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Transylvanian Sunrise Emerges

Since returning from Romania I have reported on my adventures with David nderson! his Time
Trave" Research #enter and my adventures in Romania which were centered around the
t"anty$ron #onference% &hen I arrived at t"anty$ron! David to"d me that as the conference
progressed throughout the wee$! it wou"d 'ecome more deep"y invo"ved with the su'(ect of
astropa"eo"ogy% This refers to the study of ancient stones or mega"iths and how they re"ate to the
position of the stars% There are various astronomica" stone ca"endars around the wor"d! 'ut one of
the most significant is in Romania and is $nown as Sarmi)e(etusa% It is we"" south of
Transy"vania and the "arger mountain ranges of Romania%
Sarmi)e(etusa was the capita" of the ancient Dacian Empire% The Dacians were a very advanced
civi"i)ation% If you "oo$ at the Romanian Sphin*! the o'"ong top of the head resem'"es an ancient
Dacian he"met% Dacia is pronounced dysha 'y Romanians and sounds very much "i$e the
+ermans pronounce Deutsche! the name for their native home"and% "though no one seemed to
grasp it when I pointed it out! the two words sound so much a"i$e that I cou"d not he"p 'ut
wonder if the +ermans descended from the ancient Romanians% The connection is o'vious%
More important"y! the ruins of Sarmi)e(etusa possess insight into the future% ccording to
Romanian scho"ars I ta"$ed to! the $now"edge of ancient t"antis was coded into these ruins and
their re"ative position to the stars in order to signa" the return of ancient wisdom% Pursuit of this
$now"edge is part of the reason why I went to Romania in ugust of ,--. and this concerns the
ama)ing discovery in the Bucegi Mountains not far from the Romanian Sphin**% The detai"s of
this discovery wi"" 'e pu'"ished in the ne*t coup"e of months in the 'oo$ Transy"vanian Sunrise
'y Radu #inamar with Peter Moon%
The new 'oo$! Transylvanian Sunrise, is not on"y a'out an incredi'"e discovery that wi"" change
the way humanity "oo$s at itse"f/ it is a"so a 'oo$ a'out the remar$a'"e circum0stances
surrounding the discovery% This not on"y inc"udes the po"itica" intrigue surrounding it! 'ut the
primary person who is the curator or "oca" 1(inn2 of the area% &e $now him in the 'oo$ as #e)ar
Brad! a psychica""y gifted individua" since 'irth who was monitored c"ose"y 'y the then
#ommunist government% It was #e)ar3s unusua""y "ong and a"most impossi'"e to cut um'i"ica"
chord that caused his doctor to report him to the authorities% s we "earn from this 'oo$!
Romania had a"" sorts of secret faci"ities that har'ored peop"e with remar$a'"e or strange
a'i"ities% #eausescu! the #om0psycho"ogy! socio"ogy! and other aspects of the human condition%
By the time he reached fu"" adu"t status! #e)ar himse"f was assigned to head up Department 4ero%
It is ap0parent that this assignment had 'een ordained 'y destiny and guided 'y $ey p"ayers such
as +enera" O'adea and Dr% 5ien%
considera'"e part of Transylvania Sunrise concerns #e)ar3s divu"gence of his persona" story
and anecdotes to Radu #inamar! the author. Radu! who seems "i$e something a$in to an innocent
'ystander at first! a"so has an important ro"e to p"ay in the story% Seeming"y pic$ed in the
'eginning as a trusted individua" to te"" #e)ar3s story! fate wou"d a"so afford Radu a remar$a'"y
rare opportunity to visit the remar$a'"e discovery site in the Bucegi Mountains and "ater
communist Dictator! had them iso"ated and monitored for his own 'enefit% They were
organi)ationa""y p"aced under De0partment 4ero! headed 'y a mysterious +enera" O'adea%
Besides dea"ing with individua"s with mysterious powers! Department 4ero dea"t with a"" sorts of
anoma"ous and psychic phenomena that wou"d appear in the country% "though #eausescu had
arranged for the funding of the department! he pretty much "eft them a"one% Department 4ero was
so secret that most peop"e in Romania3s government! inc"uding their inte""igence
services! $new virtua""y nothing a'out it or that it e*isted%
&hen #eausescu was deposed! this opened the door to po"itica" pro'"ems with regard to the
possi'"e misuse of these individua"s and Department 4ero itse"f% 6ortunate"y! +en0era" O'adea
was a spiritua" man who was chosen 'y fate to deft"y guide Romania3s most guarded secret
department into a new era of government with re"ative freedom for the popu0"ation% Secret"y!
