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An l Come lrom." poem ls fllled wlLh all dlfferenL parLs of our world uslng all 3 senses:
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Lxamples of pleces LhaL go lnLo an l come from." are
speclal Lhlngs
glfLs we have recelved
momenLs ln our llfe we remember vlvldly
feellngs we have had
feellngs oLhers around us have had
deLalls LhaL we remember from random ob[ecLs
deLalls LhaL we remember from people we love
deLalls LhaL we remember from Lhlngs or places we love
how Lhlngs feel
how someLhlng smells
speclal ways we celebraLe Lhe holldays
famlly helrlooms
famlly LradlLlons
Lhe way Lhe weaLher felL durlng Lhe monLh we were born
foods LhaL we aLe growlng up
our herlLage and whaL LhaL means Lo us and/or Lhe world around us
our communlLy and lL's senses

And Lhe llsL goes on and on and on.

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1o lncorporaLe our arLlfacLs we have chosen, Lhe dlfferenL polnLs of our Llmellne, and more deLalls /
descrlpLlons based on our sense ln order Lo lyrlcally / poeLlcally presenL our orlgln sLory. 1hls poem wlll allow
us Lo undersLand our lngredlenLs, our Coldllocks CondlLlons (conLexL), and our Lhresholds of complexlLy !

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WrlLe your own l Come lrom." poem. lL musL be one page, slngle spaced, slze 14 fonL, 1lmes new 8oman or
Callbrl. 1he flnal poem ls due !.>(.'>#? @A
5 BC@D by 2:30pm, Lhe end of Lhe school day. ?ou musL have lL
Lyped up and emalled Lo kayla as elLher an aLLachmenL or share lL wlLh me on Coogle uoc. ?ou wlll be
presenLlng Lhese poems lrlday Lhe 19
durlng class.

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