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Once upon a time,there was a boy named Pierre.

Pierre was a very skinny boy with brown hair. His

parents are from New Zealand.He wasnt born in New
Zealand. He was born in America. Pierre was 18 years
old and could do a lot of stunts on his skateboard. His
family was really rich and owned a company Apple.
One day Pierre made a machine that shoots money
out. Pierre made and made until he made until he
made 100 money machines. He called his company
LouisVandersar. LouisVandersar became really
famous which became one of the most famous
company. Pierre donated all his money to his parents.
He fought with himself on what to do with his
company. So he gave half of his property to his Mom.
The next day when he was walking on the sidewalk.
He fell down!!!!!! but he did not get up he lied on the
floor and thought about his company what would he
have to do. An old lady helped Pierre up and spoke to
him,she said young boy why are you on the floor?.
Pierre said because I cant think of what to do with
my company.The old lady said wait you will find out
eventually. Pierre thought about making a new
company but he needed a lot of help. At that time no

one liked Apple they tryed and tryed but couldnt

beat it in business.
One day they heard Pierre was making a new
company they didnt want to be against another
company so they stopped the shipment of supplies.
They brought Pierre inside a small dark spooky room.
They was a lot of strong gangsters wearing masks.
The Gangsters were really strong and had big
muscles. They looked really angry and looked like
good people in the present day. They wore masks and
had brown hair and looked like a American. They had
lots of pictures on the wall of them winning during
wrestling. They punched Pierre and asked him to stop
making his company. He fought for his new company
called Orange. That was Pierres Second company. He
told the police about the Gangsters.
The Police officer caught the Gangsters and brought
them to jail. Now Pierre could finish his second
Company. That was how Orange was born and Pierre
lived happily ever after.

The End

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