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Sassatelli Artifacts

Management and Implementation Artifact #2

ETT 536 - D57 Google Site and Open Tech Labs Implementation

This artifact is from Dr. Xies course on Web-Based Learning. My assignment was to
create a meaningful educational website by using selected features and functions of Google Sites.
I decided to use this as an opportunity to develop a website for my new role as a technology
integration coach with School District 57. I had a lot of information I wanted to organize and
manage for teachers to access. Therefore, this website serves two purposes: to provide
information about my role at Lincoln Middle School, and to serve as a management system for
technology resources I provide.
There are four sections of the website that serve as management tools. The first is my
calendar, which displays my schedule each day. From the calendar page, teachers can book an
appointment with me during any of my open times. This helps manage my time each day,
because I receive an email and a calendar event is automatically created when a teacher
schedules a meeting. The second section is the Ed Tech Newsletter Archive. Each week, I email
out a newsletter focusing on educational technology; this section of the website archives those
newsletters so teachers can always access the information.
The third management tool is the Open Tech Labs section. One of my tasks as a
technology coach was to provide ongoing professional development on topics of interest. To
accomplish this, I hold Open Tech Labs once a week focusing on a specific topic. Teachers who
are interested in that weeks topic can sign up. This section of my website provides teachers
with information on upcoming Open Tech Labs and allows them to sign up for a time to attend.

Sassatelli Artifacts
The final management component on my website is the Resources section. Here, teachers can
find web resources organized by category in order to facilitate classroom technology integration.
Creating this artifact taught me new ways to manage resources, projects, and individuals.
I initially felt there was so much information I was trying to organize, and I did not know the
best way to accomplish this task. However, I found and used tools from Google Site, Google
Drive, and create a system of organization and resource/project management.
Teachers learn how to navigate my site and can easily find new digital resources to improve
their teaching.

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