O'adea never supported #eausescu and fore0saw his downfa""% 7e was a"so c"ever enough to
secure his own position during the regime change%
Despite the repressive times of #ommunism! there was sti"" a ray of hope and O'adea was in the
thic$ of it% 7e was the mentor of #e)ar Brad and saw to his safety! 'ut he was he"ped in this
regard 'y an occu"t master from Red #hina! a mysterious Dr% 5ien! who monitored #e)ar and
$ept him on a positive path% Besides his tute"age of #e)ar and other 1spe0cia" peop"e!2 Dr% 5ien
had considera'"e inf"uence in Depart0ment 4ero% s a mem'er of a communist regime himse"f!
he was free from suspicion and immune from the Dictator%
s #e)ar grew up! his natura" psychic a'i"ities were enhanced and supp"emented 'y more forma"
studies of 'ecome invo"ved in investigations nothing short of miracu"ous% So that you have a
'etter understanding of how these events are intertwined with David nderson! myse"f and the
Romanians mentioned! I wi"" share some of #e)ar3s wisdom from the 'oo$%
1%%%some human 'eings are far a'ove our conceptua"! menta" or organi)ationa" standards%
If they so choose! these human 'eings can transform other peop"e3s destinies through the
power of their superior a'i"ities%2
In this 'oo$! #e)ar is demonstrated to have such superior a'i"ities% To a degree! he e*p"ains how
such a'i"ities can 'e ac8uired through training% 7e not on"y trained hard and "ong! he had a
specia" $nac$ for it% &hat is more important is that this entire Romanian adventure in0vo"ves
transformation! not on"y for myse"f! David nder0son! and the others invo"ved 'ut for the entire
human race% #e)ar! however! does not suggest that he is the 'e0a"" end or any such thing% 7e
himse"f was 'eing wor$ed or inf"uenced 'y +enera" O'adea and Dr% 5ien% The +enera"! in turn!
was inf"uenced 'y a gifted priest from the Orthodo* #hurch who seemed to thrive during a time
of re"igious repression% Even #eausescu sought his advice 'ut did so in secret%
&hi"e #e)ar3s superior mind has transformed Radu #inamar3s destiny in a very powerfu" way! it
has a"so had an inf"uence upon myse"f a"'eit one that is not 8uite as dramatic! at "east not yet%
This now 'rings us to the mysterious prospect of David nderson who 1$nows2 Radu #inamar
'ut does not seem to have access to how he $nows him% Their connection wou"d seem to run
through a para""e" universe or perhaps David is '"oc$ed from his rea" wor"d memories with Radu%
Radu! "i$ewise! does not remem'er $nowing David nderson% It is now time to con0sider
David3s ro"e%
9eep in mind that this 'oo$ wou"d never even have happened if it were not for David ma$ing his
origina" trip to Ro0mania and then ma$ing contact with me% s David is "itera""y a doctor of time
who has "itera""y accomp"ished the no'"e tas$ of manipu"ating the fa'ric of space0time! he is a
witness : wi""ing"y or unwi""ing"y! conscious"y or uncon0scious"y : to a"" of the accompanying
phenomena that goes with that% In other words! when you 'ui"d a 'etter mouse trap or produce a
hit record! the wor"d comes to your door% In David3s case! this represents the (inn and a"" the
accoutre0ments that come with them% The mi"i0tary is an o'vious gateway to a"" sorts of hidden
phenomena% To some degree! David himse"f re0minds me very much of #e)ar 'ecause he is
surrounded 'y high security circum0stances and has a tendency to wor$ at the highest "eve"s of
government% ;ust as #e)ar seems to 'e p"aced 'y invisi'"e spiritua" means into a c"ose"y guarded
high security area that represents deep import with regard to wor"d events! so does David% s
opposed to #e)ar! who seems to have e*perienced a re"ative"y peacefu" youth with intense
instruction! David seems to have stum'"ed into the awareness of his 8uantum se"f 'y reason of
the techno"ogy he has deve"oped as we"" as serving a destiny that is sti"" wait0ing to 'e revea"ed%
"" of this represents an area of study which is $nown as E*opo"itics% E*opo"itics 'ecame a hot
topic in the <=>-3s when ;immy #arter! a $nown ?6O sympathi)er! too$ office% t that time!
