begln wlLh 200
polnLs unLll you have played a couple of games.
AfLer LhaL you can have as many as you agree wlLh
your fellow players.

1he leader of Lhe 8eLlnue musL be lncluded ln Lhe
polnLs cosL calculaLlon.

1.4 Cn||ne ket|nue 8u||der

lor lLLn 3, an onllne 8eLlnue 8ullder can be used
whlch does all Lhe hard work of managlng your
flgures and calculaLlng polnLs cosLs for your
reLlnues. 1o use lL, [usL go Lo Lhls web slLe and


1.S I|gure rof||es

Lvery flgure has a proflle LhaL lncludes Lhe

CrlL CrlL ls Lhe roll requlred Lo save
Lhe flgure from a hlL LhaL
peneLraLes lLs armour, Lo charge a
Lerrlfylng enemy, or Lo use or
reslsL agalnsL syker powers.
value (lv)
lv ls Lhe bonus Lhe flgure geLs
when rolllng dlce ln close combaL.
value (Sv)
Sv ls Lhe bonus Lhe flgure geLs
when rolllng dlce ln ranged
Speed (S) S adds Lo Lhe flgure's base
movemenL, modlfles shooLlng
aLLacks agalnsL Lhe flgure, and
adds Lo Lhe Leader's lnlLlaLlve
noLes Speclal ablllLles, rules, and oLher
deLalls are llsLed here.

1.6 I|gure Costs

ln Lhls game we use a W?SlW?C process for
looklng aL a flgure. lor example, lf a flgure has a
lasplsLol and a chalnsword, Lhen boLh weapons
counL Lowards LhaL flgure's polnLs cosL. 1he cosL of
Lhe flgure ls calculaLed as follows:

llgure cosL = CrlL + lv + Sv + Speed
+ Armour + Weapons
+ LqulpmenL
+ Speclal AblllLles
+ syker owers

Cuns of varlous Lypes all come wlLh enough
ammunlLlon Lo lasL Lhe baLLle.

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 7 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
1he mlnlmum cosL for any flgure ls Lhree polnLs.

1.6.1 1he CosL of CrlL

CrlL ls Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL characLerlsLlc ln combaL
as lL deLermlnes Lhe chance of survlvlng a hlL. 1he
Lable below show Lhe cosL of CrlL:

Gr|t o|nts Cost
6+ 1
3+ 2
4+ 4
3+ 9
2+ 16

1.7 I|gures

lor slmpllclLy's sake Lhe rule ls LhaL lf lL ls on Lhe
flgure Lhen LhaL flgure ls equlpped wlLh lL. 1hls
applles especlally Lo arms and armour. lrom LhaL lL
follows LhaL lf Lhe flgure ls wearlng armour, and
carrylng cerLaln weapons, Lhen Lhey are compeLenL
ln Lhe use of Lhose lLems.

1.8 A|||es

8eLlnues can conLaln flgures from oLher reLlnue
llsLs: for example, an lnqulslLor may recrulL soldlers
from Lhe lmperlal Cuard or a member of Lhe
ueaLhwaLch chapLer lnLo Lhelr reLlnue, a 8ogue
1rader mlghL [oln forces wlLh Lldar corsalrs on a
hunL for xenos archeoLech, or marlnes from a
1ralLor Leglon mlghL conscrlpL from Lhe 8lood acL
as cannon-fodder.

Allles Laken from oLher llsLs cannoL make up more
Lhan 33 of Lhe cosL of Lhe reLlnue (ln normal
games Lhls wlll resLrlcL Lhem Lo [usL one or Lwo
models). Leaders Laken from oLher reLlnue llsLs
cannoL cosL more Lhan Lhe leader of Lhe "prlmary"

1o deLermlne whaL allles are avallable, consulL Lhe
Alllance MaLrlx ln Appendlx 2. A green ?"
lndlcaLes LhaL you may choose from LhaL reLlnue
llsL aL no addlLlonal cosL. A yellow S" lndlcaLes
LhaL you musL purchase Lhe SLrange Ally Speclal
AblllLy (see SecLlon 4.3.19) for LhaL model. A red
n" lndlcaLes LhaL allles may noL be Laken from
LhaL llsL.

2 Arms and Lqu|pment

ln a small 8eLlnue Lhere ls much more ablllLy Lo
vary arms and equlpmenL beyond Lhe norm
allowed by a 5/*%/((&* 678777 army llsL. Some
equlpmenL ls sLlll resLrlcLed because lL ls [usL noL
posslble for some Lroop Lypes Lo use lL. 1he perfecL
example ls ower Armour. Cnly Space Marlnes,
Chaos Space Marlnes and SlsLers of 8aLLle have Lhe
physlcal adapLaLlons Lo use ower Armour. A few
members of Lhe lnqulslLlon have had Lhese
adapLaLlons made as well.

2.1 Armour

Armour affecLs combaL by provldlng Lhe LargeL
number for Lhe aLLacker Lo exceed. 1he dlfferenL
Lypes of armour avallable Lo members of a 8eLlnue
can be found ln Lhe relevanL 8eLlnue LlsL.

2.1.1 1he CosL of armour

1he polnLs cosL of armour ls calculaLed uslng Lhe
followlng Lable:

1ype 1o n|t Lxamp|e Cost
- 3+ no armour 0
LlghL 6+ Mesh Armour 3
Medlum 7+ Carapace Armour 6
Peavy 8+ ower Armour 10
9+ Crlsls Armour 13
10+ 1ermlnaLor Armour 20 Weapons Suspensors

1he heavlesL forms armour used by all races ln Lhe
Mlllennlum Lyplcally conslsLs of servo-asslsLed
power armour, whlch endows Lhe wearer wlLh
physlcal sLrengLh far above hls own unasslsLed
sLrengLh. As a resulL, any flgure equlpped wlLh
armour wlLh a 1o PlL score of 8+ or hlgher
auLomaLlcally galns a Suspensor unlL aL no exLra

2.2 Weapons

All ranged weapons are assumed Lo have enough
ammo Lo lasL for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe game. 1he
dlfferenL weapons avallable Lo members of a
8eLlnue can be found ln Lhe relevanL 8eLlnue LlsL.
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 8 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013

Lach weapon has Lhe followlng proflle:

Weapon 1he name of Lhe weapon
ALLrlbuLes Weapon ALLrlbuLes (see below)
8onus 1he modlfler Lo Lhe 1u6 1o-PlL 8olll
8ange 1he weapon range ln lnches
CrlL enalLy 1he modlfler Lo Lhe LargeL's CrlL 8oll
CosL 1he polnLs cosL of Lhe weapon

2.2.1 1he CosL of weapons

1he polnLs cosL of a weapon ls calculaLed as

1. SLarL wlLh Lhe weapon's CombaL 8onus.
2. Add 1 polnL lf Lhe range ls more Lhan 12"
buL less Lhan 18".
3. Add 2 polnLs lf Lhe range ls 18" or hlgher
buL less Lhan 24".
4. Add 3 polnLs lf Lhe range ls 24" or hlgher.
3. Add Lhree Llmes Lhe weapon's CrlL enalLy.

2.2.2 Weapon ALLrlbuLes

Weapon ALLrlbuLes affecL Lhe way ln whlch a
weapon may be used. 1hese are descrlbed here. Peavy Weapon

Peavy weapons (heavy bolLers, heavy sLubbers,
eLc) requlre a crew of Lwo flgures Lo move and
shooL ln Lhe same Lurn. When shooLlng Lhe heavy
weapon, nelLher crew may flre any oLher weapons
(Lhey are Loo busy loadlng, spoLLlng, asslsLlng, eLc).
lf one crewmember ls Laken ouL of Lhe game, Lhe
survlvor may only move or shooL Lhe heavy
weapon, noL boLh, durlng a subsequenL game Lurn.

noLe LhaL Lhls rule does noL apply Lo flgures
wearlng Peavy or very Peavy armour: Lhey may
carry and flre heavy weapons as easlly as anyLhlng
else ln Lhelr arsenals. See SecLlon for
furLher lnformaLlon. Crenade

Crenades are Lhrown aL a LargeL polnL and explode
aLLacklng each person ln a 3" radlus. Cnce you
have chosen your LargeL polnL roll a scaLLer dle,
and a slx-slded dle Lo deLermlne Lhe dlsLance and
dlrecLlon Lhe grenade scaLLers. lf Lhe scaLLer dle
comes up wlLh a 'PlL' you are preclsely on LargeL.

llgures equlpped wlLh grenades sLarL Lhe baLLle
wlLh Lhree grenades. Cnce Lhe flgure has
performed Lhree grenade aLLacks, Lhelr supply has
been depleLed for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game.

1roops wlLh a Crenade Launcher (see lmperlal
Cuard, AdepLus ArblLes and 8lood acL) wlll have a
bandoller wlLh slx grenades. 1hese grenades may
only be used wlLh Lhe Crenade Launcher and
cannoL be Lhrown. llameLhrower

Any form of flameLhrower sends ouL a sLream of
flame LhaL may hlL one or more LargeLs. 1he range
of all flameLhrower weapons ls 12".

1he shooLer rolls Lo hlL, and lf he does he can Lhen
roll Lo hlL a second LargeL LhaL musL be wlLhln 3" of
Lhe flrsL. Pe can keep rerolllng unLll he elLher
mlsses or Lhere are no more LargeLs wlLhln 3" of
Lhe lasL flgure LhaL he hlL. ?ou cannoL LargeL Lhe
same flgure Lwlce.

Cover does noL add Lo armour for reslsLlng
flameLhrower aLLacks, buL Lhe shooLer musL have a
clear llne of slghL Lo each LargeL. unllke for normal
shooLlng, lnLervenlng frlendly flgures do block llne
of slghL (or you rlsk lmmolaLlng Lhem Loo).

A flgure uslng a flameLhrower has Lhelr armour
raLlng reduced by 1, Lo reflecL Lhe consLanL rlsk of
Lhe promeLhlum Lanks belng rupLured and
lmmolaLlng Lhem. 1hls armour penalLy does noL
reduce Lhe polnLs cosL of Lhe flgure.

