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Name: Italo Saraiva Goncalves

Class: Listening and Speaking

Level: Intermediate 1

Sean Gourley: The mathematics of war
Searching information about the war, the physician Sean Gourley and his team collect raw data on 130
different sources of information and built one database that found a heavy mathematical relationship
linking the frequency of attacks and the fatality in some wars.
So, they toke all of the conflicts and the out of that comes a precise mathematical distribution of the
attacked are ordered in these conflicts. They discovered that all conflicts have the same pattern emerged,
after that, they found one thing in common in all conflicts, the insurgent forces evolve over time, they
adapt, and it becomes the one solution to fight a much stronger enemy, if you dont found the solution,
you fail. With discovers like that, the group gained an understand of the wars, and with accuracy, they
agree, Its time to moving out from Iraq.

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