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irect fit up to orJer

gram of the Z[, is

ng the variance will
uscd as an estima-
Zii,ct. Fig. v1.20.
incrcasc is greater
:rmitc models, thc
:d in the sense of
rs lo decrease from
of Deposits
A rcgionalized variable z(r) is interpreted as one rcalization of a certain random
f unciion Z(x)- This RF
morc precisely this class of RF's -
is characlerized by a
distribution function and a covariancc or variogram model' The idca of simulations
coniists in driwing other rcatizations z,(r) from this ctass of RFs, and to rctain
only those rcatizarions 2,.(r) which mect the cxgrrimcntal values al the data
locirions r-, i-c.. 2,.(x-)= z(x-). vx-e data scr. Thc rcalizati.ns 2,.(r) arc called
"conditional simulations" of the regionalizcd phenomcnon .z(x)-
Thc rheory o( conditional simulations is outlined in scclion Vll.A togcther with
the original
bands" method. which provides thrce-dimensional simulatcd
realizaiions frorn one-dimensional realizalions simulatcd on lincs r(rtatinB in space.
The practicat application of cohditional simulati<ms is given in scction Vll.B.
through two-casc studies. A basii FORTRAN pK)gram is given. which should
allow-cach uscr lo write his own simulation packagc. Then sevcral tvpical ust's of
simulated deposits in the field of rnine pro,iect and planning arc prcscntcd.
Lgcal and global cstimations o[ rcc<lvcrahlc rcscrves arc oftcn insullicte nt
at the planning stage o[ a new mine or a new section of an opcraling nrinc.
For the nrining engineer, as welt as the metallurgisl and chcmist. it is of ten
essential to be able lo prcdict the variations of thc characteristics of the
recoverable reserves at vari6us stages in the operation, e.g.. after mining.
hauling, stockPiling, etc.
For instance. the choice of mining and haulagc methods tlcpcnds in plrrt
on the spatial dispcrsions of the various ore characteristics' Conversely. thc
potential recovery rate of lhe;in situ resources will depcnd. in part. on lhC
mining technology. The choibc of mining equipment or of a method of
..*.r*l of the mined products in a subhorizontal sedimentary deposit may

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