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Europe got:

tomatoes, potatoes, corn, peanuts,

Turkeys, vanilla, beans, cacao,
pineapple, tobacco, peppers, sweet
potatoes, squash, and pumpkins
The Americas:
got citrus fruits, grapes, bananas,
sugar cane, honey bees, peaches,
pears, coffee beans, turnips, olives,
and onions
Positive Effects of the Columbian Exchange
Negative Effects of the Columbian
The Transfer of Fruits and Vegetables
Livestock (Animals)
Europe got:
The Americas got:
Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Horses
90 percent of the native populations in the
Americas died because of the diseases
Transfer of diseases such as the influenza,
smallpox, and malaria
Effects on the Native Populations
Native populations where forced to become
more like the white Europeans and were
treated as inferior begins
Natives became slaves
Loss of native culture:
language, religion, traditions
Europeans took land from the
What is this paper about? Highlight the topic.
What is the author's position? Highlight their position.
What reasons does the author give to defend their position?
Highlight the reasons.
What evidence does the author give to support their
reasons? Highlight the evidence.
What does the author say about the opposing position?
How does the author end their paper?
Even though zoos aien't a peifect solution, we shoulu suppoit zoos because they
help piotect enuangeieu animals. Sometimes animals aie in tiouble in the wilu.
They uon't have enough to eat, oi they aie enuangeieu.
Sometimes enuangeieu animals aie in tiouble in the wilu because theie isn't
enough to eat. Foi example, Tom Fiench, who won a Pulitzei Piize as a jouinalist,
stuuieu elephants in many zoos, anu he wiote a book about them. It's calleu !""
$%"&'( It tuins out that theie aie too many elephants in South Afiica. Theie isn't
enough foou foi them anu theie isn't enough foou foi the ihino, because the
elephants eat all the tiees. So when elephants get moveu to zoos, it might save
theii lives anu it might help some othei animals too. Tom Fiench shows that in
goou zoos like the one in San Biego, theie aie clinics with expeits who will caie
foi the elephants. The aiticle says "the animal clinic at the San Biego Zoo was
bettei than any hospital in Swazilanu."
Anothei thing that zoos help with is bieeuing enuangeieu animals. 0ne Fox
News piogiam showeu how local zoos can help bieeu enuangeieu animals anu
then set them back in the wilu. That seems like a goou iuea. If we coulu use
zoos to bieeu these animals, anu then put them back in the wilu, maybe they
woulun't be enuangeieu.
0n the othei hanu, animals in zoos uon't always live a long time. They seem to
live a lot longei in the wilu. But the chait that shows how long elephants live in
the wilu is only counting the elephants who live at all. It uoesn't count the ones
who uie of staivation because theie aie no tiees, oi the ones who get shot by
poacheis. Tom Fiench shows that's what happens to lots of elephants.
You might woiiy about zoochosis, too. That's when animals get lonely anu sau
in zoos. But it sounus like the San Biego zoo takes goou caie of its elephants. Anu
it's piobably pietty lonely when you face a poachei who wants youi tusks.
0veiall, it seems like zoos aie a goou iuea, as long as they take goou caie of the
animals. They can iescue enuangeieu animals, anu they can bieeu them so they
won't be enuangeieu. It woulu be even bettei if we coulu stop uestioying theii
lanu. But since we'ie not enuangeieu, that's piobably not going to happen.
On your index card please answer the following question:
If you had to explain to a second grader
how to write a position paper, what would
you say?

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