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Veterinarian's Hospital - Bunny

DR. BOB: Well, who's the first patient, Nurse Janice?

NURSE JANICE: Here he is, Dr. Bob.
NURSE I!!": Oh, Dr. Bob, what a cute little bunny. I wonder what his nae is?
DR. BOB: Well, he hasn't that !"h, what's up doc,! so it isn't you#$now#who%
NURSE JANICE: Who, doctor?
DR. BOB: It's not !Who, doctor,! it's !Doctor Who! # that's another show.
NURSE JANICE: Oh, oh, is he related to Doctor Which?
DR. BOB: No, it's not !Doctor Which! it's witch doctor, and that's another ball &ae%
NURSE JANICE: Oh, then Doctor Who's on first%
NURSE I!!": 'll I as$ed you is the bunny's nae, and I &et 'bbot and (ostello.
BUNN": Hey, loo$ can we &et on with this? I' late% I' late%
DR. BOB: )or a *ery iportant date?
BUNN": No, that's another rabbit.
DR. BOB: Oh, you're not the white rabbit?
BUNN": No, I' the wrong rabbit%
NURSE I!!": +ood &rief% Now it's ,abbit and (ostello.
NURSE JANICE: Dr. Bob, ay I reind you this is a hospital?
DR. BOB: Oh, I' &lad you did. -he way the .o$es were dyin&, I thou&ht it was a
BUNN": Hey, hurry up, will ya? I &otta &et bac$ to the hutch%
DR. BOB: -he what?
NURSE I!!": Hutch. -hat's where rabbits li*e.
DR. BOB: I $now that. I e*en $now where it is. It's behind a faous cathedral.
A##: Oh?
DR. BOB: /ou ust ha*e heard of it. -he hutch bac$ of Notre Dae?
NURSE I!!": -hat rin&s a bell%
And so we come to the end of another Veterinarian's Hospital.
DR. BOB: +ood%
Tune in next week when you'll hear Nurse Janice say:
NURSE JANICE: Oh, Dr. Bob, that was really a lon& way to &o for that last .o$e% /ou
should ha*e pac$ed a lunch%
DR. BOB: I did. I ate it behind the cathedral.
A##: Oh?
DR. BOB: /es. I had the lunch bac$ of Notre Dae%

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