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International Qualifications (in particular for Libyan Students)

Higher Technician Diploma

2 years
With this qualification, students can gain entry into Year 1 Undergraduate or Foundation

Higher Diploma
3-4 years
With this qualification, students can gain entry to certain Universities, most who request
additional work experience.
Please note the 2 years Higher Diploma equates to a UK HND, and not a Bachelors Degree.

Please see below for a list of the UK University Partners who will accept the Higher Diploma
qualification and the conditions to these.

Coventry University
5 years work experience

Sheffield Hallam
2 years work experience

Anglia Ruskin
2.5 GPA or above
No work experience

The following Universities have stated students with the 4 years Higher Diploma may be considered
for entry onto a Postgraduate Course. However, please note these Universities are high ranking and
so may not accept this qualification upon application particularly if the overall GPA is low, and the
student does not have any relevant work experience.

Glasgow University
Queens Mary
Nottingham Trent

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