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Name: ________________________________ Course and

Year: _____________

Date: ____________________ Schedule:


ACTIVITY 3: The Call to Commitment

1. Briefly answer the following:

A. How would you describe teenage relationships based on the descriptions of
love discussed in Lecture 2: Love, Courtship, and Marriage?

B. What do you think is the ideal kind of love? Explain your answer.

C. What is your opinion about online relationships? Is cyber platform a good

place to start a relationship? How do you cultivate it and keep it strong?

D. List down the traits or qualities of a person you like.

My Top 10 LIST
2. The Dating Game: Here are fun and interesting questions pertaining to love,
courtship and marriage. Give your candid response on the following query.
a. If you are going to change your name, what would it be?

b. If you are going on a date, what is the perfect place for you?

c. Who will attract you easily? Put a check mark (/) of your choice. Defend
your answer.
( ) Someone with great sense of humor
( ) Someone who can make intelligent conversations
( ) Someone who is athletic
( ) Someone who is quiet and mysterious

d. What is a turn off for you? turn on?


e. What is the cutest pick up line you know?


f. If you will fly to the moon, who will you tag along? Why?

g. If you could be another person for one day, who would you like to be?

h. If you could be invincible for a day, who will you follow? Why?

i. If you could change one thing about your looks, what would it be? Why?

j. When is the best age to marry? Justify your answer.


k. What don’t you understand about the opposite sex? Why?


l. What is your favorite love song?


Prepared by:


Instructor, The Family

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