2.3 Lqu|pment

ln addlLlon Lo armour and weapons, flgures can be
glven lLems of equlpmenL. Lach lLem has dlfferenL
uses and beneflLs, and lLs own polnLs cosL whlch
adds Lo Lhe flgure's cosL. 1he unlverse of
5/*%/((&* 678777 ls very large, and lL ls noL
posslble Lo descrlbe all Lhe dlfferenL blLs of klL LhaL
flgures mlghL use durlng a game. Powever, a few
examples are descrlbed ln SecLlon 4.4. layers may
wlsh Lo lnvenL Lhelr own equlpmenL, buL should
check wlLh Lhelr opponenLs before uslng Lhem ln a

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3 1he I|e|d of 8att|e

3.1 1erra|n

ln !" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&, Lhe rule ls LhaL Lhe more
scenery, Lhe beLLer. 1hey key Lhlng ls Lo agree
whlch areas are sofL cover and whlch are hard.
Cenerally lf everyone Lakes Lurns slapplng down
Lerraln unLll you run ouL or you all Lhlnk lL looks
good, Lhe game should go all rlghL. layers should
agree whaL counLs as sofL and hard cover on Lhe
Lable before play beglns.

A playlng area 4'x4' ls recommended for games
beLween Lwo 8eLlnues. lor Lhree Lo four 8eLlnues
a 6'x4' should be used.

3.2 Dep|oyment

unless you are playlng a scenarlo LhaL says
oLherwlse, each player rolls one dle, rerolllng Lles.
1he wlnner chooses whlch edge Lo enLer play on
and deploys hls Lroops wlLhln 6" of LhaL edge. All
Lhe flgures ln a 8eLlnue musL lnlLlally deploy wlLhln
8" of Lhelr Leader.

Pls opponenL musL come on from Lhe opposlLe
slde. lf Lhere ls more Lhan one opponenL Lhen Lhey
should come on evenly spaced around Lhe Lable.

1he oLher players follow ln Lurn from hlghesL Lo

3.3 Scenar|os

layers may choose Lo use a Scenarlo for Lhelr
game, raLher Lhan slmply flghLlng Lo Lhe LasL Man
SLandlng. layers are encouraged Lo use Lhelr
lmaglnaLlon Lo creaLe scenarlos Lo use ln Lhelr
games, buL a number of example scenarlos are
lncludlng ln Appendlx 3.

4 |ay|ng the Game

1hls game ls played ln Lurns, each of whlch ls
dlvlded lnLo Lhree maln phases: MovemenL,
ShooLlng and Melee. Lach player wlll geL Lo acL
wlLh hls Lroops ln each phase, Lhe order ln whlch
Lhey do so belng deLermlned by Lhelr lnlLlaLlve.

4.1 1he Sequence of |ay

4.1.1 lnlLlaLlve

AL Lhe beglnnlng of each Lurn each layer rolls 1u6
and adds hls Leader's Speed, rerolllng any Lles. 1he
layers Lhen acL ln order from hlghesL Lo lowesL ln
each phase. 1hls lasLs unLll Lhe nexL Lurn.

4.1.2 1he MovemenL hase

1hls ls carrled ouL ln lnlLlaLlve order.

Lach layer may move some or all of hls men up Lo
Lhelr max dlsLance (Speed + 6"), Lhen play passes
Lo Lhe nexL layer. uurlng Lhe shooLlng phase, lf a
model has no enemles ln llne of slghL, LhaL model
may choose Lo run an addlLlonal 3" lnsLead of
shooLlng (see 8unnlng). Cover

layers musL Lake Lerraln lnLo accounL when
movlng, wlLh SofL Cover deducLlng 1" from Lhelr
maxlmum movemenL and Pard Cover deducLlng
3". noLe LhaL because of Lhls deducLlon a flgure
cannoL run ln Peavy Cover. 1he deducLlon applles
lf Lhey spend any of or all Lhelr movemenL ln LhaL

SofL cover ls LhaL whlch reduces vlslblllLy buL ls
unllkely Lo sLop a bolLer round. 1hls lncludes
fences, open woodland, swamps, wadlng Lhrough
waLer, deep snow, eLc.

Pard cover ls LhaL whlch noL only reduces vlslblllLy,
buL would also sLop a bolLer round. 1hls lncludes
concreLe, meLal and sLone walls, bulldlngs, rulns,
dense woodland, eLc.

A Lhe beglnnlng of a game Lhe players should agree
whlch Lerraln feaLures counL as sofL and hard

6ABACAC Cllmblng

llgures can cllmb up physlcal Lerraln feaLures as
parL of normal movemenL. Where Lhe Lerraln plece
has a vlslble feaLure LhaL ls clearly lnLended Lo
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lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 10 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
allow Lhls (eg sLalrs or a ladder), Lhere ls no
addlLlonal movemenL penalLy. Powever, lf Lhe
flgure has Lo cllmb Lo reach hls desLlnaLlon, Lhen
Lhere ls a 3" movemenL penalLy, ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
llnear dlsLance Lhe flgure has Lo move

Lxample: a Space Marlne wlLh a Speed of +1 ls
sLandlng 1" from Lhe wall of a bulldlng. Pe moves
1" Lo Lhe wall, Lhen cllmbs up Lo Lhe flrsL floor,
whlch ls 3" from Lhe ground. Pe has moved a LoLal
of 4", plus Lhe 3" penalLy for Lhe cllmb, so hls
movemenL ends Lhere. An lmperlal Cuardsmen has
a Speed of 0, so cannoL cllmb Lhe wall unless he ls
sLandlng ln base conLacL wlLh lL aL Lhe sLarL of hls
move. uropplng or !umplng

A flgure can [ump or drop down Lo a lower level
wlLh no penalLy. Powever, lf Lhe verLlcal drop ls
more Lhan 3", Lhe flgure musL make a CrlL 8oll.
Lvery 3" dropped lncurs a -1 penalLy Lo Lhe CrlL
8oll. llgures ln conLacL

llgures LhaL are ln base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh an
enemy cannoL move, unless Lhey aLLempL Lo
dlsengage from Melee (see ulsengaglng from
Melee). llgures LhaL move lnLo base-Lo-base
conLacL wlLh an enemy are assaulLlng Lhem.

lf a flgure ends up ln base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh an
enemy boLh LhaL flgure and Lhe opponenL cannoL
move agaln ln Lhls MovemenL hase. MovemenL and 1error

llgures LhaL fall Lhelr CrlL roll when a 1errlfylng
enemy moves Lo assaulL Lhem move before LhaL
enemy has compleLed lLs move. 1hus lf Lhey roll
badly and Lhe enemy ls close enough, Lhey could
be caughL anyway. 1hls ls an lnvolunLary move and
Lhey can move laLer ln Lhe Lurn should Lhelr
lnlLlaLlve come afLer LhaL of Lhe 1errlfylng enemy
(and Lhey are noL caughL). 1hey cannoL move
closer Lo LhaL 1errlfylng enemy on Lhe Lurn Lhey

lf a flgure falls lLs CrlL roll Lo assaulL a 1errlfylng
enemy lL does noL move aL all. sykers

sykers may use a power ln Lhe MovemenL hase,
on Lhelr lnlLlaLlve. A syker musL use Lhls power aL
Lhe beglnnlng or aL Lhe end of hls movemenL, noL
durlng lL, because he has Lo sLand sLlll for a
momenL and concenLraLe.

4.1.3 1he ShooLlng hase

ShooLlng ls carrled ouL ln lnlLlaLlve order.

Lach player may shooL or run wlLh any or all of Lhe
flgures LhaL he has. Lach flgure may use each
weapon once per Lurn. lay Lhen passes Lo Lhe nexL
layer ln Lhe order. 8unnlng

A flgure may choose Lo run lnsLead of flrlng lLs
weapons. A run move ls 1u6+Speed lnches. lf Lhe
flgure ends lLs run ln base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh an
enemy flgure, Lhen lL musL flghL a melee wlLh LhaL
flgure ln Lhe Melee hase. A flgure LhaL has run
cannoL flre a plsLol weapon aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe
melee. ShooLlng

llgures armed wlLh ranged weapons may shooL aL
any enemy flgure ln llne of slghL LhaL ls noL ln
Melee (l.e. ln base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh an
opponenL). lf Lhere are more Lhan Lwo 8eLlnues ln
Lhe game, and Lhe LargeL flgure ls engaged wlLh
anoLher flgure who ls also noL one of Lhe shooLer's
8eLlnue Lhen he can flre lnLo Melee. Whlch flgure
Lhe shooLer hlLs ls deLermlned randomly uslng a
dle roll. Cnce Lhe LargeL has been deLermlned, Lhe
ouLcome of Lhe shoL ls Lhen deLermlned. Llne of SlghL

An lnLervenlng flgure wlll only block llne of slghL lf
lL has heavler armour Lhan Lhe LargeL. lor example,
a Space Marlne ln 1ermlnaLor armour blocks llne of
slghL for any flgure, buL an lmperlal Cuardsman ln
llak armour wlll noL block LoS Lo a Space Marlne ln
ower Armour.

All vehlcles block llne of slghL.

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Wherever posslble use Lrue llne of slghL Lo
deLermlne lf a flgure can be seen Lhrough Lerraln
on Lhe Lable. lf only half of a flgure can be seen
Lhen lL counLs as belng ln sofL cover, or lf already ln
cover lncrease Lhe Armour bonus by a furLher +1. ShooLlng and MovemenL

llgures LhaL have moved lnLo base-Lo-base conLacL
wlLh an enemy Lhls Lurn cannoL shooL unless Lhey
are armed wlLh plsLols and dld noL run (see SecLlon above). lf Lhey have a plsLol and dld noL
run, Lhey may Lake one shoL aL one flgure wlLh
whom Lhey are ln base-Lo-base conLacL. ln
subsequenL rounds of base-Lo-base conLacL, Lhey
cannoL use Lhelr plsLol. ueclarlng 1argeLs and Checklng 8ange

1he layer musL declare all hls 8eLlnue's LargeLs
before checklng LhaL Lhey are ln range. Pe can
check llne of slghL before selecLlng hls LargeLs.
8ange ls measured from Lhe base edge of Lhe
shooLer Lo Lhe base edge of Lhe LargeL. ShooLlng and Cover

A flgure LhaL ls more Lhan 3" lnslde an area of sofL
or hard cover can nelLher shooL ouL, nor be shoL aL.
CLherwlse, cover blocks llne of slghL Lo flgures
beyond lL. WlLhln an area of sofL or hard cover, all
weapons are resLrlcLed Lo a range of 3". SofL cover
confers a +1 bonus Lo Armour, and hard cover
confers a +2 bonus (see SecLlon for Lhe
deflnlLlon of whaL counLs as hard or sofL cover).

lf flgure moved ln lLs lasL Lurn, lLs Speed ls added Lo
lLs Armour. 8olllng Lo PlL

1he baslc roll Lo hlL ls:

1u6 + llgure's Sv + weapon's combaL
bonus (lf any)

lf Lhls equals or exceeds Lhe opponenL's Armour,
Lhen Lhey are hlL and musL make a CrlL roll Lo sLay
ln Lhe game. An unmodlfled roll of 1 ls always a

Lxamp|e 1

An lnqulslLor wlLh a lasma lsLol ls flrlng aL a
Chaos Space Marlne who ls sLandlng ln a rulned
bulldlng. 1he lnqulslLor's Sv ls +4 and hls 8olL lsLol
glves hlm +2 for a LoLal of +6. 1he Chaos Space
Marlne has ower Armour glvlng hlm 8+ and ls ln
Pard Cover lncreaslng Lhls Lo 10+. lf Lhe lnqulslLor
rolls a 1 Lo 3 he mlsses, on a 4, 3 or 6 he hlLs.

