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Approved 10/7/14

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of September 2, 2014
Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Chapman, John Short, Jim Graham,
Dennis Shaffer, Dan Otis, Nancy Hall, Jenny Shaffer
Absent: All Board members present
Homeowners Present: none

Guests: Riches Tree Service Representative

Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Dennis Shaffer

Approval of Meeting Minutes - July 2014
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by John Chapman
to approve the July minutes as submitted, seconded by Ted Seble, and all Board members present
Guest from Riches Tree Service
The representative was invited by Jim to discuss the common area. Jim took him on a tour of the
Kingway woods and the common area above 100th Drive. The representative said he would address
the concerns about tree stewardship in the common area. He noted that neighbors have different
perspectives about the effect of trees. He reviewed tree hazards such as falling trees and the effect on
paths. The other issue is how to get a good management plan. He noted that the area above 100th
Drive does not have a good upper story of firs as does the lower area. He discussed how this could be
done, as starting with large trees a range of native trees. The Board was interested in discussing safety
in the Kingway woods. Dennis requested Riches to provide an estimate for taking care of the hazards in
the Kingway woods.
President: Dennis Shaffer

Dennis reported that the house at 10416 SE 98th Ct had cleaned up their yard.
The storage unit requested by Glen Sage has been removed.
He reported that the bridge has been completed on Gia Court.
He replaced the bulb on light #7. The blub cost $36.
He discussed the annual meeting. It was concluded it will be in November. A speaker is needed.
He discussed the fall Newsletter. He requested the Board members too send in articles. He will
aim for a mid-October publication.
A home owner on Stevens Court is behind in dues for 5 years, as well as complaints about yard
upkeep. How to handle this? John Chapman noted that a letter has gone out to owner about
dues. It was agreed that a letter should be sent about the poor upkeep. Dennis and John will
make a list what needs to be corrected..

Vice-president: Ted Seble

Ted said we should set a good example by setting trash cans out of sight.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the July meeting minutes. The minutes will be sent to Carl for
posting on the HOA website.
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 10/7/14
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman reported that the HOA balance is $29,769. This is about same position as last
year at this time.
He reported that when the short sale on Kingway was closed the HOA was paid back dues of
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim reported on the walk with Richs Tree Service staff.
Jim said he initially asked for estimate to do the work Happy Fish was going to do as a price
check. Riches said the Happy Fish rates were good.
He reported on the County dog ordinance. It is expected the ordinance will be finalized by the
end of 2014. The County will hire two staff to do enforcement sometime in 2015. See
Fall dumpsters: the Board preferred delivery on Nov. 14. The placement will be the same.
The bark dust and clean up for areas by the Scott Mt signs was completed.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan reported that he will provide a list of houses to Dennis where yard upkeep is needed so
letters can be sent.
Architectural: John Short
John Short reported that Jim Dayne asked for a storage unit to build in his back yard. Plans
were provided to John and he approved it.
He talked to Vicki Irish on Stevens Road. She provided a plan for landscaping her front yard
which will provide a level parking area. She will provide a plan to John for approval.
Tom Larsen requested approval of paint colors. These were approved.
Linda Bemis (house on 99th) provided plans for her fence to make it compliant. She discussed
potential fixes with John Short and Dennis. She will move the fence in parallel with the house.
She asked for several months to complete the work. It was discussed that the HOA pay for part
of the costs of the change, but it was decided to wait for final plans to decide.
Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Jenny reported that the high school green team did work in the common area previously
approved. This was along Idleman road and removing ivy. The total cost was $120.
She is looking at adding some drive slow signs on 99 th. She also plans to adding more no
dumping signs in common area.
She and Dennis will apply rubber sealer to paths where needed.
Jenny wants to add 2 dozen sapling trees to replace dead ones. John Chapman made a motion
to approve the purchase of 24 trees up to $150. The board approved with one against.
She reported that Sunrise water is replacing the water pipes on Sevens Court. It will take about
a month.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
She said she sent a letter about collecting debris in the common area. Jim will look into it.

Open Forum
Dennis, and his son in law to be, build the new bridges in the common area at much less than
originally estimated. John discussed providing a thank you gift to them. Dennis declined.
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 10/7/14
Dennis reported that there were break ins to cars on 100th and on 98th.
Adjournment: at 9:10 pm by Dennis
Next Regular Board Meetings: October 7, 2014 at 7 pm at the Fire Station
And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 10/7/14

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 10/7/14

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

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