Peter Schwart) and "fred &e're from the Stanford Research Institute! a 8uasi0government
research "a'! did e*0tensive research and proposed a govern0ment program to study the ?6O
phenom0enon% #onsidera'"e effort went into this! and it was championed 'y the #arter
administration! 'ut the Pentagon $i""ed the program! te""ing S%R%I% 1there are no ?6Os%2 One of
the researchers! I forget which one! ended up in #anada as an e*0i"e from this country%

The Stanford Research Institute in0c"uded Sciento"ogist Ingo Swann! 'ut was essentia""y a 'unch
of government spoo$s who were operating their own 1Montau$ e*tension%2 The important point
here! however! is that there is an e*tensive data 'ase that has academica""y approached the entire
gamut of e*trater0restria" inf"uence on the Earth% @ou can read more a'out e*opo"itics on the we'
if you "i$e% There are a"so 'oo$s on it% It shou"d 'e noted! however! that cover0ups of strange
phenomena are as o"d as the Presidency itse"f% Theodore Rooseve"t was $nown to have $ept
secret the de0'ac"e of the +reat irship Mysteries of the <=th #entury%
Since the 'eginning of time! ru"ership over men has had its privi"eges! ha)ards! and strange
pecu"iarities% If you study the su'(ect of contro"! "et a"one the specific aspects of e*opo"itics! it
stands to reason that the more powerfu" "eaders of tri'es and civi"i)ations 'ecame! the more and
more phenomena they encoun0tered or heard a'out% &or"d "eaders have a"ways gotten a"" sorts of
strange reports% It wou"d a"so stand to reason that! in cer0tain cases! contro""ing forces Awhether
they 'e ETs! (inn! or some other type of spiritua" entityB p"aced an imprint on the affairs of man%
7ow deep this imprint was is specu"ative and de'ata'"e! 'ut the reaction of "eaders to esoteric
truth has 'een reactionary for the most part and often downright vio"ent% Enough said%
The adventures of #e)ar! Radu! and David nderson offer a ray of hope that we can decode these
mysteries% There is no 8uestion that a"" three characters wor$ in a rea"m where access is
restricted% In his wor$! Radu 8uotes #e)ar who says! in effect! that access to such information is
'y way of initiation% Specifica""y!
#e)ar states that o'stac"es and 'arriers at the astra" "eve" are meant to serve as a se"ection process
for those who want to "earn certain secrets and mysteries% 6urther! that 1this sort of restriction
can 'e met where protection must 'e se0cured as in the case with treasures or specia" and secret
storehouses! certain gates! ga""eries or 8uic$ access path0ways to other spots on the p"anet or
even other wor"ds% t other times! as0tra" Co'stac"es3 restrict access to certain occu"t initiations or
mysteries that are protected 'y specia""y summoned guardian entities% These shou"d not 'e
construed as immuta'"e restrictions 'ut they concern most"y those who are not sufficient"y
evo"ved and therefore not yet ready to confront certain mysteries without 'eing intent on using
them for persona" and se"fish purposes% There is a "ot more to 'e said a'out the practi0ca" ways of
ac8uiring conscious astra" division powers as we"" as a'out other detai"s concerning the very
e*perience of astra" division! 'ut the time wi"" come when we can ta"$ a'out a"" this in detai"%2
#e)ar3s insight is most re"evant% &e have a"" "earned something a'out time 'y reason of our own
initiation into the mysteries of "ife% #e)ar3s wisdom! how0ever! is suggesting the mysteries
'ehind the mysteries% The door has 'een opened a crac$ and we are in pursuit%
&ith regard to David nderson! #e)ar a"so has insight into time trave" with his e*p"anation that
1trave"ing in time is nothing e"se than the e*pansion of consciousness which then has access to
the rea"ity of the energy of time% This is difficu"t to achieve and few peop"e get to master and
contro" it to perfec0tion% But there are intermediary stages as we""%2 It is o'vious that a"" of this
phenomena with David is an intermediate stage% &hi"e #e)ar paints a picture of un"imited
potentia"! and he is certain"y not wrong a'out that! there is a"so an adversary which ma$es the
tas$ ahead a formida'"e one% &e are ta"$ing a'out the presence of evi" and the resistance to
penetrating this $now"edge and the more e*citing adventures it 'rings%

good dea" of Transy"vanian Sun0rise dea"s with the repression of the discovery that has 'een
made and the effort to use its 'enefits on"y for the purposes of a corrupt Masonic e"ite% Before the
discovery is even made! #e)ar is approached through dip"omatic channe"s 'y a high ran$ing
Mason who is a"so a director of the Bi"de'ergers% This Mason! Signore Massini! somehow
mysterious"y $nows not on"y of Department 4ero 'ut of #e)ar himse"f as the gate$eeper to