1he Chaos Space Marlne musL Lhen make hls 2+
CrlL roll Lo shrug off Lhe hlL. Marlnes are Lough so
lL doesn'L look good for Lhe lnqulslLor.

Lxamp|e 2

Cne of Lhe lnqulslLor's Cuardsmen ls flrlng aL a
Chaos CulL Canger. 1he Cuardsman's Sv ls +2 and
he ls uslng hls LrusLy Lasgun for anoLher +1 and a
LoLal of +3. 1he Canger ls wearlng a llak !ackeL for
6+ and has run lnLo vlew on hls lasL Lurn allowlng
hlm Lo add hls Speed 8onus of +1 for LoLal value of

1he Cuardsman musL roll a 4 or beLLer Lo hlL Lhe
Canger, who wlll Lhen geL a CrlL roll of 4+. 1orrenL of llre

A group of flgures may choose Lo creaLe a 1orrenL
of llre. ln Lhls scenarlo, only one flgure rolls Lo hlL,
buL for each exLra flgure [olnlng hlm, +1 ls added Lo
Lhe roll. 1hls allows flgures wlLh relaLlvely poor
shooLlng Lo [oln LogeLher Lo Lry Lo Lake down a very
well armoured opponenL. Powever, lf Lhey do hoL,
Lhey wlll cause only one hlL on Lhelr [olnL LargeL.

Lxamp|e 3
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lour Cuardsmen are Lrylng Lo Lake down a
renegade Space Marlne ln 1ermlnaLor Armour. 1he
Cuardsmen's Sv ls +2 and wlLh Lhelr LrusLy Lasgun
for anoLher +1 geL a LoLal of +3. 1echnlcally Lhey
don'L sLand a chance of peneLraLlng Lhe Space
Marlne's 1ermlnaLor Armour. Powever, Lhe player
declares he ls golng Lo Lry a 1orrenL of llre. Cne
Cuardsman flres aL +3 and Lhe oLher Lhree add +1
each Lo geL a LoLal of +6 Lo Lhe roll.

1he Cuardsmen wlll geL one hlL lf Lhey can roll a 4
or beLLer.

4.1.4 1he Melee hase

All melee ls slmulLaneous, so unless a speclflc llsL
declares oLherwlse (l.e. some flgures may be so
fasL LhaL Lhey geL ln flrsL), boLh flgures ln a melee
can be kllled. llgures can only hlL an enemy flgure
LhaL Lhey are ln base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh. When a
flgure makes a melee aLLack, hls opponenL geLs a
slngle aLLack ln reLurn. 1he baslc roll Lo hlL ls:

1u6 + llgure's lv + weapon's combaL
bonus (lf any)

lf Lhls equals or exceeds Lhe opponenL's Armour,
Lhen Lhe LargeL flgure ls hlL and musL make a CrlL
roll Lo sLay ln Lhe game. An unmodlfled roll of 1 ls
always a mlss.

noLe: nelLher Cover nor Speed effecL melee, as Lhe
combaLanLs are Loe-Lo-Loe.

Lxamp|e 4

Cur lnqulslLor has glven up Lrylng Lo shooL Lhe
Chaos Space Marlne and has drawn hls ower
Sword and charged lnLo melee. 1he lnqulslLor's lv
ls +4 and hls ower Weapon glves hlm anoLher +3,
glvlng hlm +7 agalnsL Lhe Chaos Space Marlne's
ower Armour of 8. Pe'll only mlss lf he rolls a 1
(because a roll of 1 ls always a mlss).

1he Chaos Space Marlne has a lv of +3, a
Chalnsword for anoLher +2, glvlng hlm +3 agalnsL
Lhe lnqulslLor's 8efracLor lleld of 7. 1hls means he
mlsses on a 1 or 2.

1he lnqulslLor has Lhe edge, buL only [usL. MulLlple Melee Weapons

lf a flgure has mulLlple melee weapons, Lhe player
may choose Lo make separaLe aLLacks for each
weapon, or a slngle aLLack wlLh a cumulaLlve
combaL bonus.

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lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 13 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013 CuLnumberlng

Where Lhere ls more Lhan one aLLacker agalnsL a
slngle defender roll each combaL separaLely.
Powever, unless Lhe slngle defender can spllL hls
aLLacks (see below), he musL choose one of Lhe
aLLackers Lo Lake hls aLLack back.

Lach ALLacker geLs a +1 bonus Lo hls aLLack roll for
ouLnumberlng Lhelr vlcLlm.

Lxamp|e S

1he Chaos CulL Canger and one of hls maLes charge
an unforLunaLe Cuardsman. 1he Cangers have lvs
of +1 and uaggers for +0, glvlng Lhem +1 agalnsL
Lhe Cuardsman's carapace Armour of 7, resulLlng
ln a hlL only on a 6. Powever, Lhey ouLnumber Lhe
Cuardsman so Lhey geL a furLher +1 meanlng LhaL
Lhey wlll hlL on a 3 or more.

1he Cuardsman also has a lv of +1 and a Sword
(glven Lo hlm by hls MasLer) for +1, glvlng hlm +2
agalnsL Lhe Canger's llak !ackeLs of 6, resulLlng ln a
hlL on a 4 or more. Lxplodlng Slxes

1he Lxplodlng Slxes" rule ls an opLlonal rule: lL
only applles lf all Lhe players agree Lo use lL before
Lhe game beglns.

When a group of flgures ls ganglng up agalnsL a
smaller number of sLronger flgures, Lhe weaker
player may choose Lo explode" any unmodlfled slx
LhaL Lhey roll. 1he score of slx ls halved Lo becomes
Lwo Lhrees, whlch are furLher modlfled by anoLher
u6 roll.

1hls rule ls parLlcularly effecLlve for weaker models
when flghLlng sLronger models ln hand-Lo-hand
combaL. ulsengaglng from Melee

lf a flgure should wlsh Lo dlsengage from melee hls
opponenL geLs a free aLLack on hlm, unless Lhere
are oLher flgures also ln combaL wlLh LhaL
opponenL. 1he dlsengaglng flgure may defend buL
cannoL cause a hlL back. MulLlple ALLacks

Some flgures are allowed mulLlple aLLacks ln
melee. Cenerally any flgure wlLh a lv bonus
greaLer Lhan 1 can spllL LhaL bonus agalnsL more
Lhan one opponenL as long as he ls base conLacL
wlLh each one he wlshes Lo aLLack. lor example: An
lnqulslLor ln conLacL wlLh Lwo CulLlsLs could spllL
hls lv of +4 , so he aLLacks each one aL +2, or
choose Lo aLLack one aL +1 and Lhe oLher aL +3.

noLe LhaL lL ls Lhe lv LhaL ls spllL, Lhe weapon
bonus (lf any) applles Lo each aLLack and Lhe
opponenL's armour counLs agalnsL each aLLack as

Lxamp|e 6

Cur lnqulslLor has seen Lhe Lwo gangers above
Lake down hls lone Cuardsman and has drawn hls
ower Sword and charged lnLo melee. 1he
lnqulslLor's lv ls +4. Pe chooses Lo spllL Lhls equally
beLween Lhe Lwo chaos scum. So he has Lwo
aLLacks, each aL +2 plus hls ower Sword for a LoLal
of +3, agalnsL Lhe Cangers' flak [ackeLs aL 6, so he
wlll hlL each of Lhem on anyLhlng buL a 1.

1he Cangers have lv's of +1, uaggers for +0 and
ouLnumber Lhe lnqulslLor so glvlng Lhem +2 agalnsL
Lhe lnqulslLor's 8efracLor lleld of 7, resulLlng ln
Lhem hlLLlng on a 3 or more. Canglng up

Where you ouLnumber an opponenL, buL doubL
your flgure's ablllLy Lo hurL hlm because of hls far
superlor armour, you can choose Lo Cang up on
hlm. Cnly one of your aLLacklng flgure's aLLack
counLs, buL he geLs a +1 bonus for each frlend
helplng hlm Lake down LhaL opponenL.

Lxamp|e 7

ln Lxample 6 Lhe Lwo Cangers could only hlL Lhe
lnqulslLor on a 3. lf Lhey Canged up on Lhe
lnqulslLor Lhey would geL [usL one aLLack beLween
Lhem. 1hey now ouLnumber Lhe lnqulslLor and geL
anoLher +1 for ganglng up meanlng Lhey wlll hlL
hlm on 4 or more.

lf Lhey could geL anoLher Canger Lo [oln ln Lhls
could qulckly become 3 or more. lL ls dangerous Lo
be ouLnumbered.
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4.1.3 1he CrlL 8oll

8oll 1u6 and equal or exceed Lhe flgure's CrlL. lf a
flgure falls a CrlL roll Lhen Lhey are ouL of Lhe
game. 1helr flnal faLe wlll be declded afLerwards.

1he CrlL 8oll may be modlfled dependlng on Lhe
weapon used. ConsulL Lhe weapon's enLry ln Lhe
llsL and apply Lhe CrlL Modlfler.

4.1.6 knock uown

Should a flgure LhaL ls hlL roll lLs CrlL exacLly Lhen lL
ls knocked down": Lhe flgure ls noL serlously
wounded, buL has been sLunned by Lhe force of
Lhe blow or shoL. Lle Lhe flgure down on lLs slde.
1he flgure cannoL acL aL all for Lhe resL of Lhls Lurn:
lL cannoL even defend lLself, and musL rely on lLs
armour and CrlL Lo save lL lf aLLacked agaln.

