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University of Sulaymaniyah

College of engineering
Architecture department
2012 - 2013

The differences between Urban &
Rural environments

Prepared by :
checked by:
Ismael omer
zhazad jamal


> Introduction
> The differences between Urban
and Rural environments
> References


Most counties, whether metropolitan
or nonmetropolitan, contain a
combination of urban and rural
populations .
Throughout the world, more people
live in rural areas than in urban
areas. This has been changing
rapidly, however. Urbanization is
happening all over the world. In
Asia, for example, the United
Nations estimates that the urban
population will increase by almost 2
billion by 2050 .

The differences between Urban and Rural

- urban relates to the area
surrounding cities and well
populated areas. rural relates to a
sparsely populated areas, usually
farmland or country areas
- The cost of living in urban areas
is usually much higher than in rural
areas. It costs more to rent a
house, buy food, and use
transportation. For this reason,
wages are usually higher in urban
- Centers of learning, such as
universities, hospitals, and
regional government, are usually
located in urban areas while
sometimes they don't exist in rural
- Wildlife is more frequently found
in rural areas than in cities
because of the absence of people and
buildings which makes rural areas
more favorable because of weather

- In rural areas Livelihoods drawn
from crop cultivation, livestock,
forestry or fishing . while in urban
areas Livelihoods drawn from labor
markets within non-agricultural
production or making/selling goods
or services
- Urban areas are those regions with
a population of over 50,000 people ,
but rural areas have a population
density below 150 inhabitants per

References :

* www.en.
* www.

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