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Extraverted Thinking - Te is mainly about looking for facts that can be proven in the external

world and procedures that are effective. Sometimes it's about doing or putting things in a
particular order, other times it's about seeing if something is working efficiently. Te relies on
accepted formulas or standards as well as external data. Extraverted Thinkers will ask ! a
computer works rather than "#$ it is or isn't working. Te isn't concerned with using language
precisely, as long as the meaning is communicated effectively. t's a very efficient and practical
function, believing that if circumstances %&E favorable then everything is okay. f an
Extraverted Thinker wants to make sure they understand something, they will refer to the score
on their test rather than asking themselves if they truly understand it. Te is dependent on external
data, but since there is so much external data in the world it is a useful function to have. "hen
speaking they get louder the more they talk, their language is continuous and follows a logical
progression, and they may have stern facial expressions.
'awyers, executives, attorneys, businessmen, (udges, instructors, directors, conductors,
managers, )E*s.
ntroverted Thinking - Ti is much more personal and contained than Te since the individual who
uses it wants to have a personal understanding+ information processed needs to make sense to the
person himself, even if all that matters are real world facts. !or the ntroverted Thinker, their
understanding of facts must be self-explanatory. They aren't as concerned about the practicality
and usefulness of ob(ects or ideas as they are about how they work+ but they understand that in
order to make things actually work, they must have an understanding of how they are put
together. "hereas the Extraverted Thinker wants to make sure a physical product will sell well,
the ntroverted Thinker wonders whether the product is sturdy, fixable, and well-designed. "hen
talking they get ,uieter and ,uieter, convey information little by little, an have more relaxed
expressions than Te users.
&epairmen -computer, vehicle, house., architects, mechanics, construction workers, game
designers, mathematicians, scientists.
Extraverted !eeling - !e users take as their primary focus group values and feelings. Their own
emotions are strongly influenced by the emotional atmosphere and other peoples' emotions. f
others are having a bad day, they're having a bad day. "hen asking about the ethical thing to do,
they refer to societal norms - what *T#E& people feel. They want their peers to agree with their
opinions and may feel bad if others disagree. f they've done something immoral, their strongest
cues will not be how they feel, but if those around them have an unfavorable reaction. /ut
because they are more aware of others' feelings then !i users, they are better at deliberately doing
or saying things that give people positive feelings. These are the types of people who can be
referred to as 0people-pleasers.0 Their facial expressions are often ,uite animated, with big
flowing natural smiles.
Teachers, hosts, caretakers, diplomats, politicians, salespeople, receptionists, waiters1waitresses,
2& reps, missionaries.
ntroverted !eeling - !i is basically !eeling turned inward. Those who use this function have
feelings that are more hidden from view+ they are less obvious and they may only share their true
feelings with their close friends and family members. To decide if something is moral, they
simply ask themselves how T#E$ feel. So if everyone thinks that eating chocolate chip cookies
is okay, but they feel that it's truly wrong, they will have a personal problem with seeing people
eat chocolate chip cookies and not eat them themselves. They are not as expressive as !e users,
but they probably feel their emotions more acutely since they don't convey them directly. f !e is
direct expression, !i is indirect expression. nstead saying 0great (ob, you rock30 they would give
thumbs up with a sincere smile. They also focus on individual feelings rather than group feelings.
Their facial expressions are rather constrained and may give the impression of pride and passion.
%rtists, poets, composers, therapists, counselors, writers, speech pathologists, photographers.
Extraverted Sensing - Se takes in and absorbs sensory information from the immediate
environment - everything that can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, and tasted. 2eople who use
Se are keenly aware of their surroundings and what people around them are doing. Se users also
love physical activity and succumbing to their impulses. They have a 0now is the time0 mentality
and often focus on solving problems by taking action in the present. Se evaluates based on
appearances and impressions, taking little regard for what's going on behind the scenes. They
have a knack for flair and style+ they're always the best dressed and up-to-date on the latest
fashions and trends. These individuals also have a strong grasp on current events - what's going
on in the news right now. 4ostly they want to be out (ust 5*67 something hands-on.
