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European visitors described Hamadan (the capital of Media according to

Persepolis style column bases
Fragments of ancient structures
Jumbles of stone

Ecbatana was unlike other bordering cities of Media, as they were founded
by Alexander to protect from the neighbouring barbarians

Situated in the northern part of Media, Ecbatana also controlled that portion
of Asia

Royal residence of the Medes

Greatly exceeded all the other cities in wealth and the magnificence of its

Palaces were grand structures, conveying a high idea of the wealth of its
original founders

No parts of the palace were left exposed: usually plated in silver or gold

Ecbatana was a city built to defend any enemies, according to Herodotus the
first King of the Medes) Deioces ordered his people to build him a strong and
large palace

Built strong and large walls, standing in circles one within another the wall
is so contrived that one circle is higher than the next

This was even more impenetrable by the fact the nature of the ground,
seeing that it is on a hill.

Ecbatana was a fortified city until Cyrus marched against Ecbatana and
infiltrated the city seizing the gold, silver and other valuables of the royal

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