mysteries in Romania% Dong 'efore the discovery was re0a"i)ed! the Pentagon had discovered an
anoma"ous area in the Bucegi Moun0tains through advances in sate""ite tech0no"ogy! part of
which was made pos0si'"e courtesy of David nderson3s warp0fie"d techno"ogy% Specifica""y! it
was a c"osed0off and inaccessi'"e area in the Bucegi Mountains that "oo$ed (ust "i$e a simi"ar
area in Ira8% Euite apparent"y! the war with Ira8 had much more at sta$e than the o'vious rheto0
ric "ed us to 'e"ieve% Other independent sources have a"so suggested this%
Signore Massini has o'vious ties to the Fatican as we"" as tremendous inf"uence if not outright
contro" of cer0tain important positions at the Penta0gon% "though very powerfu"! he has reached
'eyond the "imits of his power with regard to the discovery in the Bucegi Mountains! an area
which he very much wants to contro"% 7e is forced 'y circumstances to appea" to #e)ar for his
consent to open up this mystery% #e)ar is in a tough position 'ecause he understands the evi" that
this man represents 'ut a"so the fact that he might "ose his position if he re(ects his re8uest%
Massini a"so 'rings with him the techno"ogy of the meri0cans who can penetrate the physica"
'arriers surrounding the mysterious hidden cham'er%
Transy"vania Sunrise gives a '"ow 'y '"ow description of the 'att"e of wits 'etween these two
formida'"e metaphysica" opponents% &hi"e it is not proper to revea" the entire outcome! the
mericans do (oin forces with the Romanians and penetrate the mystery in a (oint effort% In rea"
wor"d po"itics! one can view the truth of these matters with Romania3s sudden emergence on the
wor"d scene as a mem'er of NTO% merica is a"so now putting mi"itary 'ases in Roma0nia and
the two countries have en(oyed a new dip"omatic re"ationship which is unprecedented% If you are
a side0"ine researcher and "oo$ deep"y into the matters covered here and in the 'oo$! you wi""
find out they are indeed re0f"ective of the truth%
In the end! neither #e)ar nor Signore Massini get a"" of what they want% compromise is wor$ed
out! 'ut the chess match continues to this very day% room or cave fu"" of high tech artifacts is
discovered that ma$e the concept of a stargate seem du"" 'y comparison% One of these features
in0c"udes a pro(ection ha"" where one can see the past history of Man$ind% It is
uni8ue"y specific to each individua" who views it and is tied to the DN and 'iofeed'ac$ of the
o'server% There are a"so three tunne"s which "ead to mysterious p"aces! inc"uding Ira8! Egypt and
Since the writing of the origina" 'oo$! these tunne"s have 'een e*p"ored to varying e*tents%
ccording to what Radu has re"ayed! one of these tunne"s was the province of the mericans%
The others! however! have 'een e*p"ored 'y 'oth #e)ar and Radu% fter penetrating these
tunne"s! with techno"ogica" he"p from the mericans! a very successfu" e*pedition was made "ast
Octo'er where contact was made with 'eings from the Inner Earth% I cannot say more a'out it
'ecause that is a"" Radu has said a'out it% In his "ast "etter to me! Radu has a"so stated to me that
he is very sad 'ecause #e)ar wi"" 'e "eaving him in the ne*t few months as he now has a new (o'
as an 1am'assador2 to their civi"i)ation% This a"" sounds very 'i)arre! 'ut it is what was reported%
Radu ho"ds 'ac$ a "ot of information 'ecause he does not "i$e to say things that he cannot
su'stantiate% s a resu"t of #e)ar3s imminent departure! I fired off copies of The Montau$ Boo$
of the Diving for 'oth him and Radu%
"though it is not in my power to prove any of these c"aims! it is important to rea"i)e that the
Masons have paid attention to Romania 'ecause they have $nown for a "ong time that it is a
potentia" powder $eg for them% There are prophecies in scro""s from the Fatican as we"" as the
Fienna Museum with regard to Romania and the ro"e it wi"" p"ay in the near future% The priest
who inf"uenced #e)ar and +en0era" O'adea a"so made a simi"ar prophecy which has 'egun to 'e
rea"i)ed% 7ow far this wi"" a"" go is anyone3s guess! 'ut it is my $armic destiny and assignment to
report on this and ferret out what truth I can%
Most recent"y! I have had some interesting dreams a'out David nderson wherein he has gave
me huge rings with a"" sorts of different $eys% That is a good sign% I e*pect to hear from him
soon with regard to my return to Romania%
Peter Moon is best known for his work centered around The Montauk Project with Preston
Nichols and Peter has authored a number of books The Montauk Book of the Dead,
Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal, The Black Sun, The Sandau Mystery and his most recent
book The Montauk Book of the !ivin", To find out more about his work or to contact Peter Moon
lease visit

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