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Turners Class
Group Member Names:


Science Experiment: Discovering the Different States of a Solid, Liquid, and Gas Group
Assignment Using the Scientific Method

Directions: The class will be divided into groups of four. You will be monitoring the different
states of water using the scientific method. Be sure to take lots of notes during the experiment,
recording what you noticed changed or remained the same. Answer all questions in complete
sentences. All group members must participate.
1.) Ask a Question? - What are you curious to discover during this procedure?

2.) Form a Hypothesis: What do to think will occur? Remember If I----- (do this) ----- (this) will

3.) Experiment: * Remember to take notes as you perform each new task under the observation
questions below.
A: Observe what happens when ice cubes are set out for five minutes. Is the ice cube still a

B: Observe the teacher boiling water for five minutes does the water remain in the pot, what

C: Observe what happens when a cold glass of what remains sitting out for five minutes, what
changes occur?

4.) Analyze and Draw a Conclusion: After gathering all of your notes please conclude what you have
learned. Was your hypothesis is confirmed? Did you answer your question? Share your results with
classmates are any conclusions the same, what is different?

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