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HW (25 Minutes)
-Prepare for the Science Test 15 Minutes
-Check Homework 5 Minutes
-Clean out HW Notebook 5 Minutes
SAT (n minutes)
-Prepare for SAT Math
-Prepare for SAT Reading

Science Study
Do Now:How do we learn about the world we live in?
We use Science
Definition of Scientific Law:
A rule that describes an observation/pattern in nature.A law does not
explain why,it simply describes a pattern.
Definition of Scientific Theory:
An attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in the natural
world.A theory is not a guess or opinion,it is supported by research.
Science: A way to learn and explain our natural world (described as
Natural Philosophy previously.

Steps for the Scientific Method:
1.Ask a question
3.Hypotheses:Educated Guess
4.Conduct an Experiment to carry out the Hypothesis and vindicate
whether or not it is/was correct
Independent Variable:Water Schedule for Each Plant-Stays the Same
Dependent Variable:How healthy each plant grows.The dependent variable
depends on various independent variables
Constant:What stays the same during an experiment

The 3 Types Of Models
-Idea Model
A theoretical model backed up by mathematics
-Physical Model
A Physical Model is one you can touch with,as well as interact with
-Computerized Model
You cant touch it,but it allows interaction and very accurate
Models have a limitation:
They can only be as correct as the perception of the creator of the
model is.For example-A Creator of a model during the time of 1800s
would have drawn a model with the earth in the center(a geocentric
system).However,a modeler in the 2000s and 1900s would most likely
draw a heliocentric meaning with the Sun in the center.

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