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Directions: Go to CareerLink Inventory

Work through
the icons on the left beginning with Aptitude. From Your Career Inventory Result, list your top
three matches and their Percent Match. Click on Cluster Titles for the top three matches. List two
sample occupations you might be interested in from each Cluster Title. Print and turn in the results
to the inventory.
Career Occupation
1. Social Sciences 1. P.E.
2. Engineering and Tech 2. Industrial Supervision
2. Social Sciences 1. Investigation
2. Art and Humanities 2. Decorating
3. Personal Services 1. Hospitality
2. Health Sciences 2. Child health
Career Pro Con
1. P.E. pro- fun and exciting. Con- low pay
2. Engineering and Tech. Pro-Good pay. Con- intense schooling.
3. Investigation. Pro- interesting. Con- dangerous.
Occupational Outlook
Go to the following website:, then click on A-Z Index (top right corner of page).
Pick two careers and answer the following questions.
1. What is the occupation or the career
you chose? Physical Education.
2. What appeals to you about the job you
selected? Interaction with kids.
3. What is the nature of the work required
of the employee? Athleticism and fun in fitness.
4. What are the working conditions? Indoor gym with the occasional outdoor activity.
5. What is the education or training that is
required or the occupation/career? Bachelor Degree and assistant teaching.
6. What might you expect as a beginning
salary? 45,000
7. Is there an opportunity for
advancements? Yes.
8. Do you thing this job will provide the
lifestyle needed for your future, including
retirements? Why or why not? Yes, because I will have time for more jobs.
10. What related occupations might appeal
to you? Physical Trainer.
1. What is the occupation or the career you
chose? Decorating.
2. What appeals to you about the job you
selected? Use of creative skills.
3. What is the nature of the work required
of the employee? Analyzing a space and creating life in it.
4. What are the working conditions? Indoor and shopping.
5. What is the education or training that is
required or the occupation/career? Bachelor focused on design and then certification.
6. What might you expect as a beginning
salary? $47,000
7. Is there an opportunity for
advancements? Yes.
8. Do you thing this job will provide the
lifestyle needed for your future, including
retirements? Why or why not? Yes it is laid back and I work alone.
10. What related occupations might appeal
to you? Interior Architect.
Career Plan
At this time, my career goal is to __________________Go to college for interior
The schooling I need is ____Bachelors degree focused on design_________________________.
This education would cost _____$68,000______. I expect to make $_______$47,000______/year.

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