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Inglés Vl


Machu picchu Andes mountains of Perú

This ‘’Lost City of the Incas’’
was built in the 15th century, but
was supposedly discovered in
1911 by Hiram Bingham.

Machu picchu has been called

one of the seven wonders of
the modern world for at least
ten years.

The ‘’lost city of the incas’’ The

city was made from stone on
top of a mountain and it is
surroundedby a river, and also
this whole civilization has been
studied by the society like an
architectural wonder.
Inglés Vl

The great Wall of China was built to defend the

Chinese Empire from invasions of the Mongols
and Turkic Tribes. .
China was united for the first time by a boy, Em-
peror Qin, in 221 B.C.E. Construction of China's
across the historical northern borders of ancient

Great Wall was begun by this emperor.

The great wall of Chine has been recognized
and the Wall has become one of the most popu-
lar travel destinations in the world.
it was largely failed to provide actual security.
Instead, scholars have noted that it served more
as “political propaganda.”
Chinese states and Imperial China
Great Wall of China
Inglés Vl

Colosseum in Rome under the Flavian emperors

The Colosseum is a giant stadium built by the ancient
The colosseum was begun by the emperor Vespa-
sian between AD 70-76 and was completed by Titus
in AD 80. During the 100-day opening festival many
gladiators and 5000 wild animals were killed. In the
Fifth century gladiatorial combats were suppressed
and 100 years later animal fights were discontinued.
Later, the building was damaged by a series of earth-
quakes and by the 15th century it was regularly used
as a source of building material for many great Roman
buildings, including St. Peter 's Basilica. This destruc-
tion was stopped by pope benedict xvi and over the
next century the massive amphitheatre was restored.
Gradually, the streets and buildings enclosing the
arena were demolished, so by 1933 The colosseum
was much as it appears today at the end of the Via dei
Fori Imperiali.

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