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Deathmaster Snikch Tutorial

As I was constructing the base for this figure I thought it would be a good idea to show the
stages I go through and how I go about getting the results I do when painting figures for display.
Before I even start to put paint on a model I plan out what the colour scheme is going to be, ei-
ther on paper or in the back of my mind. In this case I chose to go with a colour scheme heavily
influenced by the promo pictures for Assassins Creed II as I wanted to do something different to
the traditional all black colour scheme. It is a nice warm palette to which I could contrast with a
cool palette on the building hes standing on.
Inside of the cloak
Basecoat of Scab Red
Highlight up to Blood Red,
making sure to leave some
of the Scab Red visible in
the recesses.
Highlight of Blood red and
Blazing Orange mix, leav-
ing some of the previous
layer showing.
Highlight with Blazing Or-
ange mixed with Vomit
Brown and glaze medium.
Highlight with pure Blazing
Orange mixed with glaze
Highlight of the mix from
stage 3 with more Blazing
Orange added.
1 2 3
4 5 6
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009. Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Final line highlight of pure
Vomit Brown.
Shaded with Asurmen Blue
mixed with water and glaze
medium. This was painted
in to the recesses of the
cloak in thin layers. This al-
lowed me to build up the
shading with more control.
The whole inside of the
cloak was then glazed with
a mix of Baal Red and
Glaze Medium. This helped
both strengthen the red
colour and tie the layers to-
Black out the bits which
are going to be painted dif-
ferently later on. This
stage of the process is op-
tional but I like to do it as it
gives me an impression of
what the cloak looks like
finished and allows me to
see if I need to make any
last minute alterations.
In stage 8 I
used Asurman
Blue to shade
the red. To
some this
might seem a
bit of an odd
choice, why
not use a mix
of Scab Red
and Chaos
Black or
Brown. The
reason for this
is because of
this colour
I came across this while looking for colour wheels. To go into the
details will take too long but in short this Real Color Wheel is pri-
marily used in the printing process and as you can see the oppo-
site colour of red on this wheel is Cyan to which the closest I have
is the Asurman Blue. After numerous experiments using this
Wheel I found that it worked best when using glazes/washes to
shade and the more traditional colour wheel works better for the
mixing of paints. So for example I would use Leviathan Purple to
shade Greens, Baal Red to shade Turquoise and Thrakka Green
to shade Purples etc.
7 8 9
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009. Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Basecoat of Tallarn Flesh
Blend up with Tallarn Flesh
leaving some of the
Scorched Brown and Dark
Flesh showing.
A final highlight of The mix
from the stage 6 and Skull
Black out round the skin.
Highlight the tallarn Flesh
with a mix of Tallarn Flesh,
Bleached Bone and
Fortress Grey.
Highlight with the mix from
the previous stage with
some added Bleached
Scorched Brown mixed
with Glaze Medium and
water painted in to the re-
Wash of Dark Flesh mixed
with Glaze Medium and
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009. Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Back of Cloak and Trousers
Basecoat of Scorched
Brown with a little Dark An-
gels Green mixed in.
Highlight with mix from
stage 3 and Kommando
Highlight with mix from
stage 6 and Kommando
Final highlight of Kom-
mando Khaki.
Highlight with mix from
stage 4 and Kommando
Highlight with mix from
stage 5 and Kommando
Highlight with mix from
stage 2 and Kommando
Highlight with Basecoat
mix and Kommando
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
Shaded with Asurmen
Blue and Ogryn Flesh wa-
tered down with water and
glaze medium.
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009. Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Basecoat of Khemri
Wash with watered down
Devlan Mud and Asurman
Blue in to the recesses.
Highlight with pure
Bleached Bone.
Final line highlight of
Bleached Bone and Skull
White mix.
Rehighlight with the mix
from Stage 2.
Highlight with mix from
Stage 5 with Bleached
Wash with Devlan Mud in
to the recesses.
Highlight with Khemri
Brown and Bleached Bone
mix leaving Khemri Brown
showing in the recesses.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
Glaze the recesses with
the Glaze Medium added
to the mix from Stage 4.
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009. Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Basecoat of Shining Gold
and Scorched Brown mix.
Highlight this with Bur-
nished Gold.
Basecoat of
Boltgun Metal
and Scaly
Green mix.
Highlight this
more with
Chainmail, fur-
ther accentuat-
ing the
reflections on
the metal.
Glaze the
green areas of
the metal with
a mix of Badab
Black and
Thrakka Green,
boosting the
Blend up to
Boltgun Metal,
leaving the
green tinted
metal showing
where the dark
areas of metal
would be.
Line highlight
with Mithril Sil-
ver, giving defi-
nition to the
shape of the
Highlight the Burnished
Gold by adding in a little
Mithril Silver.
Shade with a little Devlan
Mud and Leviation Purple
into the recesses
Highlight with Shining
Gold leaving the Shining
Gold and Scorched mix
showing in the recesses.
Wash with Devlan Mud.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Poisioned Blades
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009. Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.
The Finished Figure
Hope you liked this tutorial and that it has given you a bit of information and insperation that you
might otherwise have come across.
Thank You
Keith Robertson aka Durham_red
All Text, Images and Layout Copyright Keith Robertson 2009.
Both the name Deathmaster Snikch and model Copyright Games Workshop Limited2009 All rights reserved. Used without permission.

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