AL Lhe beglnnlng of lLs nexL Lurn, Lhe model reLakes
lLs CrlL roll. Modlfy Lhls roll by Lhe welghL of
armour Lhe flgure ls carrylng accordlng Lo Lhe Lable

Armour 1ype Mod|f|er
LlghL Armour none
Medlum Armour -1
Peavy Armour -2
very Peavy Armour -3

lf Lhe flgure passes Lhe CrlL roll, lL sprlngs Lo lLs feeL
and conLlnues Lo acL as normal. Powever, lf lL rolls
exacLly lLs CrlL agaln, or less, Lhen lL remalns
knocked down unLll Lhe nexL Lurn, and so on.

lf a knocked-down flgure ls ln a melee when lL
sLands up, Lhen Lhe melee conLlnues as normal.

Any flgure performlng a melee aLLack agalnsL an
enemy flgure LhaL ls knocked down geLs a +2 Lo
Lhelr aLLacks. 1he CrlL roll Lo reslsL a successful
aLLack whlle knocked down ls aL Lhe flgure's
normal, unmodlfled, CrlL.

llgures LhaL are knocked-down may make a 2 lnch
move durlng Lhe MovemenL hase, buL may noL
flre any weapons, make melee aLLacks, or perform
any oLher acLlon.

Lxamp|e 8

A group of culLlsLs have surrounded a lone Space
Marlne and ganged up on hlm. 1hey succeed ln
hlLLlng hlm and he makes a CrlL 8oll. Pe needs 3+
and geLs a 3 exacLly.

Pe ls now knocked down and aL Lhe mercy of Lhe
mob. Pe survlves Lhe beaLlng Lhanks Lo hls armour
and makes lL Lo hls nexL Lurn where he musL roll a
3+ (Peavy Armour) on hls CrlL 8oll Lo sLand up.

4.1.7 Morale

As a general rule, lL ls assumed LhaL each player's
reLlnue conslsLs of a small group of LlghLly-knlL,
well moLlvaLed and brlefed warrlors, who are
lmmune Lo Lhe psychologlcal effecLs of warfare
LhaL mlghL occur ln larger confronLaLlons. As a
resulL, Lhere are no rules relaLlng Lo morale.

1he excepLlon relaLes Lo when Lhe leader of a
reLlnue ls kllled. AL Lhe end of Lhe Lurn ln whlch Lhls
happens, each flgure ln Lhe reLlnue musL pass a
CrlL roll uslng Lhe hlghesL CrlL value ln Lhe reLlnue.
lf Lhe flgure passes Lhe CrlL roll, Lhen Lhey conLlnue
Lo flghL as normal.

Powever, lf Lhey fall Lhe CrlL roll, Lhen durlng Lhe
nexL Lurn, LhaL flgure wlll aLLempL Lo qulL Lhe
baLLlefleld by movlng lLs maxlmum dlsLance (6"
plus lLs Speed) Lowards Lhe nearesL Lable edge. lL
may flre aL enemy flgures as normal.

AL Lhe end of Lhls and each subsequenL Lurn, Lhe
flgure may Lake anoLher CrlL roll, agaln uslng Lhe
hlghesL CrlL ln Lhe reLlnue. lf Lhe flgure passes Lhe
roll, Lhen Lhey may re-enLer Lhe fray. lf Lhe roll ls
falled, Lhen Lhe flgure wlll conLlnue Lo move
Lowards Lhe edge of Lhe Lable. When lL reaches Lhe
edge of Lhe Lable, lL ls removed from play and
counLs as a casualLy.

4.1.8 osL-Came Survlval 1esL

AL Lhe end of Lhe game, make a CrlL roll for every
flgure losL durlng Lhe game. lf Lhey roll more Lhan
Lhelr CrlL Lhen Lhey were [usL wounded and can
reLurn for Lhe nexL game.

lf Lhey roll Lhelr CrlL exacLly Lhey were serlously
wounded and musL mlss Lhe nexL game. lf Lhey fall
Lhe roll Lhen Lhey are dead.
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lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 13 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013

1hls rule ls useful when runnlng campalgns or

4.2 syker owers

Some characLers can purchase syker owers for
an addlLlonal cosL (see Lhe 8eLlnue LlsLs for more
lnformaLlon). Lach purchase glves you a slngle
ower from Lhe llsL below.

uurlng play Lhe syker can choose Lo use one
power (LhaL he knows and has been pald for) each
Lurn aL Lhe beglnnlng or Lhe end of hls movemenL.
MosL powers are falrly shorL ranged and of shorL
duraLlon (see Lhe descrlpLlons below).

1o use a power, a syker musL flrsL make a CrlL roll.
1hls ls very Llrlng and requlres lmmense focus, so lf
he falls Lhls he cannoL do anyLhlng else unLll Lhe
nexL Lurn (Lhough he can defend hlmself ln Melee).

lf he rolls a naLural 1, he musL make an addlLlonal
CrlL roll, and lf he falls LhaL he becomes possessed
by a lesser daemon (use Lhe Lesser uaemon sLaLs
from Lhe Chaos Space Marlne 8eLlnue llsL, excepL
for armour and weapons). unless Lhe syker ls a
member of a Chaos 8eLlnue, he wlll now aLLack Lhe
nearesL flgure and from Lhen on acL as an enemy of
Lhe 8eLlnue he formerly belonged Lo. ConLrol of
Lhe flgure goes Lo one of Lhe oLher players. AfLer
1u6 Lurns Lhe uaemon wlll dlsappear leavlng lLs
hosL for dead. A survlval LesL can be made as usual
afLer Lhe game. Chaos flgures pass auLomaLlcally.

noLe LhaL uaemonhosLs do noL rlsk possesslon, as
Lhey are already possessed.

lf Lhe syker ls ln base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh an
enemy he cannoL acLlvaLe a new power.

Some powers, especlally Lhose LhaL dlrecLly affecL
enemy flgures, allow Lhe affecLed flgures a CrlL roll
Lo reslsL Lhelr effecLs. 1hls ls shown ln Lhe lasL
column ln Lhe Lable on Lhe followlng page.
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4.2.1 syker owers 1able


8ange uuraLlon LffecL CrlL
8less Lhe
Armour's SplrlL
1ouch 3 Lurns 1he weapon adds +1 Lo Armour. lL can belong Lo Lhe syker or a
frlend LhaL ls ln base conLacL.
8less Lhe
Weapon's SplrlL
1ouch 3 Lurns 1he weapon adds +1 Lo lv/Sv. lL can belong Lo Lhe syker or a
frlend LhaL ls ln base conLacL.
uomlnaLus 12" 1 Lurn A chosen enemy flgure ls forced Lo make an lmmedlaLe move
Lowards and aLLack lLs nearesL frlendly flgure.
leeL of Lead 12" 1 Lurn All enemles ln a 6" radlus of Lhe deslgnaLed LargeL polnL move
as lf ln heavy cover (-3").
LevlLaLe Self 1 Lurn 1he syker can rlse up Lo 12" up a bulldlng, Lree, cllff eLc., ln Lhe
MovemenL hase ln addlLlon Lo Lhelr normal movemenL.
Mask of ueaLh Self 1 Lurn All enemles conslder Lhe syker Lo be 1errlfylng. no
1he aLh of LlghL Self 1 Lurn 1he syker creaLes a clear 6" paLh Lhrough an area of sofL or
hard cover dlrecLly ad[acenL Lo hlmself. Pe or oLhers can move
along Lhe paLh ln slngle flle, unLll lL fades.
1he aLh of
Self 1 Lurn 1he syker moves 12", unhlndered by cover, enemles or even
mounLalns. Pe musL begln and end Lhls movemenL ln an open
space. 1hls power ls used lnsLead of normal movemenL.
1rue CrlL 1ouch 3 Lurns 1he flgure Louched galns a CrlL aLLrlbuLe of 2+ for Lhe duraLlon
of Lhe power.
venom 1ouch 1 Lurn Anyone hlL by Lhe Louched weapon suffers a -2 Lo Lhelr CrlL
rolls agalnsL LhaL aLLack.
Warpflre Llne
lnsLanL CounLs as a ranged weapon shoL aL +2. ?es
WarpslghL 12" 1 Lurn 1he syker can shooL aL an enemy flgure, even lf Lhey are
concealed by cover or lf llne of slghL ls blocked. Cover glves
Lhem no proLecLlon.
Zone of Shadows 6"
1 Lurn Shadows swlrl ln a 6" radlus of syker, granLlng hlm and anyone
else ln Lhe radlus sofL cover.

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4.3 Spec|a| Ab|||t|es

A 8eLlnue can buy and use varlous speclal ablllLles
for lLs members. unless oLherwlse noLed, Lhese
speclal ablllLles cosL 3 pLs.

4.3.1 Analyze

1hls flgure or a frlendly flgure ln base conLacL wlLh
lL galns +2 Lo ob[ecLlve rolls on lnvesLlgaLlve and
Survlval mlsslons (see Campalgns 8ookleL).

4.3.2 8lonlcs

Any flgure can be glven blonlcs. 1hls endows Lhe
flgure wlLh +1 Lo Armour and Lo lv. 1he +1 Lo
Armour does noL counL lf Lhe flgure ls wearlng
ower or 1ermlnaLor Armour. 1hls advanLage cosLs
3 polnLs per flgure, as well as lncreaslng Lhe overall
cosL of Lhe flgure due Lo lmprovemenLs ln lv and

4.3.3 8ounLy PunLer

8efore Lhe game beglns, a flgure possesslng Lhls
ablllLy may slngle ouL one enemy flgure on one of
Lhe opposlng reLlnues. 1haL flgure ls hls quarry. Pe
galns +1 on Sv and lv agalnsL hls quarry.
AddlLlonally, as long as LhaL flgure ls wlLhln hls llne
of slghL, he may run Loward hlm ln Lhe shooLlng
phase, even lf oLher enemy flgures are also wlLhln
Lhe hunLer's llne of slghL.

4.3.4 CombaL MasLer

lf Lhey knock down or Lake ouL a foe ln melee,
flgures wlLh Lhls ablllLy may move 2" Loward
anoLher enemy flgure, buL only lf Lhey are noL
already ln base conLacL wlLh a second flgure.
Should Lhey make base conLacL, Lhey may have
anoLher combaL agalnsL Lhls new flgure. A flgure
may never make more Lhan one exLra 2" advance
and aLLack wlLh Lhls ablllLy per Lurn.

4.3.3 uaemon Lore

Any frlendly flgure wlLhln 3" of a flgure possesslng
Lhls ablllLy galns +1 lv and +1 Sv agalnsL uaemonlc

4.3.6 uefenslve MasLer

llgures possesslng Lhls ablllLy do noL suffer free
aLLacks when breaklng from close combaL wlLh
acLlve foes.

