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3rd grade:

We read two different

stories: The Worlds
Great Underachiever
which is an
autobiography and
Joseph Lekuton:
Making a Difference
which was a biography.
We compared and
contrasted the
differences amongst
the two. We also talked
about point of view
from a narrators
stand point. We played
a vocabulary review
game and took our end
of the unit assessment
on Friday.
4th grade: We read
Martina, The Beautiful
Cockroach which is a
Cuban Folktale. The
students really enjoyed this
story. Hopefully they will
pass this story down to
their family. We discussed
the special occasion of
marriage in certain
cultures. We also read
another story called
Coming of Age in which a
young woman in the Hindu
culture participates in a
Sari Ceremony and enters
Next week: We
start brand new
units for both
grade levels!
Please e-mail or call
me anytime you have
a question or
concern about your
childs progress in
regards to Reading.
I am here to help!

Important Dates
Coming Up:
23- Music Concert
24- Early Release at
PT Pride Assembly!
Cocoa Jammin
Celebration! Also end of
1st Quarter
28- AJ Zumba
Fundraiser at Prairie
Trail School from 5:30
to 8:30
31- Halloween. Fall
6 & 7 Early Release at
1:25 for Parent/Teacher
Conferencesare you
signed up? :)

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