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Chapter 5-3 Notes: Human


Genetic disorders are caused by mutations

Sickle-cell anemia the red

blood cells are sickle-shaped
reduces the flow of oxygen to the body cells
blood cells do not move through the vessels

Cystic Fibrosis
*mucus builds up in the lungs
*blocks oxygen from being taken in
*blocks chemicals from breaking down food

Hemophilia blood does not clot properly

Sex Determination

Sex-Linked Disorders
A trait inherited from the male parent or
female parent that causes certain disorders.
Example: color blindness often cannot
see red or green colors

(mostly due to the female chromosomes)

What number do you see?

Pedigree a tool for tracing family traits

Examples of using pedigrees:

Genetic Engineering
scientists are experimenting with being able
to go into cells to change or correct
damaged or mutated genes so people with
mutations can be cured of their disorder
examples people with diabetes and heart

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