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How to Clean Corroded Aluminum With Hydrochloric Acid

1. Thick work clothes is put on with long sleeves and pants. Your hands is covered with
rubber gloves, and put on safety glasses and a filtration mask.
2. A non-reactive rubber tub is placed outdoors, in a well-ventilated area.
3. A solution of 20 parts water are mixed to 1 part hydrochloric acid. It's important the
rubber tub is poured with water first, and then the acid added slowly , being careful not to
splash it. The solution is mixed with a paint stirring stick.
4. The corroded aluminum is placed into the solution. It is allowed to set submerged for
about 10 minutes. You'll be seen bubbles releasing from the corrosion as the acid
removes it from the aluminum.
5. The aluminum is removed from the solution, and it is rinsed thoroughly with ample
amounts of water from a garden hose. Let the aluminum air-dry completely before being
touched or used.
6. This process is repeated with a solution of 10 parts water to 1 part acid, if the corrosion
remains on the aluminum item.

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