4.3.7 uesperaLe ShoL

llgures wlLh Lhls ablllLy are skllled wlLh Laklng rlsks
wlLh Lhelr weapons. Cnce per game Lhe flgure may
declare lL ls Laklng a desperaLe shoL, flrlng lLs
weapon hoL or empLylng lLs cllp ln a fury of flre.
1hls declaraLlon occurs before any dlce are rolled.
1he flgure adds +2 Lo lLs Sv for Lhe shoL, buL lLs
weapon ls useless for Lhe remalnder of Lhe game.
AddlLlonally, lf Lhe player rolls a 1 on Lhe flgure's
aLLack roll, lL musL make a CrlL check as Lhe
weapon explodes!

4.3.8 Cround llghLer

Lnemy flgures do noL galn an exLra bonus ln close
combaL agalnsL Lhls flgure when lL ls knocked

4.3.9 Cun kaLa

A flgure wlLh Lhls ablllLy may Lake a second shoL
wlLh a ranged weapon lf Lhey have knocked down
or kllled an enemy flgure wlLh Lhelr normal shoL.
1hey may only do Lhls once per Lurn.

4.3.10 Pard Lo klll

ln campalgn games, flgures possesslng Lhls ablllLy
may re-roll a falled CrlL check Lo deLermlne survlval
afLer Lhe game. 1hls ablllLy cosLs 3 pLs. for flgures
wlLh 4+ CrlL or hlgher, and 10 pLs. for flgures wlLh
3+ CrlL or lower.

4.3.11 lnhuman Cllmber

llgures possesslng Lhls ablllLy LreaL verLlcal
surfaces as normal ground for purposes of
movemenL. 1hls does noL make Lhem lmmune Lo
damage from falllng off of hlgh ob[ecLs!

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lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 18 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
4.3.12 lnvoke lalLh

1he power Lo lnvoke lalLh makes Lhe followers of
Lhe lmperlum lmmune Lo 1error. A rlesL can
lnvoke falLh ln all hls servanLs wlLhln 6" LhaL are ln
llne of slghL. A 8lshop or Space Marlne Chaplaln
can affecL all of Lhelr comrades wlLhln 9"
regardless of llne of slghL.

4.3.13 lron ulsclpllne

lf an lmperlal Cuardsman should fall a CrlL roll Lo
aLLack a Lerrlfylng flgure and a Commlssar ls ln
range and llne of slghL, Lhe Commlssar shall
execuLe hlm (auLomaLlc klll). Pe can only do Lhls
once per Lurn. 1hls allows oLher lmperlal Cuard
flgures Lo reroll falled CrlL rolls agalnsL 1error for
Lhe remalnder of LhaL Lurn. noLe LhaL Lhe
Commlssar only does Lhls once per lncldenL. Pe wlll
noL carry on execuLlng people lf hls flrsL aLLempL
dld noL have Lhe deslred effecL.

Slmllarly, lf a rlmarls syker should become
possessed and Lhe Commlssar ls ln range and llne
of slghL, Lhe Commlssar shall execuLe hlm
(auLomaLlc klll).

4.3.14 Medlc

llgures wlLh Lhls ablllLy can asslsL Lhelr ln[ured
fellows. knocked down flgures ln base conLacL
wlLh a Medlc galn +1 Lo Lhelr rolls Lo geL up. A
naLural 1 ls sLlll a fallure. AddlLlonally, durlng Lhe
posL-baLLle phase, one flgure (player's cholce) who
was Laken ouL of acLlon galns +1 Lo lLs survlval

4.3.13 nose for 1rouble

non-leader flgures only. lf Lhe flgure wlLh Lhls
ablllLy ls wlLhln 12" of Lhe Leader of hls reLlnue, he
adds +1 Lo Lhe Leader's lnlLlaLlve rolls each round.
1hls bonus ls losL of Lhe flgure ls kllled or oLherwlse
removed from play. A Leader may only ever galn a
+1 bonus from flgures possesslng Lhls ablllLy, so
mulLlple flgures wlLh lL do noL sLack. 1oo much
advlce can ofLen be a bad Lhlng!

4.3.16 1error

Some flgures are consldered '1errlfylng'. A flgure
LhaL wlshes Lo move lnLo base-Lo-base conLacL wlLh
a Lerrlfylng enemy musL flrsL pass a CrlL roll. lf he
falls Lhen he does noL move aL all.

A flgure charged by a Lerrlfylng enemy musL pass a
grlL roll or move 1u6" dlrecLly backwards ln an
aLLempL Lo avold conLacL.

4.3.17 Snlper

A flgure wlLh Lhls ablllLy who does noL move ln a
Lurn may Lhen Lake a slngle shoL aL an enemy
flgure and lgnore any cover modlflers. noLe LhaL
Lhe normal rules abouL llne of slghL sLlll apply, Lhe
snlper musL sLlll be able Lo see Lhe LargeL ln order
Lo shooL hlm.

4.3.18 SLalwarL

llgures possesslng Lhls ablllLy may re-roll CrlL
checks agalnsL 1errlfylng flgures.

4.3.19 SLrange Ally

A player may purchase Lhls ablllLy ln order use a
flgure from anoLher reLlnue llsL ln order Lo brlng
LhaL flgure lnLo hls own reLlnue. 1he SLrange Ally
may noL be a Leader from anoLher reLlnue rosLer,
and allles wlLh 2+ CrlL cosL 10 pLs lnsLead of Lhe
normal 3 pLs. 1o represenL Lhelr rarlLy, lf Lhe
SLrange Ally ls kllled durlng a campalgn game, he
may noL be replaced wlLh anoLher SLrange Ally.

4.3.20 SLealLh

llgures wlLh Lhe SLealLh ablllLy have a naLural glfL
for sneaklng around. 1hey cannoL be LargeLed by
ranged weapons lf Lhey are more Lhan 12" away
from Lhe shooLer, and a SLealLhy flgure whlch ls ln
SofL Cover counLs as belng ln Pard Cover.

4.3.21 unLouchable

unLouchables acL as psychlc nulllflers, compleLely
lmmune Lo Lhe effecLs of syker powers (boLh
harmful and helpful), whlle also conferrlng Lhls
lmmunlLy Lo any flgure ln base conLacL wlLh Lhem.
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lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 19 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
lor +10 pLs, Lhe unLouchable's nulllfylng aura
exLends Lo a 3" radlus from lLs base. 1he
unLouchable may also re-roll any falled CrlL checks
from Lhe 1errlfylng lnfluence of uaemons.

1he unLouchable's psychlc blankness makes hlm
an uneasy ally. unLouchables may never Lake parL
ln Cang ups ln close combaL.
4.4 Lqu|pment

1he followlng secLlon llsLs a few samples from Lhe
vasL array of equlpmenL and wargear used ln Lhe
Mlllennlum. layers are encouraged Lo wrlLe
rules for Lhelr own speclallsL equlpmenL, buL
remember Lo check wlLh your opponenL before
uslng Lhem ln a game.

4.4.1 !ump ack

CosL: 3pLs

A llgure uslng a !ump ack lgnores lnLervenlng
Lerraln when movlng. 1hey also galn a +3 bonus Lo
Lhelr Speed. 1he flgure musL begln and end lLs
movemenL on Lhe ground. lf lL aLLempLs Lo Lake off
or land ln hard cover, Lhen lL musL make a CrlL 8oll.
lallure means LhaL lL ls knocked uown (see SecLlon

llgures wlLh a !ump ack may noL wear very Peavy
armour (such as 1ermlnaLor armour), or carry
Peavy weapons.

4.4.2 !eL ack

CosL: 3pLs

!eL acks dlffer prlmarlly from !ump acks ln LhaL
Lhey are deslgned more for provldlng a sLable flrlng
plaLform Lhan for charglng lnLo close combaL.

Llke !ump acks, flgures wlLh !eL acks lgnore
cover when movlng. Powever, Lhe flgure does noL
geL a bonus Lo lLs Speed.

A flgure equlpped wlLh a !eL ack may choose Lo
make a slngle ranged aLLack aL any polnL durlng lLs
movemenL. lor Llne of SlghL purposes, Lhe flgure
counLs as belng 12" off Lhe ground. lf Lhe flgure
chooses Lo shooL durlng lLs movemenL, lL cannoL
flre agaln durlng Lhe ShooLlng hase.

llgures wlLh a !eL ack may noL wear Peavy
armour (such as lmperlal ower Armour), very
Peavy armour such as (1ermlnaLor armour), or
carry Peavy weapons.

4.4.3 1eleporL Pomer

CosL: 10pLs

A flgure carrylng a 1eleporL Pomer acLs as a
homlng beacon for flgures LhaL sLarL Lhe game off
Lhe board. uurlng Lhe MovemenL hase, Lhe flgure
can acLlvaLe Lhe 1eleporL Pomer lnsLead of maklng
lLs move. Any flgure LhaL sLarLed off Lhe board can
Lhen perform a 1eleporL acLlon.

1o resolve a 1eleporL acLlon, roll a scaLLer dlce. lf
Lhe resulL ls a hlL", Lhen you can place Lhe
LeleporLlng flgure anywhere you llke wlLhln 6" of
Lhe flgure carrylng Lhe 1eleporL Pomer. CLherwlse,
place Lhe LeleporLlng flgure 1u6 lnches away from
Lhe flgure wlLh Lhe 1eleporL Pomer, ln Lhe locaLlon
deLermlned by Lhe scaLLer dlce. 8epeaL Lhls
procedure for each flgure you wanL Lo LeleporL:
any number of flgures can LeleporL durlng a slngle

lf Lhe LeleporLlng flgure LeleporLs lnLo anoLher
flgure, Lhen boLh LhaL flgure and Lhe LeleporLlng
flgure are kllled. lf Lhe LeleporLlng flgure LeleporLs
lnLo Pard Cover, lL ls also kllled.

lf all Lhe flgures ln reLlnue carrylng 1eleporL
Pomers are kllled, Lhen any flgures LhaL haven'L yeL
LeleporLed are losL and cannoL Lake parL ln Lhe
game. 1hey are sLlll avallable ln fuLure games ln a

4.4.4 Camo-cloak

CosL: 3pLs

Camo-cloaks confer Pard Cover on flgures lf a
shooLer ls more Lhan 12" away from Lhe LargeL,
and SofL Cover lf Lhe shooLer ls more Lhan 6" away.

llgures wlLh Camo-cloaks may noL wear Peavy
armour (such as lmperlal ower Armour), very
Peavy armour such as (1ermlnaLor armour).

