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Propaganda information

giving only one side of the story

in order to influence the

Samuel Adams referred to the
event as the Boston Massacre,
despite the fact that only 5 of
the 400 colonists present were

Adams asked Paul Revere to
make an engraving of the event.

This image was circulated in
newspapers all throughout the
colonies in order to win public
support against the British.
Parliament repeals the
Townshend Acts,
except for a tax on tea
Tea Act (1773) tax on
tea, East India
Company monopolizes
tea business

Colonist protest
Boston Tea Party
(1773) colonist led by
Sons of Liberty, dump
45 tons of tea into
Boston Harbor
Civil Disobedience - The refusal to comply with certain
laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of
political protest.

Throughout the history of the U.S., civil disobedience has played a significant role in many of the
social reforms that we all take for granted today. Some of the most well known is:
1) The Boston Tea Party -- citizens of the colony of Massachusetts trespassed on a British ship and
threw its cargo (tea from England) overboard, rather than be forced to pay taxes without
representation to Britain. This was one of the many acts of civil disobedience leading to the War for
Independence, establishing the United States of America as a sovereign state.
Coercive Acts (1774)
called Intolerable Acts
by colonists
Closed Boston Harbor
Quartering Act was back
Eliminated elected govt
British officials charged
with major crimes were
to be tried in England

Tension escalates to an
all time high
First Continental
Congress is called
In September 1774 - 56 leaders from all the colonies but Georgia
gathered in Philadelphia to talk things over for 7 weeks.
The FCC decided that they would elect their own representatives
and make their own laws until Britain removed the Intolerable
The Congress also determined that if one of the colonies was
attacked then all the rest of the colonies would join in to defend it.
The FCC also decided to ban all trade with England until the acts
were repealed.
The Continental Congress also called on each colony to begin
training militias, or armies.

During the 7 week meeting colonists began to get along and one
colonist said:
The distinctions between New Englanders and Virginians
are no more, declared Patrick Henry. I am not a
Virginian, but an American.
The meeting ended on October 26 pledging to come back in May
if things didnt get better by then..
They didnt.

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