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Part A

Dear Uncle,
In my opinion as a Russian citizen, I think Vladimir Putin has been the best ruler of
Russia since Joseph Stalin. Im not condoning any violence that Stalin committed but as far as
accomplishments and industrializing, Vladimir Putin is the ruler for us. First off, Vladimir Putin
has been doing so well for Russia that we technically re-elected him for 3 straight terms. Since
the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin has been a symbol of stability for Russia
because he has been a fantastic ruler in previous years and years to come.
Vladimir Putin has made us industrialized by first cutting poverty in half. Since Boris
Yeltsins time, Russia has been a poverty filled country and we relied on Putin to turn it around
and he did as needed. Secondly, Russias economy grows on an average of 7% each year when
Putin is in office. In my opinion, there has been nothing but good coming from Putin. Also,
Russias monthly salary almost tripled since Putin has been in office. Not only is he
industrializing our nation, he is giving us what we love, money.
Like I said before, Putin reminds me of a new and improved Joseph Stalin. Other than
the violence aspect of Stalin, Putin has been trying to industrialize our nation as fast as possible.
The only difference between the two is Stalin lead by communism and Putin leads by managed
democracy. I think Putins government system is running better than ever and he is blowing
Stalin out of the water. Also, I feel Putin is stopping violence and spreading peace by being our
leader because there is not one citizen in Russia who goes against him. This is why nearly 64%
of our nations citizens elected Putin to be our leader for another 4 years.

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