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ETL 421

Gemma Brown


Numeracy and the Curriculum


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Numeracy in the Curriculum

Davis and Renert (2013) investigate a key notion that has been weaved through
numeracy pedagogy research in the last two decades. They display a scenario of
two teachers in the same context but upon assessment, students of one class are
performing significantly better than the other.

It was not what was taught but how it was taught. The way mathematics was
presented to the students influenced their confidence and appreciation for the
subject. Mathematics for teaching (M
T) is the notion that in order to teach
mathematics to equip students with the ability and confidence to apply
mathematical skills subconsciously, your knowledge must extend formal tertiary
training and incorporate vast understanding, depositions and competencies of
numeracy. (Davis and Renert, 2013)

My interpretation of the scenario posed this question:

What knowledge do teachers require in terms of mathematical concepts and re-
representing these concepts for effective learning?

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As a pre-service science teacher at an all boys Christian Brothers College, I am
continuously endeavoring to implement all aspects of the curriculum in an
engaging way to provide effective learning environments and opportunities. The
Christian Brothers College is found on the shore of Brisbane waters, Central
Coast NSW, and its students are from medium to high socioeconomic
backgrounds and a strong sporting culture. The school caters for students from
Year 7-12 and most students who complete their Higher School Certificate
continue in medical or engineering based tertiary education.

The Year 11 Biology class I am currently working with is a small class of 22
students who are quite capable in understanding scientific concepts presented to
them, however, they dislike writing, are visual based learners and require
continuous motivation to complete set tasks. The class main interest is football,
and they prefer hands on activities and activities they can relate to real life
situations. They respond very well to positive feedback and enjoy class
discussions. The classroom setting is a science laboratory with five rows of
student desks.

Science is a subject which can undoubtedly draw on and develop numeracy skills
in ways of representing and interpreting data in the form of tables, graphs,
equations, timelines and many more. However, it is vital teachers have a sound
understanding of the definitiion of numeracy and its pedagogies.

What is Numeracy?

HBeing numerate is one
of the few essential
skills that students
absolutely must
master, both for their
own good and for the
benefit of the nations
democracy and
economic well-being.
(Steen, 2007)
"To be numerate
is to use
effectively to
meet the
demands of life
at home, in paid
work, and for
participation in
community and
civic life."
(DEETYA, 1997)
"Numeracy involves
students recognising
and understanding the
role of mathematics in
the world and having
the dispositions and
capacities to use
knowledge and skills
(ACARA, 2014)

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The National Numeracy Review Report displays the research undertaken to
review numeracy standards in Australia and guide pre and in-service teachers in
practicing numeracy pedagogies that enable students to develop and achieve
current mathematical and numeracy competencies. (COAG, 2008) This poses an
extreme interest for stakeholders as, just like literacy, adequate numeracy skills
are essential to generate work ready, active citizens of modern society and allows
for the continued growth and strength of the Australian economy. As globalization
is rapidly occurring it is vital to regularly review the national standards and
policies on numeracy, as to be mathematically literate in todays society requires
more understanding than algorithms and procedural mathematical knowledge.
This continual change must be reflected in National curriculums and then weed
down to the pedagogical interpretation and practices of the teacher, monitored by
assessment and reporting guidelines. However, it has only been in the last two
decades that numeracy has been considered a fundamental component for
national review. (Westwood, 2008)

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(Westwood, 2008)
Since 1990, the concept of numeracy and its distinction from mathematics has
been hotly discussed, and rightly so as national standards and expectations call
for consistancy in its definition.
In 1982, Cockcroft reported that numeracy is both the ability to interpret
mathematically presented information and use mathematical skills required to
partake in daily life. The context determines the numeracy content and the skills
and language required to be numerate, therefore contributing to the term Multiple
numeracies. (Westwood, 2008)

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Goals to improve Numeracy outcomes
The National Numeracy Review Report advocates national goals to improve
numeracy outcomes for all through 15 recommendations. To reach these goals it
is fundamental that teachers are supported with appropriate resources to improve
the understanding of numeracy and mathematical concepts across the curriculum
to build students mathematical capacity. (COAG, 2008) Three recommendations
relative to my context are displayed in the flow chart below. By entwining
numeracy across the curriculum students are subjected to the wider sense of
numeracy and its application.

(COAG, 2008)
In regards to pedagogy, it is essential for teachers to develop their own
mathematical understanding to have the ability to scaffold and guide students in
mathematical concepts that are open to context and student interpretation.
(COAG, 2008) Therefore, teachers require the ability to acknowledge a range of
engaging opportunities to integrate numeracy across the curriculum and relate it
to real life. (Annenberg Learner, 1997)

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Understanding to predict is a key focus of mathematics and to effectively teach
mathematical concepts, teachers must be open to recognise that various
strategies may be used by students to consider answers and predict future
situations. (Annenberg Learner, 1997)
Teachers who have a good mathematical understanding are able to create
engaging environments where students can co-operate and communicate
effectively to work within their zone of proximal development. (Berk, 2013) It
enables learning as an active process which knowledge is not acquired, but
constructed from meaning making of new information presented from peers and
draws on past experiences to create re-representations.
Annenberg Learner, (1997) discusses the developmental stages of recognizing
patterns and drawing conclusions and states that as students reach middle
school they are able to understand more abstract patterns and represent them in
algebraic formulas and tables and graphs, allowing them to predict outcomes of
other situations. This correlates with the report by the National Curriculum Board,
(2009) Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, which discusses the
importance of students being presented with opportunities to explore and build
essential numeracy foundations from early primary to secondary schooling.

