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Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning

Element: 5.1 Select or create appropriate assessments that will measure student achievement of
goals and objectives.

Artifact: PED 434 Presentation

Date: Spring 2014

Reflection: In PED 434 (statistics and assessments class) I developed quality and appropriated assessments
that measures student achievements of the goals and objectives of the lesson I instructed. This artifact is a
power point presentation that my partner and I performed for the class who simulated students, parents, other
teachers, principals, and board members. The power point presentation illustrated the assessments that my
partner and I performed on a class of my peers that assessed all three domains of learning, the affective,
cognitive, and psychomotor domains. The power point outlined the goals and standards that theses assessments
met as well as the data recorded from the assessments. The pre-test to post-test difference showed an increase in
learning by the students scoring higher on the post-test then the pre-test. This data is useful when showing the
parents and administration of the school district to prove student learning is taking place in the physical
education classroom and will give increase the trustworthiness of the students progress by showing the data to
back up the perception of learning.

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