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Perspectives on EvoDevo:

The Skull as a Case Study

Thursday, November 4th 2014

Sal dActes, Edifici Capalera, 1er Pis
Parc Cientfic de la Universitat de Valncia
C/ Jos Beltran, 2
46980 Paterna

15:15 Diego Rasskin-Gutman (ICBiBE, Universitat de Valncia)
Introduction: The explanatory power of EvoDevo

15:30 Daisuke Koyabu (University Museum of Tokyo)
Macroevolutionary patterns of cranial skeletogenesis in mammals

16:00 Jess Marugn-Lobn (Universidad Autnoma de Madrid)
Modularity vs. integration in avian skull EvoDevo

16:30 Borja Esteve-Altava (ICBiBE, Universitat de Valncia)
Network models and modularity of the skull

17:00 Round table

Organizers: Diego Rasskin-Gutman & Borja Esteve-Altava

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