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Argument Article Graphic Organizer

Paragraph 1-Introduces the argument

Hook (grab the readers attention with figurative language, an anecdote (short story), a fact, quote
or a rhetorical question)

Summarize the issue in 1-2 sentences

State your argument (your claim should be a clear, strong statement of your opinion)

Paragraph 2- Provides evidence to support the argument
Topic sentence- Tell your readers the first reason that supports your argument

Introduce evidence that supports it

Paragraph 3-Provides evidence to support the argument
Topic sentence- Tell your readers the second reason that supports your argument

Introduce evidence that supports it



Closing sentence: explain why your evidence is important


Closing sentence: explain why your evidence is important

Paragraph 4 -Acknowledge the other side of the argument
Topic sentence- State the counter argument (the other side of the argument).
Many people argue..

State reasons to support the other side (Why do people feel this way?)


Explain why you think the other side is wrong and provide evidence to refute it


Closing sentence- explain why your argument is valid

Paragraph 5
Topic Sentence-Restate your argument and reasons to support it

Conclude by addressing the issue and connecting with your hook from the introductory paragraph
Concluding sentences:

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