4.4.3 ulsplacemenL lleld

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CosL: 10pLs

A ulsplacemenL lleld ls an arcane devlce from Lhe
uark Age of 1echnology. lL wlll deLecL lncomlng
shoLs and acLlvaLe a LeleporL beam Lo dlsplace Lhe
wearer ouL of Lhe way.

When a ranged weapon hlLs a flgure equlpped wlLh
a ulsplacemenL lleld, roll a scaLLer dlce. lf Lhe
resulL ls a hlL", Lhen Lhe flgure ls hlL as normal.

lor any oLher resulL, Lhe flgure ls dlsplaced 1u6
lnches ln Lhe dlrecLlon shown by Lhe scaLLer dlce,
and Lhe shoL mlsses. lf Lhe flgure would be
dlsplaced lnLo anoLher flgure, Lhen Lhe
ulsplacemenL lleld has falled and Lhe flgure ls hlL
as normal.

lf Lhe flgure ls dlsplaced lnLo hard cover, Lhen lL
musL make a CrlL 8oll, and lf Lhls roll ls falled, Lhey
are knocked uown (see SecLlon 4.1.6).

4.4.6 Auspex

CosL: 10pLs.

1he auspex ls a porLable scannlng unlL. lL allows
Lhe bearer Lo deLecL Lhe presence of enemy
flgures. lL negaLes Lhe beneflLs of Camo-cloaks and
Lhe SLealLh speclal ablllLy (see SecLlon 4.3.20),
meanlng LhaL flgures wlLh auspex unlLs can LargeL
Lhese flgures normally.

4.4.7 vox-casLer

CosL: 3pLs.

A vox-casLer ls a shorL-range personal
communlcaLor. A flgure LhaL has a vox-casLer and
an auspex can communlcaLe Lhe locaLlon of enemy
flgures Lo oLher frlendly unlLs LhaL also have vox-
casLers. 1hls means LhaL Lhese flgures can shooL aL
enemy flgures wlLh Camo-cloaks or Lhe SLealLh
speclal ablllLy as lf Lhey had Lhelr own vox-casLer.

4.4.8 Medl-pack

CosL: 3pLs.

A medl-pack ls a slngle-use lLem, alLhough flgures
may purchase more Lhan one. Cnce per game, a
flgure wlLh a medl-pack can glve lLself, or anoLher
flgure wlLhln 3", a +2 bonus Lo Lhelr CrlL roll when
belng hlL by a ranged or melee aLLack.

4.4.9 Crapnel

CosL: 3pLs

A grapnel allows a flgure Lo cllmb verLlcal Lerraln
feaLures wlLhouL Lhe usual 3" penalLy (see SecLlon

4.4.10 Crav-chuLe

CosL: 3pLs

A grav-chuLe allows a flgure Lo [ump or drop down
Lo a lower level wlLhouL havlng Lo make a CrlL 8oll
lf Lhe dlsLance ls greaLer Lhan 3".

4.4.11 Smoke Crenade

CosL: 3pLs

1hls ls a one-use lLem. uurlng Lhe MovemenL
hase, a flgure can use a Smoke Crenade Lo creaLe
a cloud of smoke whlch blocks llne of slghL.

1o use Lhe Smoke Crenade, place a clrcular
LemplaLe 3" across (eg an Crdnance 1emplaLe from
5/*%/((&* 678777) wlLhln 12" of Lhe flgure. 1hls
LemplaLe Lhen scaLLers 1u6". 1he smokescreen
lasLs unLll Lhe player's nexL Lurn, and compleLely
blocks llne of slghL. llgures can sLlll move Lhrough
Lhe screen.

4.4.12 1elescoplc SlghL

CosL: 3pLs.

1hls lLem ls asslgned Lo one weapon LhaL Lhe flgure
carrles, whlch musL be declared (or wrlLLen down)
prlor Lo Lhe game. lL lncreases Lhe range of Lhe
weapon by 6".
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4.4.13 1argeLer

CosL: 10pLs

1hls lLem ls asslgned Lo one weapon LhaL Lhe flgure
carrles, whlch musL be declared (or wrlLLen down)
prlor Lo Lhe game. lL allows Lhe flgure Lo re-roll any
mlssed shoLs flred uslng Lhe weapon.

4.4.14 LlmlLer

CosL: 10pLs

When acLlvaLed, a llmlLer negaLes Lhe arlah gene
carrled by unLouchables. A flgure carrylng a llmlLer
may acLlvaLe lL durlng Lhe MovemenL hase, and
Lhe effecL lasLs unLll Lhe sLarL of Lhe nexL game
Lurn. Whlle acLlvaLed, any flgures wlLh Lhe
unLouchable speclal ablllLy (see SecLlon 4.3.21)
wlLhln 6" of Lhe bearer of Lhe LlmlLer lose Lhls
ablllLy, and Lherefore become vulnerable Lo
sychlc aLLacks.

4.4.13 Suspensor

CosL: 3pLs

A suspensor conslsLs of a compacL anLl-gravlLy
generaLor whlch can be aLLached Lo a bulky lLem
such as a heavy weapon. A flgure equlpped wlLh a
Suspensor can carry and use a slngle weapon wlLh
Lhe Peavy" aLLrlbuLe as lf lL was a sLandard

CerLaln Lypes of armour auLomaLlcally geL a
Suspensor. See Lhe enLry on Weapons Suspensors
ln SecLlon for furLher lnformaLlon.

4.S Veh|c|es

AlLhough Lhese rules are abouL sklrmlshes beLween
small, ofLen LllLe forces, Lhere may be occaslons
when a vehlcle or Lwo would make play more

1he vehlcles llsLed below are mosLly a loL less
powerful Lhan Lhe Lanks common Lo games of
5/*%/((&* 678777.
4.6 Crew

All vehlcles musL have a drlver, and some wlll also
requlre a gunner. 1hese personnel musL come
from Lhe player's 8eLlnue and be pald for as usual.

Many vehlcles can also carry passengers. 1he
number wlll be llsLed ln Lhe vehlcle descrlpLlon.
assengers or Crew ln ower Armour counL as Lwo
people for deLermlnlng how many can be carrled.
assengers ln heavler armour Lhan LhaL cannoL be
carrled ln Lhe vehlcles used ln Lhese rules.

4.7 Movement

MosL vehlcles can move up Lo 6" normally, or up Lo
12" when flaL ouL. LlghLer and speedler vehlcles
can move 9" and 18". 1hls speed ls lmporLanL
when conslderlng who can flre from lL when

Cround vehlcles can move Lhrough sofL cover aL
half speed, buL noL Lhrough hard cover aL all.
Sklmmers fly over any Lerraln, buL musL begln and
end Lhelr move ln Lhe open.

4.8 Lmbark|ng and D|sembark|ng

CeLLlng lnLo or off a sLaLlonary vehlcle ls easy. !usL
exlL Lhrough Lhe doors or [ump over Lhe slde.

lf Lhe vehlcle ls movlng, you can sLlll dlsembark,
buL sLand a chance of pancaklng. Lach flgure
balllng ouL of a movlng vehlcle aL up Lo 9"
movemenL musL make a CrlL roll, or counL as
knocked down for Lhe resL of LhaL Lurn.

8alllng ouL of a vehlcle movlng fasLer Lhan LhaL ls
very dangerous and fallure Lo make Lhe CrlL roll
means you are ouL of Lhe game. Make posL-maLch
survlval LesLs as usual.

8alllng ouL of a movlng sklmmer counLs as balllng
ouL of a vehlcle movlng fasLer Lhan 9" even lf you
aren'L golng LhaL fasL.

4.9 Attack|ng a Veh|c|e

ALLacklng a vehlcle ls preLLy much Lhe same as
aLLacklng a flgure. 8oll Lo hlL and see lf you can
equal or exceed Lhe armour raLlng of Lhe vehlcle.
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 22 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
Powever, Lhere are a number of dlfferenL posslble
ouLcomes from hlLLlng a vehlcle.

lf you roll exacLly Lhe armour raLlng of Lhe vehlcle,
roll 2u6 and consulL Lhe vehlcle uamage 1able. lf
you exceed Lhe armour raLlng, also add by how
much you exceeded lL by Lo Lhe 2u6 roll and, Lhen
consulL Lhe Lable.

Score Area Lffect
1-2 Armour ?ou blew off an armour plaLe,
reduce armour raLlng by 1.
3-4 Crew 8oll agaln Lo hlL a member of
Lhe crew or passengers.
8andomly deLermlne whlch
3-6 Weapon ulsable one of Lhe vehlcles
weapons. 8andomly deLermlne
whlch one.
7 SLeerlng vehlcle cannoL Lurn elLher lefL
or rlghL. 8andomly deLermlne
whlch dlrecLlon.
8 Cearbox vehlcle cannoL move elLher
forwards or backwards.
8andomly deLermlne whlch
9 8rakes 1he vehlcle cannoL slow down
or sLop unless lL rams
10 Lnglne vehlcle ls lmmoblllzed.
11 luel
vehlcle goes on flre. All crew
and passengers musL dlsembark
lmmedlaLely or be cooked.
12 luel
Lxplodes. All crew and
passengers musL make
lndlvldual CrlL rolls or be blown
Lo smlLhereens. 1hose LhaL
make lL dlsembark Lhe blazlng
D E2&= $/"> F@*&- =/-$ F+* $%& *&-$ +F $%& 1/(&8 (/>@"1 $%&
G*&:> @()/--/H=& $&**/@"A

4.10 Weapons and I|r|ng

vehlcles llsLed below may have a number of hard
polnLs. 1hese are where heavy weapons can be
mounLed, lf pald for.

Cenerally lf a vehlcle moves slx lnches or less,
anyone ln Lhe vehlcle can engage enemles wlLh
Lhelr own ranged weapons, or crew Lhe vehlcle's
weapons. eople ln vehlcles Lravelllng aL over slx
lnches can only use Lhe vehlcle's own weapons, noL
Lhelr personal ones.

All weapons on a vehlcle or flred by lLs passengers
should have a 360 degree fleld of flre. use
common sense when deLermlnlng Lhls.

4.11 kamm|ng

A vehlcle drlver can choose Lo Lry and run over an
enemy flgure. A vehlcle generally counLs as a +3
weapon for purposes of combaL. Anyone he
doesn'L hlL can have one aLLack back as Lhe vehlcle
sweeps by.

