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A robot is a virtual entity built by a man to facilitate jobs continuously, can be

adapted to another job, without permanent changes in their matter. Like any
subject, brings advantages (being the main, conducting more accurate and
cheaper jobs than human) and disadvantages (being the main, the high rate of
unemployment that it causes). In this paper, we will explain the impact of robots in
society today; the ethical issues that some characters and international entities
present. Finally, we will expose our critical opinion about the subject of robots.

Key words: robots, advantages, disadvantages, technology, move, intelligent,
simulator, programming, software.


There are many jobs that people do not like, either, being bored or being
dangerous, they will always try to avoid not to do. Now, robots are ideal for jobs
that require repetitive and precise movements. That`s why, this work we will
address the subject of robots in a more simple and concise manner, so that the
reader likes and to go deep into the subject as we did. we invite you to read, think
and reflect about this paper.

Since the beginning of time humans have built devices to facilitate tasks. The
ancient Egyptians joined mechanical arms to the statues of their gods. Greeks,
developed statues with hydraulic system. Al Jazari (1136-1206), a Muslim inventor
of Artuqid dynasty, designed and constructed a number of automated machines,
including kitchen utensils had, musical automata that ran on water and in 1206 the
first programmable humanoid robots. The Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka
(1799-1881), known as the "Japanese Edison ', created a series of extremely
complex mechanical toys, some of which served tea, fired arrows removed from a
quiver, and even drew a kanji (characters used in Japanese writing)
Taken from:
Nowadays, commercial and industrial robots are widely used, and they make jobs
more accurately or cheaper than humans. They are also used in too dirty,
dangerous or heavy for humans work. Robots are widely used in manufacturing
plants, assembly and packaging, transport, exploration on Earth and in space,
surgery, weaponry, laboratory research, and mass production of industrial goods or
consumer. Other applications include toxic waste cleanup, mining, search and
rescue, and mine finding.
The rapid advances in computer technology and robotics have resulted in the
increased use of robots in science, medicine and industry. The impact these robots
have had on humanity has been both positive and negative. Given the rapid speed
of technology, robots will probably have a greater impact on humans in the future.
One of the biggest advantages of automated procedures is the accuracy of the
results. The robotics is being used in various industries such as automobiles,
medicines, appliances and many more. Thanks to robotics, the humans have been
able to devote their time to improving the quality of life by constantly applying and
replaced himself in repetitive and exhausting work. But there are also
disadvantages such as unemployment creates these robots and robots that
someday may even be greater in amount than the human race.
In 1942, proclaimed the laws of robotics to not to go against the ethics. These laws
1. A robot may not injure a human or, through inaction, allow a human to come to
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human except where such orders would
conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Law.
However, these laws are not currently met, because, the robots of war are created
to threaten the lives of humans.
The special rapporteur of the UN is trying to stop the creation and spread of lethal
autonomous robots also known as robots murderers, to other countries in general,
because, on one hand, could tip the balance between war and peace, and on the
other, these robots have a structure that allows them to have a long reach when
being used.
Our attitudes towards robots is critical. Although robots improve the quality of life of
people, lately have been provided for war, ending the lives of so many people. In
addition, the robots create much unemployment in society leaving hundreds of
families early of the poverty.

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