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Source #1.

Book 1

MLA: Grande, Reyna The Distance Between Us: A Memoir New York, NY; Washington
square press 2012 pg. 113-118

Summary: As Mexican-Americans we hear many stories about how family and family
members struggle to live in the country of Mexico. They are very poor and they do not have
the means to be able to provide and keep food on the table for their families. Because of the
lack of money, many people come to the United States illegally or documented in pursuit of a
better life. In turn many have to leave loved ones behind in order to accomplish their goals.

Evaluation: Reading this book makes me realize how difficult decision because in order to
pursue a better life for your family it sometimes means that you have to leave them behind
and miss them growing up. You miss out on the time that can never be made up.

Relevance: This book could help me understand all of the hardships and struggles that the
loved ones who are left behind have to endure to survive. Why do the children mature before
they have to grow up? How does it take a village to raise a family?

Source #2. Book 2

MLA: Latino College Students, Mi Voz Mi Vida: The Devils Within 2007 Cornell
University pgs. 17-33

Summary: There are many obstacles that come before us and interfere with our
academic lives. Every person has a different story and path in life that they have to
endure and deal with just to continue to keep moving forward. No one is guaranteed to
have an easy path in life but it is all in the way that we deal with every situation that will
determine what the outcome of what and where we will be.

Evaluation: This story I the book tells me that life bring s so many pleasant and not so
pleasant circumstance in our journey of not only academics but also life. The way a
person chooses to see a situation can make a difference in the outcome.
Relevance: The story helps me to realize that despite all of the bad in life, good always
preserves as such; Can one overcome the negative circumstances in life? Is there any
hope for the future? Can a person be motivated through difficult situations?

Relevance: The story helps me to realize that despite all of the bad in life, good always
perseveres such as: Can one overcome the negative circumstances of life? Is the any hope
for the future? Can a person have motivation even through difficult situations?
Source #3 Book 3

MLA: Freedom Writers The Freedom Writers Diary 1995 (Pg. 22)

Summary: There had been a struggle on proposition 18 back in 1994 in regards to
undocumented immigrants. The government plans were to omit health care benefits , public
education and any source of public assistance to all illegal immigrants. This was a great concern
throughout the Hispanic and Asian communities. The proposition was challenged in a federal
court and was found unconstitutional.

Evaluation: This journal entry tells me firsthand what the government had in mind when they
proposed the issues to the voters. It told me how concerned all of the students were if the
proposition happed to pass.

Relevance: This entry could give me information on what the proposition entitled and how some
of the ones being affected felt about the situation.

Source #4: Article 4

MLA: Dweck , Carols. Perils and Promise of Praise
Summary: There has always been a belief that praising students build confidence and
motivation to learn. On the other hand some believe that students inherit their intelligence and
therefore do well academically. There have been studies with students transitioning into7th grade
because this is a time of vulnerability. Students decide at this time whether they want to be
involved in school or not. It talks about a fixe mind-set, which states that they are born with their
intelligence. A growth mind-set is a state where you are put hard work and dedication into
obtaining the results that you want to achieve.

Evaluation: This article tell me that psychologist have studied students motivation for 35 years
and proved psychology and neuroscience support the growth of mind-set because of the brains
ability to form new connections and makes the itself stronger.

Relevance: This information could help me with questions such as: What are the benefits of a
growth mind-set? What are the characteristics of a fixed mind-set? What are the pros and cons?

Source #5: Article 5

Summary: America has always been a place where dreams come alive! Fact of the matter is that
certain ethic religions and national-origins groups are doing better than Americans overall.
Compressive data shows that some immigrants experience upwards mobility regardless of their
parents educational background. Facts debunk? Racial stereotypes. All successful groups in
America share three traits, a belief in their exceptionality, insecurity and impulse control. They
are motivated to achieve to redeem their parents sacrifices, but group success fades away after
two generations.

Evaluation: Research shows that perseverance and motivation when taught in the formable
years can result in Nobel Prize Winners. It informs me how to develop the three successful traits
and how success comes with a price.

Relevance: This article can explore to the pros and cons of the traits that all successful groups
have in America. The reason why Blue-collar jobs are disappearing.

Dora Carranza
Rivas Gomez
October 4, 2014


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