8ammlng anoLher vehlcle ls a producL of speed.
1he rammlng vehlcle geLs +1 for each Lwo lnches
Lhe vehlcle moved before Lhe colllslon. 1he
rammed vehlcle geLs [usL +2 wlLh no movemenL
bonus. 8oll aLLacks agalnsL each vehlcle and apply
damage. 1he ram brlngs boLh vehlcles Lo a halL.

Some vehlcles have purpose bullL rams or dozer
blades for 3pLs and Lhey geL +2 for every 3"

noLe LhaL lf a vehlcle ls dellberaLely rammed lnLo
an lmmovable ob[ecL, or accldenLally due Lo
damage, lL makes an aLLack on lLself aL Lhe bonuses
descrlbed above.

4.12 o|nts Cost

1he cosL for a vehlcle ls based on Lhe Lype, armour,
speed, passenger capaclLy and weapons. 1he base
cosL ls:

8lke 3pLs
Cround vehlcle - normal 10pLs
Cround vehlcle - fasL 13pLs
Sklmmer 20pLs

Add one polnL for each person, crew and
passengers, LhaL can be carrled. Add anoLher polnL
for each weapon hard polnL.

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

4.13 Lxamp|e Veh|c|es

Veh|c|e Speed Armour
o|nts Crew assengers Cost* Notes
SLreeL Car normal 7+ 0 1 3 20 A sLandard clvlllan car.
Crav-Car lasL 7+ 0 1 3 30 Sklmmer
normal 9+ 1 1 3 23 An execuLlve vehlcle.
normal 7+ 1 1 6 24 Also called a '1echnlcal' when
armed wlLh a heavy weapon.
normal 9+ 1 1 4 24
Cargo LlfLer normal 3+ 0 1 6 31 llaL bed sklmmer wlLh no sldes.
1ruck normal 8+ 0 1 12 30
normal 10+ 1 1 12 33
1rucks are used for movlng cargo
and personnel.
MoLorblke lasL 7+ 0 1 0 12
ALLack-blke lasL 8+ 1 2 0 13
Poverboard lasL 8+ 0 1 0 27 Sklmmer
Aqulla lasL 9+ 2 2 8 40 SLandard lmperlal orblLal shuLLle.
8hlno normal 11+ 1 2 10 34 Cnly 2 flgures can flre ouL of Lhe
Lop haLch.
Chlmera normal 12+ 2 2 12 38 Cne of Lhe hard polnLs ls Lhe
LurreL. Slx flgures can flre personal
weapons from Lhe sldes.
D 3%@- @- $%& H/-@: :+-$ F+* $%& I&%@:=&A 5&/)+"- /*& &J$*/A

1yplcal heavy weapons for hard polnLs lnclude any ln Lhe 8eLlnue's llsLlng and are cosLed accordlngly. 1hey can
be deLached and carrled off by Lhe crew.

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

Append|x Cne - Aboard 1he nu|k

1 Introduct|on

lor many players of 5/*%/((&* 678777, Lhelr flrsL
experlence of Lhe unlverse LhaL would come Lo
domlnaLe Lhelr llves was Lhrough Lhe board 1/(&-
9)/:& <2=> and 9)/:& ;*2-/4&. 1hls appendlx
draws upon LhaL 'forbldden love'. noLe LhaL
alLhough Lhls appendlx ls almed aL recreaLlng Lhe
games above, lL could also be used for any shlp-Lo-
shlp boardlng acLlon.

lL all beglns wlLh an anclenL Pulk emerglng from
Lhe warp on Lhe edge of an lmperlal sysLem.

2 8oarders and Defenders

Cne player wlll become Lhe uefender. Pe ls Lhe
one LhaL lays ouL Lhe Pulk and decldes upon lLs
uefenders. 1yplcally Lhese are drawn from Lhe
Chaos and xenos reLlnues.

1he oLhers are 8oarders and each chooses a force
up Lo Lhe agreed polnLs llmlL. 1yplcally Lhese are
drawn from Lhe lorces of Lhe lmperlum.

3 ku|es

1hls game uses Lhe Core 8ules as lLs basls, wlLh Lhe
followlng changes:

3.1 Movement

ln Lhe core rules, dlsLances are measured ln lnches.
ln Lhls varlanL we play on Llled maps of Lhe Pulk,
lald ouL ln regular squares of 1" or 1.3". 1ranslaLe
all movemenL and ranges from lnches Lo squares.

A flgure can move sLralghL or dlagonally along Lhe
squares. lf he comes Lo a haLch or door LhaL ls
closed lL Lakes Lwo squares of movemenL Lo open

3.2 Weapon kanges

Llke MovemenL, Lhese are now calculaLed ln

3.3 1he I|amer

llamer weapons are lncredlbly deadly ln Lhe
resLrlcLed conflnes of a hulk. lnsLead of Lhe usual
rules for flameLhrowers, use Lhe followlng rules:

ln a passageway, Lhe flamer does one hlL
on every flgure wlLhln 4 squares of, and Lo
Lhe fronL of, Lhe operaLor.
ln a comparLmenL, from Lhe muzzle of Lhe
flamer, counL 4 squares ln every dlrecLlon
forwards of Lhe llamer operaLor, lncludlng
dlagonally. llamers lgnore cover. 1hls
represenLs Lhe operaLor sweeplng Lhe flre
from slde Lo slde.

3.4 Grenades

1hese affecL every flgure wlLhln Lhree squares of
Lhe polnL of lmpacL, glvlng each one hlL. lf Lhrown
lnLo a very small chamber or passageway, where
one dlmenslon ls Lwo squares or less, each flgure
Lakes Lwo hlLs.

Lxploslves and LlghL spaces are noL a good mlx.

3.4.1 Cover

Cbvlously Lhere are very few Lrees on a Pulk, buL
Lhere are sLlll Lerraln feaLures such as dlscarded
equlpmenL and furnlLure. Some examples are
descrlbed below:

Cover Mod Lxamp|es
SofL +1 ?our own men geLLlng ln Lhe
way, furnlLure
ModeraLe +2 Consoles, Cargo, Lnemy ls
holdlng a doorway
Pard +3 uefenslve archlLecLure

4 8u||d|ng a nu|k

A Pulk ls a huge amalgam of shlps, asLerolds and
oLher debrls LhaL has been welded LogeLher by
numerous lmpacLs over many mlllennla and/or
dellberaLely by lLs uefenders.
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 23 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013

1he uefender player ls Lhe one who lays ouL Lhe
Pulk. Pe can do Lhls falrly randomly or wlLh a
paLLern ln mlnd.

8emember LhaL Lhe Pulk may be a collecLlon of
lmperlal, Chaos, Lldar, 1yranld, necron and many
oLher Lypes of vessels, so loglc ls noL requlred.

As a general rule, every comparLmenL musL have aL
leasL one enLrance and all parLs of Lhe Pulk layouL
musL be accesslble from every oLher, Lhough Lhe
rouLe may be clrculLous. A Lhlng Lo remember ls
LhaL noL all shlps share Lhe clausLrophoblc
passageways of Lhe Space Pulk game. Many have
vasL chambers across whlch you could march

1he lnLerneL ls a greaL source of free Sl shlp
layouLs already lald ouL ln squares. 1ry 8C Map
Share for a good selecLlon. krls of Crooked SLaff
roducLlons ls also worklng on some. Cuncrawl by
Mel Lbbles ls a good professlonal verslon.

lf you have Lhem you can use orlglnal componenLs
from Lhe Space Pulk and Space Crusade games. A
number of companles are now dolng plasLlc or
resln shlp componenLs as well.

4.1 Compartments & assageways

1he key Lo a good Pulk ls varleLy. Cenerally
speaklng, a passageway should be one or Lwo
squares wlde. Wlder ones are posslble on larger
secLlons of a Pulk.

1ry noL Lo have Loo many long sLralghL
passageways, as Lhey become free-flre zones.
Make Lhem LwlsL and Lurn and lnclude plenLy of 1-
[uncLlons and crossroads. Some passageways may
be parLly or compleLely blocked by barrlcades.
1hese could offer sofL or hard cover, and wlll need
Lo be broken Lhrough [usL llke a LlghL 8ulkhead (see

ComparLmenLs can vary from small sLorage unlLs,
roughly Lhree squares ln any dlmenslon, Lhrough
all Lhe usual worklng spaces whlch wlll be beLween
Lhree and elghL squares ln any dlmenslon, up Lo
larger spaces such as holds, vehlcle bays, mess
halls, drlve chambers eLc.

WlLh Lhe larger comparLmenLs, break Lhem up wlLh
consoles, furnlLure and equlpmenL. 1hls glves
opporLunlLles for cover for boLh Lhe boarders and

4.2 8u|kheads and natches

8ulkheads are Lhe walls and floors ln a shlp. 1hey
can be very Lhlck and sLrong and requlre speclal
Lools Lo peneLraLe.

PaLchways are Lhe doors ln Lhe bulkheads. Lach ls
capable of wlLhsLandlng boLh vacuum and
exploslve decompresslon.

1o breach a bulkhead or haLch Lakes speclallsL
equlpmenL. 1hls lncludes 8reachlng Charge,
1hermal Lance, MelLagun, krak Crenades, lasma
lsLol, owerflsL, lorce Weapon or ChalnflsL.

AgalnsL Lhls equlpmenL Lhe bulkhead or haLch geLs
a savlng Lhrow as shown below:

1ype Save Lxamp|es
LlghL 6+ arLlLlon wall lnslde a
comparLmenL, or a llghL welghL
Medlum 3+ SLandard bulkhead or haLch
Peavy 4+ 8elnforced bulkheads and
haLches. ShuLLle-bay doors and
8adlaLlon chamber walls
Pull 3+ 1he acLual hull of Lhe Pulk

LlghL bulkheads and haLches geL no save agalnsL
ChalnflsLs and MelLaguns.

lf peneLraLed, a hole appears one square wlde.

4.3 Lxp|os|ve Decompress|on

lf Lhe hull ls peneLraLed or someone cuLs Lhrough
lnLo an area of Lhe Pulk LhaL has no alr, Lhen
exploslve decompresslon occurs. Lveryone ln Lhe
comparLmenL or passageway ls hlL, and musL make
a CrlL roll or be hurled ouL lnLo space.

ln subsequenL acLlvaLlons Lhey musL make anoLher
roll. lf Lhe make lL, Lhen Lhey can move away from
Lhe breach aL half speed. lf Lhey can geL Lo Lhe
oLher slde of an open haLchway Lhey can close lL
and cease Laklng saves.