(National Curriculum Board, 2009)

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choices (National
CurriculumBoard, 2009)

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(Annenberg Learner, 1997)
Engaging Numeracy based Science activity
The engaging numeracy based activity I propose for the Year 11 Biology class is
an experiment to investigate the effect surface area to volume ratio has on the
rate of diffusion of an acid solution into agar cubes. This covers content from the
NSW Board of Studies Preliminary Biology Syllabus, Patterns in Nature:
perform a first-hand investigation to demonstrate the effect of surface area
to volume ratio on rate of diffusion (BOS NSW, 2013)
1. Measuring and cut out coloured agar into precise cubes of
varying sizes

2. Calculate the surface area to volume ratio for each cube
3. Construct a table to record results
SA:V Rate of diffusion (s)

4. Measure the amount of acid solution required in each beaker
5. Use time as variable to measure rate of diffusion
6. Record results
7. Represent data in a graph
8. Interpret data using scientific and quantitative language




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Experience in context
This activity requires students to:

(ACARA, 2014)
The Year 11 Biology class enjoys social interaction and hands on activities. This
student centred and co-operative group activity has numerous parts involving
various elements of numeracy which will keep the students egaged as they work
in groups to communicate their hypothesis, measure elements and make
predictions, considering prior theory based learning. Working with peers also
allows students to observe each others different strategies used to reach
answers. (Annenberg Learner, 1997)

I believe a key numeracy element that should be prioritised in Science is the
interpretation of statistical information. The ability to represent data and interpret
data is paramount in numeracy beyond school and enables one to analyse and
draw conclusions encountered on a daily basis, for example, health reports and
graphs on utility bills.

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Interactions and Pedagogy underpining activity

If a teacher is able to set the context of the activity, the students should have the
disposition to use numeracy to reach a conclusion, sometimes without realising
that they are using it. The use of scaffolding allows for students to be guided to
the right answer with meaning making of the new information provided. (Berk,
2013) By working in groups students are able to explore each others strategies
to reach a common result extending their knowledge of concepts further than the
task influences individually. (Annenberg Learner, 1997)
Through consolidation of this piece of work I have noted common themes which
stand out and I believe require connection.
1. Disposition and capacity: to be numerate one must be able to have
confidence and ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts in
context. This is supported by both Perso (2006) and the Australian
curriculum (ACARA, 2014) definition of numeracy and also recognises that
being numerate involves more than just being good at mathematics. It
involves ones ability to apply it in a range of contexts. The disposition of
numeracy allows for the ability of interconnectedness of numeracy across
the curriculum.
2. Contexts: numeracy derives its content from its contexts, opening up
discussion for multiple numeracies. (AAMT, 1998)
3. Numeracy across the curriculum: allows for students to naturally use
appropriate numeracy skills in a variety of contexts. As globalisation has
rapidly increased in the last few decades, access to information of the
quantitative variety calls for a greater understanding of representations of
mathematical concepts. These representations can be explore across the
curriculum and therefore, displays the relevance of numeracy. (Westwood,

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My interpretation of the interconnectedness of important aspects of schooling
which influence ones ability to become numerate is summarised in the below flow

(Westwood, 2008)

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This task has provoked me to further investigate Persos (2006) notion of
disposition and capacity to be numerate in school and beyond. As I reflect on my
own school experience I found mathematics lessons to be consistently set
procedural tasks, from one modality and one strategy to get the one answer. It
was how mathematics was always presented to me and therefore I presumed
and accepted that this is just how it was learnt. However, this does not have to be
the case.
To progress my learning from here I will:
Converse regularly with the science curriculum to identify opportunities to
incorporate numeracy skills into engaging lessons. (COAG, 2008)
Delve into Davis and Renerts notion of Mathematics for learning (Davis
& Renert, 2013)
Reflect on my knowledge of mathematical concepts as a teacher and
continue to develop and recognise areas requiring more knowledge
Be open to multiple strategies and recognise the importance of student
exploration in finding these strategies (Annenberg Learner, 1997)
Regularly discuss numeracy options with colleagues
Pursue two questions, one of which I interpreted from Davis and Renert,
1. What knowledge do teachers require in terms of mathematical concepts and
how should teachers re-represent these concepts for effective learning across the

2. How can you re-engage the unengaged when their numeracy disposition is

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Annenberg Learner video (Massachusetts Corporation for Educational
Telecommunications [MCET], 1997)
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2014, 08
25). Numeracy. Retrieved 08 28, 2014, from The Australian Curriculum:

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), (2014, 08
25). Organising numeracy elements. Retrieved 08 28, 2014, from Australian

Berk, Laura. (2013). Child Development (9th Edition ed.). New Jersey: Pearson
Education Inc.

Board of Studies, NSW. (2013). HSC Biology Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies

Council of Australian Governments (COAG). (2008). National Numeracy Review
Report. ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.

Davis, B. & Renert, M. (2013). The math teachers know: profound understanding
of emergent mathematics. Taylor and Francis. [e-book]
Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DEETYA).
(1997). Numeracy= everyone's business. Perth: Australian Association of
Mathematics Teachers Inc.

National Curriculum Board. (2009). Shape of the Australian Curriculum:
Mathematics . Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.

Perso, T. (2006). Teachers of MATHEMATICS or NUMERACY?. Australian
Mathematics Teacher, 62(2), p36-40.
The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc. (1998). Policy on
Numeracy Education in Schools. Perth: The Australian Association of
Mathematics Teachers Inc.

Westwood, P. (2008). What teachers need to know about numeracy [online].
Camberwell, Vic: ACER Press. [e-book];res=IELHSS;
isbn=97808 64319043]

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