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Typhon and Kratos.

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"We will help you defeat Zeus." - Gaia
Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, the Titans () were a race of extremely powerful huge
deities that ruled the world during the legendary Golden Age of Mankind. They
possessed all the power and magic the Gods possessed and were the children
of Gaia and Ouranos. There were 12 original Titans, the males being known as the
Titanes (Coeus, Crius, Cronos, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus) and the females as
the Titanides (Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Theia, and Themis). They were
ruled by the youngest Titan, Cronos, who overthrew Ouranos with the aid of Gaia.
Several of the Titans also produced ofspring which were also called Titans. These
Titans included the children of Hyperion (Helios, Eos, and Selene), the daughters of
Coeus (Leto and Asteria), the sons of Iapetus (Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas, and
Menoetius) and the children of Crius (Astraios, Pallas andPerses).
The Titans preceded the Olympians, who, led by Zeus, eventually overthrew them in
the Titanomachy. The Titans were then imprisoned in Tartarus, the deepest and
darkest pit of the Underworld. Only a few Titans were spared any sort of fate, mostly
for not fghting against Zeus during the war.
God of War SeriesEdit
Birth and FateEdit
In the beginning, there was darkness. The Titans were born on the Island of
Creation, home to the Sisters of Fateand controllers of time. Themis was born of
Gaia, who became the embodiment of divine order, law, and custom, giving the
Titans a purpose to be a part of the world.
The rest of the world was created by the Titans and Cronos was given the title as
ruler. However, it was prophesized that one day Cronos would be overthrown by his
very children, just as Uranus had been years before. In an attempt to sway the
Sisters into his favor, Cronos gifted them with the Steeds of Time. The Sisters
refused to change his fate and the fate that would also haunt the Titans forever.
Cronos began devouring his children one by one so that the prophecy may not come
true. His wife, Rhea, could not bear another such loss and hid the sixth and fnal
child on an island far away from the watchful eyes of her husband. Cronos foolishly
swallowed a rock wrapped in cloth in the babys place.
The child who escaped his siblings fate was Zeus, who was raised by Gaia herself
to nuture his desire to free his brothers and sisters from their prison. When the day
came and Zeus had become a young man, he freed his siblings from their cruel
father and the Great War began.
The Great WarEdit
The Titans believed that they had to win or the gods would make the mortals sufer,
caring only for control. The Titans Prometheus, Epimetheus, Helios, and his sisters
joined the gods in the battle against the Titans, betraying their very own. The Titans
were led by the great Atlas, who saved Cronos from being captured by Hades in an
attempt to consume his soul. In Cronos place Atlas was captured, but the battle
continued. Mountains were hurled like pebbles, and the ground shook from massive
earthquakes. The war between the Titans and the gods forged the landscape of the
mortal world. Eventually, Zeus created the all powerful Blade of Olympus, and used
its magic to send the Titans to foulest pits of the Underworld Tartarus. This ended
the Great War, and the gods established their domain upon Mount Olympus, being
worshipped by the mortals who begged for their mercy and guidance. The Golden
Age had indeed ended.
In Tartarus, the Titans would be tortured or trapped for all eternity. Cronos sufered
the fate of wandering the Desert of Lost Souls with Pandora's Temple chained to his
back until the strength of the whirling winds and sands ripped his fesh from his
bones. The Titan Typhon was imprisoned within an enormous mountain. On the
same mountain,Prometheus, because of betraying Zeus and giving the mortals the
fres of Olympus, was forced to endure the pain of having his liver eaten everyday by
a large eagle.

