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Citing your references using the Harvard

(Author-Date) system
Is this the correct guide for you?
Before using this guide, please check whether your Department, School or Faculty specifies the use of a
particular referencing style and, if so, if it provides its own guidelines to that style.

The information in this guide is in line with that contained in Cite them right online - accessible from
http!!!library!skill!skill"d.html and the printed book e#uivalent
$ears, %. and Shields, &.'()"*+ Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. ,th edn. Basingstoke
$algrave -acmillan . in the /ibrary at 0)0.)( $12.
Why is it important to cite references?
3t is accepted practice in the academic world to acknowledge the words, ideas or work of others and
not simply to use them as if they were your own. Failure to do this could be regarded as plagiarism -
see http!!!library!skill!plagiarism.html
to enable other people to identify and trace your sources #uickly and easily
to support facts and claims you have made in your te4t
1. In-text citations
The in-text citation is placed at the e4act point in your document where you refer to someone else5s
work, whether it is a book, 6ournal, online document, website or any other source. The following
guidelines apply to all types of sources, including online documents & websites.
3t consists of author 'or editor+ and publication year, in brackets
eg Agriculture still employs half a million people in rural Britain (Shucksmith,
2n author can be an organisation or &overnment Department 'known as a 7corporate author5+
eg (English Heritage, 2010)
3f there are ( or * authors, both, or all *, names should be given
eg (ines, !ritchar" an" #alker, 200$)
%esearch &uide (
There are 2 parts to a referencing system:
(1) an in-text citation
(2) an entry in the reference list/bibliography at the end of the assignment/work
3f there are 8 or more authors, cite the first author, followed by 7et al. 'in italics+
eg (%organ et al., 201&)
For several documents by the same author published in the same year, use 'a,b,c+
eg (#atson, 200'a)
3f the author5s name occurs naturally in the sentence, only the year of publication is given
eg (n his groun")reaking stu"y, *ones (201+) ,
3f the date cannot be identified, use the phrase 7no date5
eg (a)our !arty, no "ate)
3f there is no author, use a brief title instead 'title is in italics+
eg (Burden of anonymity, 1'+-)
age number!s"# These should be included when there is a need to be more specific, e.g. referring to
specific information or data, or when making a direct #uotation. 9se p.'for a single page+ or pp. 'for
more than one page+. 3f page numbers are not given 'e.g. for some ebooks+, use the information that is
available, such as :0;.
eg (.hompson, 2011, p.100) or (.hompson, 2011, /-0)
$iting a web page# This should follow the preceding guidelines . so use author and date where
possible< if no author then use title and date< if no author or title use 9%/ and date
eg (111.), 201+)
%econdary sources# 'this means a document which you have not seen but which is mentioned or
#uoted in one of your references+. The two items should be linked with the term 7cited in5 or 7#uoted in5
eg ,.urner2s analysis of "e3elopment tren"s (2000, cite" in #alker, 200+, p./&+.
NB for above example of secondary sources: You would only be able to include the
source you have actually read in your reference list, so unless you have read Turner
yourself you would only be able to include Walker in your reference list. It is good practice
to try to read the original source (Turner so that you can cite and reference it in addition to
the source which mentioned it (Walker+.

&andling 'uotations in the text
%hort (uotations may be run into the te4t, using single or double #uotation marks (be consistent):
eg As 41ens state" (200-, p.'$), 5the 3alue of...2
)onger (uotations should be separated from the rest of the te4t by means of indentation and do not
need #uotation marks
eg Simone "e Beau3oir (1'$2, p.&6/) e7amine" her o1n past an" 1rote rather
.he past is not a peaceful lan"scape lying there )ehin" me, a country in
1hich (
can stroll 1here3er ( please, an" 1ill gra"ually sho1 me all its secret
hills an" "ates.
As ( 1as mo3ing for1ar", so it 1as crum)ling.
*. +eference list,bibliography
2t the end of your assignment!work you need to provide a complete list of all sources used. $lease note
that some Departments, Schools or Faculties may e4pect ( lists . '"+ a reference list of all sources cited
in your te4t and '(+ a general bibliography of sources used but not specifically cited as in-te4t citations.
The entries in the list's+ are arranged in one alphabetical se(uence by author5s name, title if there is no
author, 9%/ if no author or title . whate-er has been used in the in-text citation, so that your reader
can go easily from an in-te4t citation to the correct point in your list.
2ll entries!references, including those for online resources, must contain author, year of publication
and title 'if known+ in that order. Further additional details are also re#uired, varying according to the
type of source, as follows
0boo/s which loo/ the same as a printed boo/, with publication details and pagination#
+eports 1 print and online !pdfs"#
1 2uthor,0ditor# Surname!family name first, followed by initials. 3nclude all authors. For editors,
use 'ed.+ or 'eds+. %emember that an author can be an organisation or &overnment Department.

