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4-Page Magazine Layout Project


1. What magazine would you consider designing for--TITLE? What type of magazine is it?
(Automotive, Sport/Athletic, Travel/Leisure, Entertainment, Review/Critique, Music,
Home/Garden, or Technology/Gaming)
2. Who is your audience? Describe in detail how you plan on marketing to them:

3. What is your article title? What is your design scheme for the Heading (sub-headings)?
4. Where do you intend on getting your Copy (text for article) from? List appropriate websites?
5. How will images be incorporated into your layout? Photographs, color shapes, drawings/illustrations?
6. What is your CONNECTING FACTOR? How do you anticipate tying all the pages together?
7. Draw out a rough sketch of how you anticpate laying out your templates:
(Draw on the back of this sheet in the boxes provided)

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