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Basic punctuation

Full stops
A sentence with a full stop is a declarative
sentence because it declares the end of
the sentence
Make sure when you start a new sentence
you use a capital letter

Question marks
A sentence with a question mark (?) at the
end is a interrogative sentence
It is asking a question
When used in speech it should be
enclosed by the inverted commas (speech
For example
Aaaaaaah, who are you? ( .... =speech
marks-inverted commas)

Exclamation marks
Sentences with an exclamation mark in
our called exclamatory
An exclamation mark doesn't always have
to be used at the end of a sentence
Help!-this is an example of when an
exclamation mark can be used
'The man charged like a raging bull'-this is
another example of when a exclamation
mark can be used

Commas indicate a brief pause
They can replace a connective
Commas can be used in lists, to separate
clauses, to set of certain adverbs such as:
however, in fact, therefore
They can be used in an embedded clause:
Michael, who was a cold and bitter man,
hated everyone.
Embedded clause=Yellow

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