* 3ear of publication# &ive the year of publication in round brackets, or 'no date+.
4 Title# 3nclude title as given on the title page of a book< include any sub-title, separating it from
the title by a colon. =apitalise the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns. 9se italics.
5 0dition# >nly include if not the first edition. 1dition is abbreviated to 7edn5.
6 lace of publication and publisher# 9se a colon to separate these elements. 3f more than one
place of publication, use the first or most prominent.
7 %eries# 3nclude if relevant, after the publisher.
eg Shone, A. an" !arry, B. (201&) !uccessful event management" a practical handbook.
+th e"n.
An"o3er8 9engage earning.
E7ample of organisation:;o3ernment <epartment as author8
eg <epartment of Health (2012) #anual of nutrition. 12th e"n. on"on8 .S4.
E7ample of )ook 1ith no author8
eg Whitaker$s almanack (201&) on"on8 * #hitaker an" Sons.
0boo/s for which bibliographic details such as page numbers are not a-ailable !typically on a
personal ede-ice such as a 8indle"#
1 2uthor!editor
* ?ear of publication 'in round brackets+
4 Title 'use italics+
5 2vailable at 9%/
6 'Downloaded date+
eg %arr, A. (2012) % history of the world. A3aila)le at8"le>
e)ooks (<o1nloa"e"8 2& *une 201+).
$hapter in boo/#
1 2uthor of chapter
* ?ear of publication
4 Title of chapter 'in single #uotation marks+
5 7in5 and then author, title of complete book (in italics), place of publication, publisher, page
numbers of chapter.
eg Smith, H. (1''0) 5(nno3ation at large2, in *ames, S. (e".) !cience and innovation.
%anchester8 ?o3on, pp. +6>/0.
9ournal articles, print and electronic#
1 2uthor
* ?ear of publication
4 Title of article 'in single #uotation marks+
5 Title of 6ournal (in italics) =apitalise the first letter of each word in title, e4cept for words such as
7and5, 7the5, 7of5
6 @olume number 'unbracketed+, issue number and!or date 'all in round brackets+
7 $age numbers
: D>3 'if an e6ournal and if available+
NB: URL and date accessed are not required, but you can include a DOI Di!ital
Ob"ect Identi#er$ if you %is&
E7ample of print or online @ournal article8
eg %atsaganis, %. (2011) 5.he 1elfare state an" the crisis8 the case of ;reece2, &ournal
of 'uropean !ocial (olicy, 21(/), pp./01>/12.
E7ample of online @ournal article inclu"ing "oi8
eg #illiams, *. (2000) 5.ools for achie3ing sustaina)le housing strategies in rural
;loucestershire2, (lanning (ractice ) *esearch, 1/(&), pp.1//>1$+. "oi8
;ewspaper articles: !otter, A. (201&) 5.ime to take stock2, The +uardian, 20 %ay, p.1/.
Web page t&e main %ebpa!e, not a pdf on t&e %ebpa!e$: 4BCA% (201&) +ender
,ustice. A3aila)le at8 http8::policy>>1ork:gen"er>@ustice
(Accesse"8 12 *une 201+).
df on webpage# [-ollow guidelines on previous page for referencing books, ebooks and
+eport from a database# %intel 47ygen (201+) 5!repare" meals re3ie1 D EF D %ay 201+2.
A3aila)le at8 http8:: aca" (Accesse"8 12 *une 201+).
0mail# Saun"ers, . (2010) Email to in"a Hinton, 1- August. '(ou can also use t&is
pattern for ot&er personal communications e)!) letter, conversation*
<ilm on =>=# (ride and pre,udice (2000) <irecte" )y Simon angton G<H<I. Base" on the
no3el )y *ane
Austen. on"on8 BB9 #orl"1i"e t".
Thesis# %atheson, 9. %. (200+) (roducts and passions" e/plorations of authenticity within
0eltic music festivities. !h< thesis. ;lasgo1 9ale"onian Eni3ersity. A3aila)le at8
http8::ethos.)"er<etails."oJ"i"K/LuinKuk.)l.ethos.+1+-6/ (Accesse"8 2& *une 201+).
$onference paper# Sattler, %.A. (200$) 5E"ucation for a more sustaina)le architecture2, !un,
wind and
architecture" proceedings of the 12
International 0onference on (assive and 3ow 'nergy
%rchitecture. ?ational Eni3ersity of Singapore, 22>2+ ?o3em)er. Singapore8 <epartment of
Architecture, ?ational Eni3ersity of Singapore, pp. -++>-/1.
Inter-iew# .aylor, C. (201+) 5.he future is )right2. (nter3ie1 1ith Crancis .aylor. (nter3ie1e" )y
Sally Aoss for BB0 4ews, 1/ %arch.
<or further examples see# Cite them right online The print e#uivalent is
$ears, %. and Shields, &. '()"*+ Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. ,th edn. Basingstoke
$algrave -acmillan. %helfmar/# ?@?.@* 02
0nd;ote# This service enables you to build up a database of your references and then
automatically format both in-te4t citations and the references in the Brookes Aarvard style 'like this
guide+. For full details see http!!!library!endnote.html
/S!>4ford Brookes 9niversity /ibrary B!"8

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