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Brazil Study Abroad

ISC1920 Interdisciplinary Study in Biology

POR1120 Introduction to Portuguese..
MUH2501 World Music..
Summer 2015
Memorial Of America Latina
Live Music
Courses Credits
Interdisciplinary Study in Biology (1 credits)
Introduction to Portuguese (3 credits)
World Music (3 credits)
Course Offerings
Faculty Leaders
Filomena Smolenski
Mrs. Maria Filomena Ventura-Smolenski is Brazilian; she speaks the language
and lived in the country for many years: She holds a Master Degree in Cell
Biology and has been a professor at Santa Fe College since 1995; She has
taught all levels of General Biology, Genetics and Evolution, Anatomy and
Physiology, Microbiology, Biotechnology for both the Health Science and
Natural Science Departments.
Phone: 352-381-3618
Scott Smolenski
Mr. Scott Smolenski is earning his PhD in Brazilian music at the University of
Florida and has travelled extensively throughout Brazil. He is well versed in
Brazilian culture and has a working knowledge of the Portuguese language.
He has taught music at Santa Fe College since 2005.
Phone: 352-395-5313
Dr. Regiani Zacarias
Dr. Regiani Zacarias holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Sao
Paulo. Dr. Zacharias is a full time professor of linguistics at UNESP.
From Fall 2012-Spring 2012 she was SFCs Fulbright Scholar in
residence. She taught a number of courses at SFC. In the fall of 2015,
she will be teaching Portuguese online to SFC students.

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