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Main actors name:

The main actors name is placed directly

under the title as it is the next most
important detail on the poster it is also a
technique used for star marketing, in order
to capture the interest of the audience.
However, since my actor will be unknown,
it is a chance to promote his name and be
given recognition for his role as the
Similar to Black Swan, I would position the
quotes/appraisals for my short film on
both sides of the main image. This would
indicate the films recognition from a
critical perspective and demonstrate its
success, and therefore encourage them to
watch the film.
Film title:
Like on the Black Swan and Shutter Island
posters, the title is positioned just under
the centre main image as it is the first place
the audiences attention is drawn to. It is
also the largest font because it is the most
important information on the poster.

Leading image:
I have taken inspiration from the film
posters for Black Swan and Shutter Island in
order to construct this main image the
protagonist is positioned in the centre of
the poster, and occupies the most room on
the poster, conveying that he is a crucial
element in the plot.

Additional images:
I have made the decision to add a few
montage image frames that will appear in
my short film, to convey the iconography
of my protagonists memory condition,
Retrograde amnesia. However, my initial
feeling is that these being placed in a
thought bubble could be interpreted by the
audience as tacky.
Film Poster Draft #1

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