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Manual Academy

HAPPY Document Analysis

Mr. Flauter
US History

H- Historical Context
- Make connections between the document and historical facts.
- Where does this document fall in our historical timeline?
- Prior knowledge: what else do you know that helps connect this document.
A- Audience
- For whom was this source created for?
- How might this affect the reliability or accuracy of the document?
P- Purpose
- Why and for what reason was this document produced at that time in history?
- What is the authors goal in writing the document?
P- Point of View
- Who is the author and how might that affect what they wrote?
- Can you identify someone or something that may have influenced the author?
- How did that someone or something influence the authors message?
- What point is the author trying to convey?
Y- Document KeY (one sentence)
- Explain why the document is important to the question being asked.
- What does the document have to do with the question being asked?

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