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Name: ________________________

Date: _________________________

Answer the questions below completely.

1. What does tolerance mean?


2. Why is tolerance better than hasty judgment?


3. Tolerance often requires that you listen more than you talk? TRUE? or FALSE?

4. How does it feel when someone is respectful and kind to you even when they
disagree with you or come from a different background? ___________________

5. Can we call it tolerance when I express my feelings without hurting others? Why?

6. Respecting the right of others to enjoy their rights, freedoms and culture is
called? __________________________________________________________

7. How can you show tolerance? ________________________________________


8. Why do we need to show tolerance to others? ___________________________


9. When someone is doing something good, what can you say to praise them?

10. How does it make you feel when someone listens to you instead of judging
before they know the whole story? ____________________________________

11. How do you feel when someone cares about you no matter the differences
between you? _____________________________________________________

12. Have you ever had to choose to do the right thing rather than what your friends
wanted? Share about the situation and what you choose to do? _____________

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