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Warm up: 5 minutes
What kind of words do you use for a description?
How much vocabulary do you know about aviation? (Write their answers on
the board).
What kind of words helps us indicate the position of something? Mention
Description preparation: 15 - 20 Minutes
Students are given the following vocabulary so that they will be able to describe the
pictures easier.
Weather conditions
1. Sunny
2. Rainy
3. Cloudy
4. Snowy
5. Windy
Natural phenomena
1. Rain
2. Snow
3. Drizzle
4. Haze
5. Fog
6. Mist
7. Wind
8. Gust
Airport features
1. Runway
2. Taxiway
3. Run-up area
4. Stand/Gate
5. Apron/ramp
6. Fire truck
7. De-icer truck
8. Safety cone
9. Mast
10. Hangar
11. Light
12. Perimeter fence
13. Blast fence
14. Chocks
Ground actions
1. Taxi
2. De-ice
3. Follow
4. Run up
5. Park
6. Push back
7. Start up
8. Wait
9. Abort take-off
Type of problems
1. Engine fire
2. Flat tire
3. Snowdrift
4. Smoke
Then, give the students examples by using the three pictures below.
Page 2
Activity: 20 30 minutes
Each student is given a picture and he/she has to describe it correctly. The
following is the set of pictures shown to describe.

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