%thletes, musicians, firefighters, soldiers, pilots, dancers, rock stars, bodybuilders, entertainers.
ntroverted Sensing - To understand the difference between Se and Si, think of Si as being
0Sensing under control.0 Si is about closely observing a few details and comparing them to what
they were like in the past. % good analogy of Si is holding a 89:;'s photograph of a town next to
a modern-day photograph of the same town. Si users store information and try to remember it
exactly as they learned it. They are very skilled with details, rules, and factoids. /ecause they
have such a strong connection to the past, they often sustain traditions and customs for fear that
the routines that have kept society alive may disintegrate if nobody else keeps them up.
ntroverted Sensors follow the rules because they value stability, proven methods, and reliability.
7overnment employees, security guards, accountants, administrators, proctors, vehicle
transporters, safety inspectors, police officers, doctors1nurses.
Extraverted i6tuition - 6e users are intrigued by possibilities - the higher the number of different
outcomes, the more exciting a situation becomes. 2eople with 6e have millions of ideas floating
around in their heads+ they may have trouble sticking with one idea and developing it over a long
period of time, so they may be called 0scatterbrained.0 #owever, their creativity and imagination
inspires them to come up with very uni,ue ideas. 6ewness is their calling card+ the more
original, out-of-the box, and inventive something is, the better. They are great at initiating the
start-up phase of pro(ects, but prefer to let others fill in the details. 6e users see the future as
having multiple possibilities rather than a single one. 'ikewise, they are great at opening up their
options when others think that all possibilities have been exhausted.
%ctors, comedians, inventors, entrepreneurs, T< show creators, movie directors.
ntroverted i6tuition - 6i is the reverse of 6e+ it seeks one likely outcome and relies on process
of elimination. &ather than creating new ideas, it connects existing ideas. #ence, their creativity
often revolves around system-building. t is natural for 6i users to detach themselves from their
surroundings and read between the lines. They try to guess what someone else is thinking and
discover their underlying motivations. 6i is great with developing their uni,ue understanding of
concepts and expressing their insights through symbols, pictures, and analogies. Those who use
6i see time as a long flowing ribbon of connected events, taking a long-term perspective on
many aspects of life. Their ability to plan for the future is unparalleled, but they may forget to
simply en(oy the moment.
2sychologists, philosophers, fortune-tellers, fiction authors, economists, weather forecasters.
================================================== =====================
Extraverted Thinking -Te. - This function involves acting in a masculine way, with a 0tough guy0
attitude. Te's are incredibly smart, determined, logical and successful+ but, when interacting with
other people they are often aggressive, mean, and 0in your face.0 t's kind of ironic how
personalities who mainly use Te are extraverted but at the same time not people-oriented.
ntroverted Thinking -Ti. - )ool and reserved people and tough like Te's, but sort of in a
withdrawn kind of way. Try to imagine the Te (ust described above, but more ,uiet, calm, and
Extraverted !eeling -!e. - 4ushy and gushy kind of emotional people, most often found in
females. /ut when it's a male, it's not that they're the same way as the females, they (ust tend to
be nicer and more courteous in comparison to other males.
ntroverted !eeling -!i. - &eligious and spiritual individuals, always trying to live according to
their innermost personal values while at the same time trying to make the world a better place for
others in an idealistic way. They are pleasant to be around and very genial, but it's really
frustrating how they're always too sensitive for their own good - taking comments about them
way too personally. This is the stereotypical 0sensitive child.0
Extraverted Sensing -Se. - 2arty animals. >sually really loud and obnoxious. /ut lots of fun to
be with when you're in the right mood. /ecause of their highly observant and extraverted nature,
they always know how to conform to society in a 0hip0 or 0cool0 way.
ntroverted Sensing -Si. - 'oyal servants who will make sure their duties are done to highest
,uality. #owever, it seems like they are never open to new ideas or new ways of doing things and
tend to get really irritated when something is not done 0properly.0 /ut you're really lucky if you
have a user of this function as your son or daughter, because they always do all of their chores
thoroughly, punctually, and without having to be told much.
Extraverted i6tuition -6e. - 'ively, spontaneous people who en(oy creating fantasies and
hypothetical situations in the midst of conversation. They always have a uni,ue view of reality
and clever ideas, and are excellent brainstormers.
ntroverted i6tuition -6i. - This is kind of like 6e, except it's done in one's own mind without
others involved. They love creating imaginative worlds through writing, music, art, etc. 6i's are
,uite serious and intense about achieving their personal visions through determination. They
need mental stimulation, and sometimes when bored they will engage in unproductive day

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