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James Jackson

JRNL 2101
With unwavering determination and a few bucks to spend I set out on a misty Saturday
morning to begin my experiment. To discover if a person can truly live on the $2 international
poverty line, I was willing to try anything. I took only the essential items with me: an old dusty
dull gray colored tent, a plastic cup with a lid for water, and the clothes on my back. I set out
towards Douglas, Georgia, on foot, as using a car would waste the only money I have.
The walk towards Douglas was not too tragically far, just a nine-mile jog from where I
was staying and youre there. However, while on my walk I did take notice to some of the houses
and the nearby people. Some lived in moderately fine houses and some, not so much. The most
expensive of the houses I observed could be no more than around the $100,000-$150,000 mark.
I, sadly, live in just a mobile home so I know not the luxury of a grounded house but compared
to my place, they looked much more appealing. The passerbys were not much different, you had
the normals, and then you find that one idiot who decided to hang half his body out the car into
oncoming traffic just to get a good laugh at you. The rest of the people were very inconsiderate,
or rather skeptical about stopping to see if I needed help, it said a lot about the trust issues in the
Through much time and loads of stretching I came upon the city limits. Reaching the
first red light I though about what I could do to pass the time, since I dont have a job or could
find one to test my theory. Then it hit me, theres a park about three miles away and it has a
place to play sports. So, I decided to play a few rounds of basketball to work up a huge sweat to
resemble exhaustion at work. When I arrived, there was a new overseer of the park, since I
havent gone in years this was surprising. I approached him and asked do they have rental balls
or something. Apparently I was the only person to show today because he excitedly said sure,
James Jackson
JRNL 2101
theyre free to use but make sure to return then when finished, dont want to have to track you
down later.
He gave me the ball, free of charge no less and I was grateful, said m thanks and left to
the court. After playing a few rounds, missing nearly all the free throws, I noticed some people
down the street just looking at me. It was unclear but I could see they looked as if they were
thinking That guy cant shoot a few hoops to save his life, and they would probably right as Id
take off my glasses earlier and was blind as a bat.
Later when my legs began to shake, I said, that should be enough for today. So I gave
the ball back and began to wonder off, only to realize that Im poor with directions and forgot
which road to take. When I was seven-years-old I lived nearby and figured that I should be able
to remember my way around, guess I was wrong. After pondering my mind and walking around
the square area of the park, I found the road and began my trip towards Wal-Mart.
Walking along the highways, I proceeded down towards what some people refer to as the
fast-food district. It was a very accurate description as most the area was nothing but fast food
places, from Burger King to Zaxbys. Speaking of Zaxbys, I passed by it and the building
smelled heavenly to put it bluntly. I was starving enough already so I tried to speed on past it, but
it was like it was just calling my name or something because I couldnt pry my eyes away from
it. Finally, through sheer willpower, I managed to get far enough away so the smell couldnt
reach me and used the first chance I got to cross the highway to get on Wal-Mart property.
I spent the rest of the afternoon unintentionally staggering around Wal-Mart like a sleep-
deprived zombie in some kind of drunken stupor whose legs were made of lead. By stagger
James Jackson
JRNL 2101
around like a zombie, I literally mean it was so bad that if I started to grunt, slur, and drool the
little kids, who were already hesitant about approaching me, would run off in terror. As if that
wasnt bad enough, I also attracted the attention of some unwanted guests, the manager and a
few other employees.
The manager decided to ask why Im acting like a zombie a month away from
Halloween. I responded with why are you selling Christmas stuff in September? This
prompted a short discussion on dressing as a zombie vs. selling stuff prior to the event. One of
the employees looked like she about to start laughing, but as our argument escalated, the
manager interrupted and said I should continue my shopping, to have a good day, and to not eat
the kids. She was nice and friendly, but this was quite possibly the most embarrassing thing Ive
done all day.
After passing through the Nerf toy section and making n utter fool of my self, I ended up
juggling the smaller guns because they started falling down- when one fell I threw it back and
another decides to fall, I decided around 5 oclock that it was time to grab something to eat.
With years of shopping with women who carry coupons and have eyes for sales (my mother,
grandmother) under my belt Ive developed the ability to almost sense what is on sale, almost.
Luckily bread was on sale at $1.17, so I grabbed a loaf and scoured the store in hopes to find a
cheap bag of meat, the five slices at most piece packs that cost under a dollar. I was in luck to
find the great value brand and it was also on sale, if I had to live on $2 all the time I hope to keep
the same luck. Lastly, before leaving the store, I stopped by the water fountain to fill my cup up,
not knowing if I was in the wrong or anything I kept nervously looking at my surroundings, like
some crazy drug dealer, and immediately made a break to the doors when the cup was full.
James Jackson
JRNL 2101
The reason I bought what I did is because, I can make it last at least five meals, more if
needed, and sadly condiments were not able to fit in the budget this time. Buy bread and small
pack of meat on this day, come back and buy a larger pack of meat that can last longer, then a
drink eventually. It seemed to be the perfect plan for someone who isnt providing for another;
however the plan would have backfired completely if I had a few people depending on my
actions, as I wouldnt have enough to feed more than five people a whole sandwich. Also this
plan would only last about a week without some method of keeping the stuff cool as it would
spoil after a said amount of time.
Beginning my way back I ran into the usual people laughing at me when they passed by
and by that time I was too tired to not care what they did. It was incredibly hard to not succumb
to the urge to quench my thirst halfway home, imagine the driest ones mouth could be then,
times that by ten and thats about what it felt like, the temptation was incredibly strong. However
unlike the first trip it was much cooler with winds blowing harder and you could smell the aroma
of fresh cut grass, both of which were very relaxing at that time.
After roughly an hour of limp walking I managed to make it home, my own safe haven
with a pack of meat, a loaf of bread, a cup of water, all in tact. Id been on my feet since the early
morning only sitting down for a small breather at Wal-Mart so when I crossed I quickly found
the quietest spot in the living room just to shut my eyes and rest a few minutes or so.
I walked over to the corner of the room and fell exhausted into the chair, about the time
my family came in and found me there with a black kitten snoozing on my head, a Chihuahua
under my legs, and another cat stuck on my knee. They love animals and have a total of two
James Jackson
JRNL 2101
dogs, (Chihuahua, Blond Labrador retriever), a soon to be coming German Sheppard puppy, two
ex-stray cats, and Im shocked they havent put in for a shark or something yet.
When I opened my eyes, what I saw could only be described as pure evil! I think they
meant to taunt me or something because they strolled on in with Zaxbys in hand and even had a
small something for me (though I knew nothing at the time). So as Im staring down my
supper and comparing it to theirs, all I could see is a feast fit for a king vs. less than a TV
Suddenly it hit me, I have to go back and do this all again tomorrow! I caved; I caved
so badly that the cave would have fallen in if it wasnt figurative speaking. I just cant imagine it,
how could someone live on that price, if I caved only after a day (though there were influences
out of my control) then how can a person of the same economic class as me actually go through
with it, especially if they have dependents, without succumbing to some sort of criminal activity
after a set amount of time. While still deep in thought they had passed me my plate. I took it
without hesitation and stared at it a minute, it was the Big Zack Snak meal which costs
somewhere between $5 and $6(at the time). Finally letting the smell get to me and hearing my
stomach growl a few times I decided to go ahead and eat.
You know, through this adventure of mine I have seen many things in many different
ways, but I learned just two very important lessons. The first, life is a jerk and always will be it
picks you up just to throw you down a flight (or two) of stairs. The second thing I learned is that
Zaxbys tastes pretty freaking good after a day like that.

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