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1) Find a picture of Harrods

2) Find a screenshot of google maps showing harrods and a google street view of it.
3) what's the nearest tube station?
8!13" #rompton $oad% &nightsbridge% 'ondon ()3 1$*

+) ,magine -our hotel is near .icadill- /ircus% what route do -ou have to follow to go
") what's the official webside?
2) what are the opening times?
3onda- to (aturda-0 14044am ! 5044pm
(unda-0 11034am ! 2044pm
) /an -ou shop online?
6es% -ou can.
8) 6ou li7e sports. )hat tourist attraction is near?
*he /halsea stadium.
5) 6ou li7e nature. )hat tourist attraction is near?
*he H-de .ar7.
14) *here's a memorial inside harrods. )ho are the protagonists? )h-?
*he memorial is a t-pe of an altar with two pictures in it. ,n one we can see lad- 8
9princess diana of wales) and in the otherone there is 8odi :l!Fa-ed. 8odi was 8iana's
bo-friend and the two of them died in an accident car.
*he- are there because 8odi's father was the boss of Harrods and he wanted to ma7e a
tribute to his son and his girlfriend.

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