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10/8/2014 Import Revit into SAP2000 - SAP2000 - CSI 1/1
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Added by Ondrej Kalny, last edited by Ondrej Kalny on Jul 24, 2013
SAP2000 / Home / Import
Import Revit into SAP2000
To import models from AutoDesk Revit Structure into SAP2000,
is available to supplement SAP2000 versions V15.1.0/1 and higher. The CSiXRevit Manual is attached.
Previous SAP2000 versions
While direct import from Revit into SAP2000 is not available to versions which predate V15.1.0/1, import options are available,
described as follows:
1. Revit models may first be imported into
Industry Foundation Classes
(IFC), or another intermediate format, before being imported from IFC into SAP2000. A list of file formats which are
suitable for import into SAP2000 is available through File > Import.
2. As an alternative, models may be imported from Revit into ETABS, then saved as a SAP2000 model. Please note that
SAP2000 models are exported to ETABS in the SAP2000 V7 format. As a result, the SAP2000 text file created within
ETABS should be imported to SAP2000 by selecting File > Import > SAP2000 V6 or V7 .s2k Text File.
Further, the SAP2000 V7 S2K file does not support labels longer than seven characters. Labels should be modified in
ETABS such that they have seven characters or less prior to export from ETABS into SAP2000.

See also
CSiXRevit manual
Export ETABS V9 Files to SAP2000 article

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