God of WarEdit
Athena instructed Kratos to journey to the Desert of Lost Souls where the Titan
Cronos crawled with Pandoras Temple upon his back. The Titan showed no emotion
while Kratos climbed mountain leading to the temple for three days, still crawling
through the desert wasteland with the wind blowing in his face.
God of War IIEdit
Kratos was saved by Gaias guidance while he was being taken to the Underworld.
She told Kratos that Zeus would have to be destroyed in order for there to be any
hope for Kratos. With her voice whispering into Kratos ear, the powerful warrior
travelled to the mountain where Typhon and Prometheus rested. Typhon, bound to
his mountainous prison, refused to help the former Olympian. Typhon tried blowing
Kratos of of the clifs where he walked, hoping he would fall to his death. Kratos
managed to obtain Typhon's Bane by stabbing Typhons eye, blinding him. Kratos
also released Prometheus from his torment by burning him alive in a fery pit,
granting him the power of the Rage of the Titans. Cronos gifted Kratos with the last
of his magic while travelling with the Steeds of Time. This magic was known
as Cronos' Rage. Kratos also fell into the grasp of the mighty Titan Atlas, who gifted
him with the knowledge of the Great War and the powerful Atlas Quake. With all of
his powers and gifts, Kratos defeated the Sisters of Fate and travelled back in time to
the fnal minutes of the Great War. He saved the Titans from being banished and
brought them into his time. There, he and the Titans climbed Mount Olympus to
fnally rid the mortals of the petty gods.
God of War IIIEdit
"The Titans will fail again!" - Helios
God of War 3 takes place immediately after God of War 2, with Kratos and the Titans
climbing Mount Olympus. Despite their superiour numbers and monumental
strength, the Titans' precarious position as they climb Mount Olympus proves to be a
great tactical disadvantage. Within the frst few seconds of the Second Great War,
most of the Titans are knocked of the mountain to their death below by the
combined eforts of Hades, Helios, Hermes and Poseidon. Poseidon, in particular,
used his watery Leviathans, easily dislodging Titans, and, had Kratos not killed him,
may have won the war single-handedly. After a brief confrontation with Zeus results
in both Gaia and Kratos getting knocked of of the mountain, Gaia refuses to aid
Kratos out of fear for her own life and to ensure Kratos does not interfere in what is
the Titans' war, resulting in Kratos falling to the Underworld. There are six Titans left
climbing Mount Olympus; Gaia, Perses, Oceanus, Epimetheus, Hyperion and one of
Cronos' brothers, either Crius or Coeus. It is unknown why Kratos did not go further
back in time to bring back all Titans with him.
After Kratos returns to Olympia, he reunites with Gaia, who he dislogdes and sends
to her apparent death in revenge. After this act, Kratos is condemned an enemy of
both the Titans and Olympians and does his best to undermine the war eforts of
both parties to ensure the Titans do not reach Zeus. He personally stabs Perses in
the eye with the Blade of Olympus, killing him, and kills Cronos in Tartarus after the
latter attacks him. By the end of the game, Gaia remains the only surviving Titan and
with her death, the Titans are rendered extinct, even though Typhon and Atlas might
have survived in their corresponding prisons. Another guess would be that when
Gaia died, the worlds foundations also collapsed, killing both Atlas, who held up the
world, and Typhon, who was trapped beneath a mountain. However, Typhon likely
drowned after Poseidon's death fooded the world, or, as Typhon was born after the
Great War, he ceased to exist after Gaia was brought to the future.
The Titans are as large as mountains and appear to be mostly elemental, most likely
due to the fact that they were the frst beings ever to roam the world. They possess
immense physical strength and stamina. The Olympians appear more civilized and
human than the Titans, whereas the Titans appear more ancient, earthly, and
elemental. However, this is not applied to all Titans, as Rhea, Prometheus and Helios
look more human, and share the human's common fgure and overall height and
appearance (though the latter two were Titans that helped the Olypmians and may
have transformed to their current appereance).
There are numerous Titans who make various appearances throughout the God of
War series. These are a few:
Gaia: The Titan goddess of Earth and mother of the Titans. Also their current
Atlas: The Titan that was forced to carry the world on his shoulders.
Cronos: Father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and Hera. He is the former King of
the Titans.
Hyperion: The Titan father of Helios, Eos, and Selene. He is the Titan of
Oceanus: Oceanic Titan seen climbing Mt. Olympus in "God of War III." He is
the Titan of Water.
Prometheus: The Titan forced to bear the pain of being eaten alive everyday
by a large eagle after giving fre to mankind.
Rhea: The mother of the frst Olympians and wife of Cronos.
Typhon: The Titan of Wind who is trapped underneath a large mountain.
Perses: The Titan of Destruction.
Epimetheus: The Titan of Nature.
Thera/Theia: The Titan of Lava, who is trapped in Atlantis.
The main powers that all Titans possess are super strength, immortality, invincibility,
and regenerative abilities. Some of the Titans may also possess some form of
energy projection and the power to control the elements which they
embody. Oceanus and Perses seem to be covered in their respective elements,
Oceanus being covered in Water and Lightning, and Perses is covered in Lava
implying that they both could maniplulate those elements.Gaia could also possess
the power over Earth and possibly over the life on it.

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