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Project Name:


1). What is your projects Essential Question?

2). Introduction (1 paragraph)
What is your project? Describe the project in a sentence or two. Why are you interested in this work? Why did
you choose this for a project? What do you hope you will get from doing this work?

3). Authenticity (1 paragraph)
How is your project real? Describe the products you will be creating as a part of this project. Who will benefit
from this work? How will you benefit from this work? How will the community benefit from this work?

4). Academic Vigor (Write 1 paragraph and then check the Learning Goals)

How is your project challenging? What is it that you are investigating? What are your framing questions?
Framing questions are smaller questions that lead you closer to the answer of your Essential Question? What
learning goals will you be working on?

4). Active Learning (1 paragraph)
How is your project hands-on? What steps will you take to complete the products? How will you document
your hands-on learning?
5). Adult Relationships (1 paragraph)
What adults will you need to talk to / work with in order to complete your project? Internship mentor?
Teacher at school? Your Advisor? How often will you need to meet with these adults? How will you make
appointments to talk to them about your project? How will you organize your time?

6). Assessment (1 paragraph answer all questions)
How will your work be evaluated? How will you reflect on your work? Describe the criteria you want to use to
decide if your work is complete. What models will you use to create your project? How often will your work be
critiqued? How many drafts will you do? What will you show at your exhibition?
7). Timeline

Think of what you want the end result of your project to be. What will it look like? How will you present your
learning at your Exhibition? Brainstorm below

After brainstorming, think about the major pieces of the project. These are your major tasks. For
example, if you a creating a mural for a community center, one task might be to research murals, another
would be to purchase the supplies.
Under each major task are smaller tasks that help you accomplish the major task. For example, if your
major task is Purchase Supplies for mural then a smaller tasks might be creating a supply list, creating a
budget for the project, calling paint stores for best prices/looking online, finding transportation to the store

Now create your own task list below(for help, see the creating a project timeline worksheet attached!)
Use more timeline planning worksheets if you need / prefer

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