4.4 1he 1h|rd D|mens|on

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 26 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
lf you are feellng bold, you can place haLches ln Lhe
floor or celllng LhaL lead Lo upper or lower levels.
Assume LhaL Lhere ls a ladder on an ad[acenL
bulkhead. Movlng up or down cosLs 3 squares of

?ou could also have comparLmenLs LhaL span more
Lhan one level.

S |ay|ng the Game

As wlLh all !" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(& games Lhe key ls
Lo have fun. lf any rule does noL work ln Lhe
slLuaLlon you flnd yourselves ln make a new one, or
[usL roll a dle.

S.1 nu|k Layout & 8||ps

AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe game, all players can see
Lhe enLlre layouL. ln game Lerms Lhey have
performed acLlve scans of Lhe hulk and equlpped
Lhelr boardlng Leams wlLh maps.

1he 8oardlng players choose aL whlch polnL around
Lhe ouLslde of Lhe Pulk layouL Lhey wlll breach.

1hen Lhe uefender player places Lhe Cb[ecLlves
and puLs down hls 8llps. A 8llp ls a numbered
counLer LhaL can represenL any unlL ln hls
command or a sensor ghosL. Pe musL have a
numbered llsL of hls unlLs Lo maLch Lhe bllps. Pe
wlll have 30 more bllps Lhan unlLs. Pe cannoL
place more Lhan one bllp per passageway or

unLll Lhey are revealed, he cannoL move Lhose
unlLs. As soon as a 8oardlng player opens a
comparLmenL all bllps are Lurned over and Lhe
ghosLs removed. 1he uefender can Lhen place Lhe
llsLed unlL(s) ln LhaL comparLmenL before Lhe
boarder enLers.

S.2 Iorces

lor your flrsL game, glve each 8oarder 200 polnLs
Lo buy Lhelr Lroops from Lhe 8eLlnues SupplemenL.
1he Pulk layer should have 30 more polnLs Lhan
Lhe LoLal glven Lo Lhe 8oarders.

ln fuLure games vary Lhls Lo sulL yourselves.

S.3 Cb[ect|ves & V|ctory

1he uefender layer musL place four ob[ecLlves
Lokens ln Lhe Pulk marked wlLh a PearL, ulamond,
Club & Spade symbol, and provlde Lwo playlng
cards of Lhe same sulL for each ob[ecLlve. no
ob[ecLlve can be ln Lhe same comparLmenL or
passageway as anoLher.

1he cards are Lhen shuffled and Lhe boardlng
players Lake one card each. 1he remalnlng cards
are puL away where nelLher Lhe boardlng nor Pulk
player has access Lo Lhem.

A 8oardlng player geLs 10 polnLs lf he reaches hls
ob[ecLlve and a furLher 2 polnLs for each flgure LhaL
reached Lhe ob[ecLlve who geLs back Lo Lhelr
boardlng crafL allve. 1o be counLed as reachlng Lhe
ob[ecLlve, Lhe flgure musL enLer Lhe room
conLalnlng Lhe ob[ecLlve and Lhere be no llvlng
Pulk uefenders remalnlng ln LhaL comparLmenL.
Cne flgure musL acLually Louch Lhe ob[ecLlve
(posslbly Lo Lake someLhlng from lL or place an
exploslve charge or a compuLer vlrus lnLo lL).

1he uefender player geLs 3 polnLs for each
ob[ecLlve sLlll ln hls hands/Lalons aL Lhe end of Lhe

Cne should also glve Lhe uefender and 8oardlng
players 1 vlcLory polnL for each enemy Lhey
ellmlnaLe. noLe LhaL Lhe oLher 8oarders are noL
necessarlly your frlends, especlally lf you flnd
yourselves golng for Lhe same ob[ecLlve.

SulLable ob[ecLlves could lnclude a Comms or
Command anel, a PosLage, an ArLefacL, a
Weapons' cache, a llfe supporL sysLem, a Shleld
CeneraLor, or a uaLa CrysLal.
!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

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2 3#44561 7#+0#1

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 2-3 8eLlnues. 1hls
classlc ob[ecLlve ls an anclenL arLefacL, or perhaps a
vlLal daLa slaLe, LhaL you need Lo recover and
reLurn Lo base for analysls. SLash Lhls ln a sulLable
bulldlng or a hollow Lree, and mark lL wlLh a
counLer. 1hls should be ln Lhe dead cenLre of Lhe
Lable. 1he flrsL flgure Lo reach Lhe locaLlon can Lake
Lhe counLer.

1he wlnner ls Lhe player who geLs Lhe counLer off
Lhe Lable. A flgure can carry Lhe counLer aL normal
speed, buL whlle dolng so cannoL run or use ranged

lf a flgure LhaL ls carrylng Lhe counLer ls kllled or
knocked down, Lhe nexL flgure Lo come lnLo
conLacL wlLh hlm can Lake Lhe counLer.

8 90+: !"/.*#

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 3-3 8eLlnues and ls Lhe
defence of a sLraLeglc bulldlng.

8andomly deLermlne Lhe defender. 1haL player
geLs Lo seL up wlLhln and around Lhe bulldlng. 1hls
should be close Lo Lhe cenLre of Lhe Lable. 1he
oLhers musL force hlm ouL and Lake conLrol of lL. ln
Lhe flrsL Lurn Lhe defender geLs Lhe lnlLlaLlve. 1he
defender also geLs an exLra Len polnLs of Lroops
per opposlng 8eLlnue afLer Lhe flrsL.

1he wlnner ls Lhe lasL player ln compleLe
possesslon of Lhe bulldlng aL a prearranged Llme,
for example aL Lhe end of Lhe 13Lh or 20Lh Lurns.

; !11/11&$/:&0$

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 2-4 8eLlnues. 1he
ob[ecLlve ls Lo slay Lhe enemy's Leader aL all cosLs,
excepL Lhe loss of your own. 1he lasL Leader allve ls
Lhe wlnner aL Lhe end of a Lurn. Cf course Lhls
game could end up wlLh no leaders allve.

< )*# =/>$:4#:

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 3-3 8eLlnues. Cne
8eLlnue has Lhe [ob of escorLlng a wagon of
refugees/orphans/looL/raLlons/klLLens from one
shorL Lable edge Lo Lhe oLher. 1he oLher 8eLlnues
musL capLure Lhe wagon and Lake lL off Lhe Lable aL
Lhelr enLry polnL.

1he aLLackers musL deploy on Lhe long Lable edges.
1here ls noLhlng Lo sLop Lhem cooperaLlng wlLh
each oLher, alLhough only one 8eLlnue can wln.
1he LscorL geLs Lo acL flrsL on Lhe flrsL Lurn. lL has
also been relnforced wlLh an exLra LwenLy polnLs of
Lroops per opposlng 8eLlnue afLer Lhe flrsL.

? )*# @&:>/4

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 2-3 8eLlnues. A Chaos
AgenL (or posslbly a 8adlcal lnqulslLor) and hls
8eLlnue are performlng a dangerous rlLual ln a
bulldlng somewhere on Lhe Lable. 1he oLher
8eLlnues have a resLrlcLed number of Lurns Lo flnd
hlm and dlsrupL Lhe rlLual (engaglng Lhe Chaos
AgenL ln melee would be enough, or shooLlng hlm

lace four Lo slx bulldlngs randomly on Lhe Lable.
1he Chaos AgenL secreLly noLes whlch one he ls ln
before hls opponenLs deploy.

Pe can deploy up Lo half hls 8eLlnue ouLslde Lhe
bulldlng Lo lead Lhe oLhers a merry dance lf he so

A B$# 0C 0>+ @0D0:1 &1 E&11&$F

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 2-3 8eLlnues. A
ureadnoughL has gone rogue and ls sLandlng ln Lhe
cenLre of Lhe Lable flghLlng anyone who
approaches. 1he 8eLlnue LhaL Lakes lL down wlns.

1he dreadnoughL's sLars are as follows: CrlL 3+,
lv4, Sv4, Move - none excepL Lurnlng. 12+
Armour, Peavy 8olLer and ower Claw.

!" $%& '()&*+*,- ./(&

lorge of War uevelopmenL Croup - age 29 of 29 - 3rd LdlLlon May 2013
! "#$% #' ()%*+

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 2-3 8eLlnues. An
ln[ured lmperlal/Chaos Spy ls holed up ln a bunker
ln Lhe cenLre of Lhe Lable surrounded by lague
Zombles. Pe cannoL geL ouL and Lhey cannoL geL ln.

1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo reach Lhe enLrance of Lhe
bunker, plck up Lhe ln[ured man and geL hlm back
Lo your deploymenL polnL wlLhouL geLLlng eaLen.

1here should be aL leasL flfLy zomble flgures evenly
spread ln 'pods' of flve around Lhe bunker. none
wlll be more Lhan 12" from Lhe bunker aL Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe game. Cne pod wlll be beaLlng on
Lhe bunker door.

A pod of Zombles wlll lmmedlaLely move Lowards
and aLLack Lhe flrsL 8eLlnue LhaL comes wlLhln 9" of
Lhem. Cn subsequenL Lurns Lhey wlll move lasL ln
Lhe lnlLlaLlve order.

1hey are relenLless and wlll pursue Lhelr LargeLs
unLll Lhey caLch Lhem and eaL Lhem. Llne of slghL ls
noL lmporLanL once Lhe Zombles are on Lhelr Lrall.
1hey can Lrack fear and blood.

Anyone kllled by a Zomble wlll arlse as one on Lhe
nexL Lurn.

lague Zombles are CrlL 2+, lv+1, Sv+0, Speed -1,
no armour or weapons. 1hey are lmmune Lo 1error
and syker owers (nurgle ls such a generous god).

, -#.% /#''#01 21%3-#4%

1hls scenarlo ls sulLable for 2-3 8eLlnues. 1here ls a
bunker ln Lhe cenLre of Lhe Lable. lL ls Lhe only
place on Lhe Lable LhaL wlll survlve a planned
orblLal bombardmenL LhaL wlll be descendlng
shorLly Lo obllLeraLe Lhls area of Lhe planeL.

AL Lhe end of Lurn slx roll 1u6. Cn a 6 Lhe
bombardmenL beglns. lf Lhe game goes Lo Lurn
seven, a roll of 3 or 6 wlll brlng on Lhe
bombardmenL and so on.

1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo be ln Lhe bunker when Lhe
bombardmenL beglns. 1he bunker ls hard cover,
buL has no locks on lLs Lwo doors, so you cannoL
seal yourself ln. 1hls means LhaL you musL hold lL
Lhe hard way, by kllllng any oLher poor sucker who
Lrles Lo geL ln.

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