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David Gonzlez

Hctor Morales
Castel SantAngelo is located at the river Tiber. It has
the form of a mausoleum and in fact it was the
mausoleum of Hardinian but it was reformed in the
Middle Ages. The building was later used by the popes
as a fortress and castle, and is now a museum.
The popes actually reformed the building in the 14th
century. It was built as a mausoleum in roman times.
The reformation included the connection with the
Saint Peters Basilic that corridor was called the
Passeto di Borgo.
Battlement: they are located in the towers. They were
used for archery defence.
Towers: they were tall structures located around the
Wall: it protected the castle from the invaders .
Moat: it was the hole with water that surrounds the
The most general problems was that the castle was
destroyed (Santangelo Castle was destroyed 37
The castle was very big so to keep it clean you needed
many mades. And that suposed a lot of money.
Castel SantAngelo is star-shaped monument! The
rason why it was built like this it was because a fortune
teller said that there was going to be a great
philosopher one day
that would do a men
streaching out his
estremities (Leonardo
Da Vinci).


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