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ART020A: Music Appreciation | Unit 1 | 1.

1 Journal
Whats your musical background?
1. Have you ever played a musical instrument? Which one(s)? If the anser is no! you can skip to
number ".
#. Ho long have you been playing your instrument?
$. What styles of music do you en%oy playing?
&. What is your favorite song ' piece to play?
(. Have you ever performed in public? If yes! hat as the occasion? )id you en%oy it?
*. What advice ould you give someone ho is %ust starting to play?
". +re you a singer? If not! skip to ,uestion 1$.
-. Ho long have you been singing for?
.. What styles of music do you most en%oy singing?
1/. What is your favorite piece of music to sing?
11. What advice ould you give someone %ust starting to sing?
1#. Have you ever sung by yourself or ith a group of people in public? Which? What as the
1$. Would you consider yourself an avid music listener? Ho do you like to collect music? 0)s?
1ecords? 2n your computer or i3od?
I ould consider myself an avid music listener I like to donload music off my phone.
1&. What are your favorite styles of music to listen to? I like all types of music! I mostly listen to pop!
alternative! indie! and country.
2009 K12 Inc. All rights resere!. "age 1 o# 2
$op%ing or !istri&uting 'ithout K12(s 'ritten consent is prohi&ite!.
ART020A: Music Appreciation | Unit 1 | 1.1 Journal
1(. Who are some of your favorite bands ' artists?
4y favorite music artist is 5d 6heeran.
1*. Have you ever listened to any classical music? If so! hich composers have you heard? Which
ones do you like? Why? I dont really listen to classical music
1". When you think of classical music! hat are some of the first things that come to mind? )o you
have generally positive associations! or negative? 57plain. 0omment on ho you think e
develop our opinions about different styles of music.
I hae negatie associations. I thin) $lassical *usic is &oring &ut+ *% !a! listens to it a lot.
1-. 8ame three things that you ould like to kno more about by the end of this course.
I ould like to kno the history about famous bands that ere popular bck in the day. 9ike the
:eatles! 9ed ;epplin and ho they became so popular! ho they cameup ith great music.
2009 K12 Inc. All rights resere!. "age 2 o# 2
$op%ing or !istri&uting 'ithout K12(s 'ritten consent is prohi&ite!.

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