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( ) 042

India pilots in mid-air 'scuffle'

Extracted From :
Published: 2009/10/04 11:11:11 GMT

Pilots and cabin crew have come to blows on an international

flight bound for India, media reports say.
The scuffle is said to have begun as an argument in the plane's
cockpit over claims of sexual harassment but spilled into the galley,
startling passengers. One pilot and one air hostess suffered bruises, as
punches were thrown. The incident took place over Pakistan on an Air
India flight from the United Arab Emirates to Delhi, with 106
passengers and seven crew on board. Indian police are investigating
the incident, which took place at around 0430 local time on Saturday
(2300 on Friday GMT). The cabin crew alleged that pilots sexually
harassed a 24-year-old air hostess, who filed a complaint once the
plane landed. But the Times of India newspaper said the pilots made a
counter-claim, saying that the harassment claim was an attempt to
divert attention from accusations of misconduct against a male flight
attendant. Air India said it had ordered an inquiry into the incident,
and had grounded all the staff involved.

*** 04.10.09-10-042 India pilots in mid-air 'scuffle' Dawat -e-Fikr October 2009 ***
05.10.09-01….. ( ) 043

Suicide bomb hits UN in Pakistan

Extracted From :
Published: 2009/10/05 16:18:01 GMT

A suicide bomber dressed in military uniform has attacked the UN World Food Programme
offices in Pakistan's capital Islamabad, killing five people.
Pakistan's interior minister said an investigation had begun into security lapses after guards had
allowed the man into the compound to go to the toilet. Four of the dead are Pakistanis, the fifth is an
Iraqi. The bomber died too. It is unclear who is responsible but suspicion will fall on the Pakistani
Taliban, correspondents say. They promised revenge for the killing of their leader Baitullah Mehsud
in a US drone strike in August and have been behind a series of recent attacks. Last week, at least 16
people died in two suicide car bomb attacks in north-western Pakistan.
'No to terrorists'
Local television footage showed smoke rising from the heavily fortified UN building, shortly after the
early afternoon blast in its reception area. A number of injured people are being treated in hospital.
The BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad says heavily armed anti-terror police quickly ringed the
compound and sniffer dogs were brought in. For Pakistan this was an unwelcome reminder that their
capital remains vulnerable, our correspondent says. It is further proof that the militants can still strike
in spite of increased security precautions and ongoing army operations. Interior Minister Rehman
Malik said an investigation had been launched into the security officials who had allowed the bomber,
who was wearing a uniform of the paramilitary Frontier Corps, to enter. Mr Malik said the attack
would not "slacken the resolve" of Pakistan's efforts to counter the Taliban. He said: "The operations
that we carried out against them in Swat, North Waziristan and South Waziristan have broken their
back. They are like a wounded snake." Mr Malik added: "I want to make it clear to the terrorists that
the entire nation is united, and the entire nation says no to Taliban, no to oppressors, no to terrorists,
no to extremists."
'Heinous crime'
Earlier, a WFP employee, Sajjad Anwar, said about 100 people were working in the compound at the
time. "Walls of the building have cracked because of the intensity of the blast," he said. "I don't know
how this could have happened. We have private security as well as government-provided police." The
WFP said five of its staff members had been confirmed dead. They included two Pakistani finance
assistants and an Iraqi information and communication technology officer. United Nations Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attack. "This is a heinous crime committed against those who
have been working tirelessly to assist the poor and vulnerable," he said in Geneva. The attack came as
Britain's defence and home ministers visited Islamabad for talks with Pakistani officials on the role
Pakistan plays in combating terror in the UK. A British embassy spokesman said: "I'm not prepared to
say where they are staying, but it is safe to say they were not affected."

*** 05.10.09-01-043 Suicide bomb hits UN in Pakistan Dawat -e-Fikr October 2009 ***

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