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Reading Comprehension Questionnaire

Reading Survey
Answer the following questions about your reading habits.This survey is
anonymous. That means no one will know who you are. The reason for this is
to encourage you to be honest. Please answer all questions truthfully. There
are no right or wrong answers. Answering truthfully will help your teachers to
help you become a better reader.
1. When I read a story or other information I understand it.

When I read a story or other information I understand it. Yes. I always understand the story or info
I usually understand the story or information.
Sometimes I understand the story or information but sometimes I don't.
I often don't understand the story or information.
I rarely understand the story or information.
I never understand the story or information.

2. I use illustrations or titles to help me figure out what a story is about.

I use illustrations or titles to help me figure out what a story is about. Always

3. When I don't understand a word I use the information I have already

read to guess its meaning.

When I don't understand a word I use the information I have already read to guess its meaning. A

4. When you find a story or written information difficult to understand,

do you give up or do you use strategies to help you understand?

When you find a story or written information difficult to understand, do you give up or do you use st
I usually give up but occasionally try strategies.
I sometimes give up but other times I use strategies.
I usually use strategies but occasionally have to give up.
I always uses strategies and rarely have to give up.
If you said you use strategies, then list your strategies here.

5. I use a dictionary when I can't understand words.

I use a dictionary when I can't understand words. Always
If you don't use a dictionary often, explain why here

6. When you read do you try to see the pictures in your head?
When you read do you try to see the pictures in your head? Always

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